[傷兵]Walton, Artest, Kobe

看板Lakers作者 (豆腐)時間14年前 (2009/12/28 09:19), 編輯推噓23(24123)
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Walton May Practice Next Week http://blogs.pe.com/prosports/2009/12/walton-may-practice-next-week.html Luke Walton's injured back has responded well enough to shooting and rebounding drills the past few weeks that he's hopeful he can return to practice next week and play again soon afterward. The reserve forward has missed all but nine games this season as a result of a pinched nerve in his lower back. "It's frustrating," Walton said. "You'll walk around the house and feel good, but you've got to feel a lot better than good to play in this league. To be honest, I could probably go out and play right now, but we're trying to get it where everything is strong and working together so that once I start playing, I don't have to deal with any issues." 天行者路克最近有在做投球跟籃板練習,他的背好像反應還不錯~ 目前是希望他下個星期就能開始參加正式練習。 Luke因為背的神經傷害(有請醫學系強者),本季到目前只打了九場球賽。 Walton:「吼最近真的很哭哭啦,平常在家都覺得還ok, 但要出去比賽,背必須要是比ok還要好很多的啦.... 說實在,我現在大概可以上場啦,但我們決定等到背完全康復, 這樣不用擔心舊傷復發。」 心得: 這對板凳來說應該是好消息... Ron Artest Improving http://my.lakers.com/blogs/2009/12/27/ron-artest-improving/ The condition of Ron Artest, who suffered a concussion after falling down stairs in his home, has improved. Artest visited the neurologist office on Sunday, but will need to go once again on Monday before being cleared to play against the Suns. “We’re hopeful that he’ll play tomorrow,” said Phil Jackson. “But he has to be seen (by doctors) and go through that process.” Jackson added that he hasn’t spoken to Artest personally, but has been informed that he’s doing “much better now.” The head coach is also unsure as to whether he will again start Lamar Odom in place of Artest if Ron Ron isn’t able to go. 摔下樓梯腦震盪的蓉蓉情況有改善。 Artest星期天有去看神經科醫師,星期一比賽之前還會在去報到一下做最後檢查, 看看到底能不能上場比賽。 PJ:「阿泰明天上場應該是挺有希望的,但還是要給醫生看看啦。」還說,雖然 他沒跟阿泰親口談談,但他聽說阿泰現在好多了。 喔,還有,我們的總教練不知道如果阿泰不能上,LO會不會先發。 心得: 硬漢。 Bryant's Elbow is "Fine" Phil Jackson offered an anecdote from Saturday night’s 112-103 double overtime victory in Sacramento that explained how Kobe Bryant feels about coming out of basketball games, no matter what the injury. “At one time, I asked (Head Athletic Trainer) Gary Vitti to check with him in a time out,” said Jackson. “He came back and said, ‘If I tell you that he can’t play, he’s going to break my arm.’” Bryant, who had essentially been playing with his left hand before nailing back-to-back three-pointers in the second overtime, eventually figured out how to adjust his shot to the pain. “I thought he could play through it and help the team, and that was the important part,” said Jackson. “Pain is an inhibitor, and your body will react through the pain. He’s a guy that’s capable of doing that.” Bryant didn’t go into as much detail. “The elbow’s fine … next question,” said Bryant before reporters even had a chance to ask. “It’s not like a lingering thing, just a stinger that will go away.” Kobe concluded that he doesn’t expect the elbow (or his finger, or knee) to inhibit him when the Lakers face the Suns on Monday night in Phoenix. 肥爾爺爺說故事: 從前從前,一次暫停時我叫Gary Vitti隊醫去檢查一下Kobe的傷勢。 沒過多久,他哭著跑回來跟我說: 「如果我跟你說Kobe不能上場的話,他會打斷我的手。」 第三節手肘受傷的某個人在2nd OT投進兩顆三分球之前基本上是只用左手打球。 然後,他終於把他的投籃調整回來了。 Phil Jackson:「我認為他能夠繼續打球並幫助球隊,這很重要。疼痛是個拘束、 你必須要在痛覺之下做出反應。他是個能夠在痛苦的狀態下打球的人。」 Kobe則是沒說那麼多。 「我的手肘OK的,下個問題。」Kobe在記者能問他之前就回答了。「這不是個 大傷,像蚊子叮一樣一下就會消了。」 Kobe有說他的手肘、手指、膝蓋傷都不會讓他錯過星期一對太陽的比賽。 心得: 阿泰對不起,他才是真‧硬漢。 看到傷兵報告都出來,就決定翻完了XD。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/28 09:22, , 1F
神經解剖^^ 等我念完下學期再跟你說
12/28 09:22, 1F
※ 編輯: Solid4 來自: (12/28 09:41)

