[外電] Kobe vs Lebron 真戰文

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Kobe vs Lebron真戰文 Kobe and Lebron Debate, Can We Please End It Now? by John Kim Correspondent Written on May 14, 2010 原文網址 : http://0rz.tw/XNG3f I think Lebron James is a phenomenal player. His mother Gloria deserves a special page in the biology text book for mothering such a fine specimen because James seems to add another page to Darwin's theory of evolution. 我認為Lebron James是個非凡的球員。 生物課本應該單獨拿一頁來講詹母Gloria,以作為孕育最高境界之例— —James的出現為達爾文的進化論添上新的一頁。 The one thing that I truly could not withstand all this time is that how the NBA, David Stern, Nike, and ESPN (and that means the great John Hollinger) were so eager to place James as the best player of the sport so prematurely. 我很不能忍受的一件事就是整個NBA,David Stern,Nike,還有ESPN (這意味著我們偉大的John Hollinger)都是那麼饑渴的, 貿然把James放上NBA第一人的神壇。 I even wrote an article stating that all the external doting of James will actually hinder his growth. I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with James himself. His work ethic, his competitive attitude is built for playing the highest level. 我甚至寫了一篇文章,描述所有這些外加的溺愛最終會延緩他的成長。 但我不認為James本身有什麼錯,他的職業道德, 他的競爭態度都是為了達到巔峰而產生的。 Then again people are entitled to their own opinions so I can't try to take the ice cream cone away from one kid and give to the other kid who deserves it more. 當然人們有權利保留自己的意見,所以我也不能隨便把天下第一人的頭銜摘下再戴到另 外一個更配得上的人頭上。 (原文為“我不能搶走一個死小孩的冰淇淋塞給另外一個更值得擁有它的死小孩”) Up until now, Lebron James showed plenty of great highlight reels and stats to feed their fans to back him up as the best player. He now has won two regular season MVP awards and from the looks of it, he may be able to win the next five. 迄今為止, Lebron James的各種高光和各式資料足以讓他的粉絲們得出他就是第一人的結論。 他已經連續拿了兩個MVP了,而且照這個趨勢來看,他極有可能再連著拿5個。 His fans have stubbornly argued that the ring less James easily crushes Kobe Bryant's accolades solely on regular season accomplishments and future potential alone. I've seen plenty of attempts at this website trying to place James ahead of Jordan. Scary huh? 他的粉絲們一直固執的試圖論證還沒有戒指的James僅僅用季賽的成就和未來的潛力就能 壓倒Kobe Bryant。 網上關於想要把他擺在Jordan前面的文章我都已經看了n篇了。嚇到了嗎? Well here comes the crunching reality that the James fans finally cannot break away from. For 2 years in a row, James led his team through the regular season with the best record of those seasons. For 2 years in a row, he won the regular season MVP. For 2 years in a row, he entered the playoffs with home court advantage all the way. For 2 years in a row, he was widely believed as the best player in the best team with the best chances of winning a title. 好吧,那麼我們讓James的粉絲看看鐵一般的事實吧。連續兩年,James帶著隊伍拿到季賽 最佳戰績;連續兩年,他拿到了MVP;連續兩年,他的隊伍在季後賽裡都有全部的主場優 勢;連續兩年,他都被認為是最有可能拿到總冠軍的最好的隊伍裡的最好的球員。 He has not only failed to lead the Cavaliers to a Championship both years, but didn't even make out of the east twice already. 4-2 loss to the "aging, one and done" Celtics. Oh yeah the Cavaliers also had home court advantage. 然後?他不僅連續兩年無法帶著騎士隊登頂,而且甚至無法衝出東區。 今年4-2被”老化中,一下即可搞定”的塞爾提克隊搞定。哦耶,他們還有著主場優勢呢。 So what' happening to Kobe Bryant? Um, the same damn thing that's he's proven himself capable of last year. Winning as a leader of his team. 那Kobe Bryant都做了些什麼呢? 呃,他竟然也他媽的一樣在證明他有多麼可靠:作為隊伍的領袖贏得冠軍。 