12/28 09:35, , 2F
路克,快回來帶板凳,板凳突襲隊長就是你了 冏。
12/28 09:35, 2F
※ 編輯: Solid4 來自: (12/28 09:42)

12/28 09:43, , 3F
12/28 09:43, 3F

12/28 09:45, , 4F
12/28 09:45, 4F

12/28 09:56, , 5F
Kobe什麼傷勢都說fine 他真的以為自己是Bruce Willis啊
12/28 09:56, 5F

12/28 09:58, , 6F
拜託來個人跟他說 那是在拍電影......
12/28 09:58, 6F

12/28 10:00, , 7F
KB真的很能忍痛 但最近這幾次連串受傷 感覺都是
12/28 10:00, 7F

12/28 10:01, , 8F
之前那些舊傷被打到 再引爆成新的傷勢 真的不是好
12/28 10:01, 8F

12/28 10:02, , 9F
現象 感覺太拼太過忍痛了
12/28 10:02, 9F

12/28 10:03, , 10F
阿泰:我是金剛腿,不是鐵頭功 XDDDDDDDDDD
12/28 10:03, 10F

12/28 10:23, , 11F
所以手肘的報告應該沒出來吧? 還是出來了?
12/28 10:23, 11F

12/28 10:29, , 12F
倒是Gary Vitti都覺得滿像Bruce Willis的
12/28 10:29, 12F

12/28 10:31, , 13F
我疼的傷~pinched nerve泛指神經受到壓迫、緊壓或阻塞
12/28 10:31, 13F

12/28 10:31, , 14F
12/28 10:31, 14F

12/28 10:33, , 15F
12/28 10:33, 15F

12/28 10:33, , 16F
12/28 10:33, 16F

12/28 10:33, , 17F
12/28 10:33, 17F

12/28 10:41, , 18F
12/28 10:41, 18F

12/28 11:00, , 19F
Kobe真是個怪物 為了籃球他簡直瘋了!!!
12/28 11:00, 19F

12/28 11:07, , 20F
12/28 11:07, 20F

12/28 11:08, , 21F
12/28 11:08, 21F

12/28 11:22, , 22F
KB渴望比賽渴望到一個極致了= =....
12/28 11:22, 22F

12/28 11:27, , 23F
12/28 11:27, 23F

12/28 11:29, , 24F
查了一下 KB已經連續出賽常規賽起碼193場 06-07缺五場
12/28 11:29, 24F

12/28 11:30, , 25F
12/28 11:30, 25F

12/28 11:30, , 26F
12/28 11:30, 26F

12/28 11:38, , 27F
小前鋒快沒人了啦 XDDDD
12/28 11:38, 27F

12/28 11:51, , 28F
12/28 11:51, 28F

12/28 11:52, , 29F
12/28 11:52, 29F

12/28 11:53, , 30F
12/28 11:53, 30F

12/28 11:56, , 31F
12/28 11:56, 31F

12/28 11:56, , 32F
反正自從官司之後 老大做什麼都會有原罪....唉
12/28 11:56, 32F

12/28 12:36, , 33F
拖離疼痛... KOBE會不會哪天打一打就從母體醒來
12/28 12:36, 33F

12/28 12:58, , 34F
12/28 12:58, 34F

12/28 13:02, , 35F
12/28 13:02, 35F

12/28 13:03, , 36F
12/28 13:03, 36F

12/28 13:05, , 37F
補推回原PO,抱歉~ 看到KOBE這樣一肚子火~!!
12/28 13:05, 37F

12/28 13:08, , 38F
樓上 他絕對比你懂 而且他的身體是他自己的 他有權利
12/28 13:08, 38F

12/28 13:09, , 39F
12/28 13:09, 39F

12/28 13:09, , 40F
12/28 13:09, 40F

12/28 13:09, , 41F
也不想想老大幾歲了 他不是不懂 是不想 他自己會掌握
12/28 13:09, 41F

12/28 13:20, , 42F
對mo的犯規應該要kb禁賽啊nba都沒王法了嗎 XD
12/28 13:20, 42F

12/28 13:31, , 43F
我也贊成樓上耶 也許強迫他休息幾場也好...
12/28 13:31, 43F

12/28 13:31, , 44F
12/28 13:31, 44F

12/28 15:06, , 45F
什麼都 OK = = 球迷都快不行了,老大還是要硬上,不意外
12/28 15:06, 45F

12/28 17:23, , 46F
12/28 17:23, 46F

12/28 19:16, , 47F
史騰:KOBE是招牌欸 這樣操下去不行 禁賽五場好了
12/28 19:16, 47F

12/29 01:25, , 48F
肝.....不要再傷了阿 小指 食指 腳 手肘 再傷還得了
12/29 01:25, 48F
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