So So I'll point out some major factors that can blow this dumb excuse of a comparison to rest. 我來說幾個要點,然後結束這場愚蠢的24 vs 23之爭吧。 1. Best players are complete players 1. 最好的球員是全面的球員 When you hear "complete" it doesn't mean triple doubles or just stacking up high PER (seriously, Hollinger you could not be more myopic). Sure they are awesome achievements but we just saw James making a triple double against the Celtics in game 6 with 9 costly TOs. I'm talking about having a fully packed arsenal. "全面"這個說法呢,不只是意味著大三元或者很高的PER值。(我是認真的,Hollinger 的近視真不是一般的嚴重,)當然我承認拿到大三元是很屌的一件事,可是James只在與塞 爾提克隊的第六戰拿下了大三元,哦不,是準大四喜,他還有9個失誤呢。我講的全面是 指擁有各種進攻手段的全面。 When Kobe was suffering through injuries against the Thunders, he expanded his facilitating role to properly utilize his team by attracting the opposition towards him then opening his teammates for close range high accuracy passes. James puts up high assists but he usually dishes the rock through heavy traffic across long distance which the Celtics blanketed with their defense. Kobe第一輪對雷霆還飽受指傷困擾時,他成功地轉換了他的角色, 先吸引他的對位防守者,然後用各種精確的短傳幫隊友找到空檔。 James經常拿到很多助攻,但是他的助攻大多來源於快攻時或者半場大範圍轉移的長傳, 而塞爾提克隊很精準地封鎖了這點。 Bryant has been a career FT shooter. James has not been truly reliable with his FT in crunch time. Bryant在整個職業生涯都是一個關鍵罰球球員。 而James在關鍵時刻的罰球總是那麼令人不放心。 Bryant has Jordan's signature mid range jump shooter, albeit which he abuses too much sometimes, but nonetheless extremely skilled at along with the fade away shots. His 3 point shooting is also better than James. Kobe有著Jordan式的中距離跳投,儘管他有時會腦子發熱出手太多, 但他的後仰跳投技巧絕對至少是近神級別的。他的三分同樣比James好。 Because of Bryant's offensive adaptability, he can make shots far away from the paint in suffocating choke holds. This usually ends in either incredibly difficult shots made or another ball hogging miss but it is still an available option for Bryant. The Celtics tried and decently succeeded in taking the paint away from James, significantly limiting his success range for scoring. Many journalists say James should just attack the basket every single time. In other words, he's usually better at one thing so just stick with it and abandon that other thing he's not good at. Bryant的進攻手段如此多樣,他便可以在令人窒息的防守陣型中遠離禁區跳投得分。塞爾 提克隊成功地使James遠離禁區,便成功限制了他得分的大部分方式。很多記者都說James 每次拿球都應該往禁區裡衝,換句話講,他通常在突破方面做得更好,那就一直做下去吧 ,別管什麼跳投了,James才不擅長那個。 Well, Bryant's attack towards the paint is no slouch either. Sure people say he can't dunk over people anymore but he polished his inside game in a different more deadly direction. He sought out Hakeem Olajuwan and improved his post-up play with only one day tutoring session. Bryant post-upped plenty of times early this season and in the playoffs he has skillfully evaded the inside defense for easy lay ups. James muscles his way to the basket which is highly effective as well but he does not utilize his size and strength with both his feet down on the floor trying to open up more steady passes to his teammates. Bryant的內線攻擊同樣也不差。 人們都碎碎念他已經不再能灌在人家頭上了, 但是他用另外一種更致命的方式打造出了他新一代的內線進攻。 他在暑假找了Hakeem Olajuwan學習, 並在短短一天的教學時間內把自己的背框技巧往上拉了一個等級。 Kobe在本季初期背框打得很多, 在季後賽裡他也用腳下功夫成功躲開了好多次防守輕鬆上籃得分。 James用肌肉開路的方法固然有效,但是他沒有完全利用好他的身形和力量優勢— —背框時的雙腳著地能以更為穩健的傳球為隊友創造機會。 Here's the bottom line. Bryant has no real weaknesses. He may be slightly less efficient at certain skills but he knows how to do everything. Which is why he stayed effective with so many injuries this season and found ways to help his team win. So he may be "off" sometimes when he's not scoring in bulk but he is still making things happen. This poses a nightmare for coaches and the defending opposing team because he will switch strategy to make up for any short comings. 這就是底線了。Kobe沒有真正意義上的弱點。 他在某些地方可能有那麼一點點效率不足,但他能做好所有的事。 這便是他本季在傷病纏身的如此情境下仍然保持高效並帶領隊伍取勝的原因。 所以有時他把"得分模式"的開關處於關閉狀態,但是他仍可以通過其他管道贏得勝利。 這對於對方的教練和整個隊伍無疑就是一個夢魘,因為他會根據對手調節自己的策略來彌 補自身劣勢。 James rarely has an off night thanks to his freakish talent and highly durable body. However if any of his major weapons does rust up for a night, his options diminish rather quickly. James靠著上乘天賦和強健體魄的確很少吃鱉,然而一旦他最主要的武器無法發揮, 他剩下的選擇事實上非常少。 2. Best Players Are Closers 2. 最好的球員是終結者 Since when did being the best closer and the best player become mutually exclusive? This season he made what, 6-7 game winners? That shot over Wade is one for the ages. 從什麼時候開始最好的終結者開始不和最好的球員掛鉤了? 本季Kobe投中了,嗯,不多,也就那麼6、7個致勝球吧。 在Wade頭上那個可是好久以前的事了。 Game winners usually comes down to jump shots than dunks or lay ups. Like I said, James's jump shot is already unreliable during the first 46 minutes. It's much harder to be accurate during the final 2 minutes. The whole world already agrees that they'll give the ball to Kobe for the last shot. 致勝球通常都是跳投而不是上籃或者扣籃。 就像我說的那樣,James的跳投在前46分鐘就已經不是那麼可靠了, 在最後兩分鐘保持準度更是難上加難。 整個世界都已經同意會把球交給Kobe讓他完成最後一投。 If not jump shots, crunch time FTs are also crucial and we all know end of games often boil down to FT contests. James never got past 80% for his FTs for his entire career. Would you want him taking FTs at the end? Pressure situations are when the truly the best of the best will clear out all distractions and make big plays. Bryant is the best closer in the business. 如果撇開跳投,關鍵時刻的罰球也是很重要的,我們看過太多最後依靠罰球取勝的比賽。 James在整個職業生涯罰球命中率從沒上過80%,你會願意讓他在最後罰球咩? 真的勇士,會勇於面對罰球時面前球迷高舉的各式批評標語和龐大壓力, 而Kobe可這個領域的箇中好手。 3. Best Players are Long Lasting Players 3. 最好的球員是持久的球員 Given the short span of an athlete's prime years, a player has to think in the long term when trying to build legacies. Bryant is 31 going 32. He has logged more miles than Jordan. However his fundamentals are so solid that he has yet to show big diminish in his game in spite of his more vulnerable responses to injuries. 一個運動員的黃金時段是很短的,一個球員如果想締造傳奇,必須從長計議。 Kobe目前31快32,他走過的歷程已經比Jordan多了。 但是由於他極其扎實的基本功,儘管他的身體更容易受傷了, 他並沒有表現出比賽技巧的大幅度衰退。 Bryant has been following Jordan's successfully proven blue print by perfecting the fade aways, footwork, and improving his post-up game during every given off-season opportunities he's gotten. He even practiced martial arts to hone his reflexes so that he could adapt more quickly during basketball games. Bryant一直遵循著Jordan式的法則, 不放過休賽季的任何一個機會來改善自己的後仰跳投,步伐,提高自己的低位單打能力。 他甚至練習武術來加強自己的反應能力,這樣他就可以在比賽中更快速地調整自己。 James has picked up Bryant's defensive tenacity after the Olympics and practiced his jump shots to improve. However, his fundamentals are still visibly lacking at this point. He's 25 years old. He's young but not THAT young. 5 years can go by pretty darn quickly. With 270+ lbs pounding on his knees, he will have to improve all of his weaknesses as quickly as possible before he slows down. James在和Kobe一起打了奧運後學到了他的防守韌性,改善了自己的跳投。 儘管如此,他的基本功仍顯示出很明顯的不足。他25歲了。 他還很年輕,但已經不那麼年輕了。5年可以一下就他媽的過去了, 當他的膝蓋要承受超過270磅的壓力時,他得趕緊在他速度變慢之前改進他的弱點。 4. Best Players are Obsessive, Egomaniacal, and Evil 4. 最好的球員有強迫症,極度自私,還很邪惡 The words may speak some negative air but they indeed speak great truth. Bryant knew that from the moment he entered the league, father time started eating away his opportunities for greatness and he had to be mean and unforgiving with effort and killer instinct. So he scolded Shaq for his lazy diet and conditioning. He does not smile or joke at playoff times. He privately broods and scoffs at all criticism with repugnance but uses as motivation. The very reasons that almost all haters come to hate him for has fueled him even further. 這些詞聽起來有點負面的味道,但它們講述的真是真理。 Kobe從他進入聯盟的那一刻就清楚,時間正在慢慢吃掉他成為一個偉大球員的機會, 所以他得自私,不能容忍懈怠,不斷培養殺手本能。 所以他會批評Shaq的飲食和身體狀況。他在季後賽時段面無表情不開玩笑。 他個人對各種批評責難不屑一顧,但是會把它們當成讓自己變得更強的肥料。 每個討厭Kobe的理由都讓Kobe變得更強大。 Ironically, almost all competitive winners in the past whom Bryant admires (Bird, Kareem, Russell, Magic, Jordan) were never nice but stomped all over their detractors and opponents. The haters may think Bryant's ego is an alien attitude unfitting of the league but it is very much original and a long forgotten code of honor among warriors which today's naive fans and weakling young players are unaware of. 諷刺的是,幾乎所有Kobe崇拜的好勝的人生贏家們(Bird, Kareem, Russell, Magic, Jordan) 都從不給他們的批評者和對手好臉色看,而且從行動上鄙視他們。 討厭他的人可能會覺得Kobe的自我意識是在這個聯盟混得還不錯才有的驕氣。 但是這是這個聯盟最初,也是被遺忘很久的傳說中的勇者才擁有的東西。 現在天真的粉絲和聯盟中的軟肋們都不愛這味的。 The so-called competitive but friendly King James has lacked the killer instinct which he desperately needed to get past the 2nd round of the eastern conference 2 years in a row. The dancing, the phantom photo shooting, and the trick shooting perhaps made him too relaxed. 號稱競爭意識極強極其好勝的但是也是很友善的King James所缺的就是這種殺手本能, 連續兩年衝不出東部缺的就是這種殺手本能。 他的舞蹈,他的照相開場儀式,他的三分瞄準鏡手勢可能讓他太放鬆了。 Legacies are built on playoff records and ultimately beating everyone. You've seen the Magic and Jordan highlights. They're mostly or entirely playoff clips. Bryant is widely known to enter a different mode when he goes into the playoffs. Why do you think he's called the assassin? Why do you think he makes that scowl with the lower jaw? He will not allow anyone to get in his way. 傳奇的創造是建立在季後賽勝場和踏過所有對手的基礎之上的。 你肯定看過Magic和Jordan的高光,那些基本上是,或者全是季後賽的片段。 大家都知道Kobe進入季後賽的同時也開啟了他的黑曼巴模式。 你覺得他為什麼被叫做刺客?你覺得他為什麼擺出那幅齜牙咧嘴的表情? 他決不允許任何人阻礙他。 James somehow consistently dialed down on playoff time in spite of his impressive playoff stats. I was really sad to see James pretty much giving up during game 5 and 6 against the Celtics. Something was wrong. He definitely did not mentally prepare himself for the big stage. James不知怎麼,儘管數據豪華,一直在季後賽中表現不盡如人意。 看到他在和賽隊的第5,第6場放棄時,我感到很悲哀。有什麼東西不對了。 他在精神層面沒準備好。 -Conclusion- -結論- So there you have it. Kobe Bryant is the best player on the planet, RIGHT NOW. This was never a rivalry. This was a construction and passage of generation. Bryant and James are 7 years apart in age and experience. They play widely different styles. A comparison was impossible to begin with. 應該得出結論了吧。Kobe Bryant是這個星球上最好的球員,現今。 這從不應該有任何的競爭,這應該是時代之間的薪火相傳。 Kobe和James有7年的年齡和經驗差距。 他們的比賽風格相差甚多。在他們之間進行比較是不可能的。 Bryant has had only one true rival his whole life: Michael Jordan. He is on his way to catch up to Jordan. Bryant's ego was an innate existence that has made him focus on honing his skills and mentality towards building a legacy stamped by rings. His other accomplishments just happened during his pursuit. Kobe在職業生涯中有,且只有一個對手:Michael Jordan。 他正在挑戰Jordan的路上。 他的自我是為從身體精神兩方面磨練自己然後塑造用戒指堆砌的傳說而生的。 除了戒指之外他的一切成就只不過是他在旅途上的風景罷了。 If James truly wishes to be the best, he needs to shift his attention elsewhere. The ego he currently posses is a more of a by product from his cronies and marketing bubbles. If he truly cared more about the rings, the free agency talks, the college recruiting acts, the no hand shaking, the camera confiscations would have been irrelevant to him. 如果James真的想成為最好的球員,他必須把他的注意力調整過來。 他目前的自我意識更多的是他的密友和市場泡沫的副產物。 如果他真的那麼在乎戒指,他關於今夏自由球員的談話,他成為大學招募新生的廣告, 他上季被淘汰後的無禮,他被扣後對記者攝影機的沒收都不應該在他身上發生。 I honestly don't know why he seemed to not care during the Celtics games and in his post game speeches. He may have done it on purpose. Sure Bryant sent a message 3 years ago by refusing to shoot during a 4th quarter playoff game but he was truly surrounded by terrible teammates. The Cavaliers gave James what he wanted and he openly admitted that he's got better teammates and a great chance to win a championship. He performed better than everyone and his team proved they could play better than anyone. James squandered the opportunity away. 說實話我真的不知道他在和塞爾提克隊的比賽中,還有賽後的記者發佈會上, 為什麼表現得那麼不在乎。他可能是故意的。 對啦,Bryant是在三年之前通過拒絕在第四節出手傳達了他的資訊, 但他當時身邊的可是CBA級別的隊友。騎士給了James想要的一切, 他自己也承認他的隊友比以前更好了,更有機會拿下總冠軍了。 他的表現比所有人都好,他的隊伍證明了他們可以表現得比所有人都好。 他就這麼讓機會白白浪費了。 So to dear James fans, you have run out of ammunition. Right now Lebron James is an incomplete, best regular season MVP. John Hollinger certainly didn't waste time by diverting the blame towards the rest of the Cavaliers and I'm sure many of you will follow suit by hating on the others including Mike Brown. 所以親愛的James粉絲們,你們已經沒有彈藥了。 現在的James是一個不完整的,最好的季賽MVP。 John Hollinger沒有在把批評轉向騎士其他人身上浪費時間, 我也很肯定你們之中的很多人開始隨著輿論怪罪騎士的其他人,包括Mike Brown。 But c'mon really, Brown won a Coach of the Year award, James won 2 MVPs, and the team got 2 best records and armed with better players. The majority of the Eastern North America voted the Cavaliers to win it all. All James had to do, as the best player (which he isn't) was to lead them. 拜託,Brown拿了一個最佳教練,James拿了兩個MVP,騎士兩次聯盟戰績最佳, 隊中的球員越來越好。美國東北部的大部分人都認為騎士會得到一切。 James應該做的,是作為一個最好的球員領導他的隊伍。 At the same court against the same (almost the same) team in 2008, Bryant stayed on the floor and frantically attacked back until the clock ran out and his team lost by 4 times the point deficit which the Cavaliers lost this year in 2010 game 6. He knew his team was doomed but he never gave up and never surrendered. If James doesn't want to learn from the past greats then he needs to learn from Bryant. 在同樣的場地上,面對同樣的(幾乎一樣)的塞爾提克隊, Kobe在08年留在場上不斷攻擊直到終場, 分數差最後幾乎是James今年第六戰輸的分數的四倍。 他知道他的隊伍注定被打爆,但他從未放棄。他從未投降。 如果James不想學習那些過去的大神們,那就學學科神吧。 So he needs to come back and do better. These are everything Kobe Bryant has done and still continues to do. What goes on in regular season gets lost in memory. I hope you'll all understand that the best player is the one holding the championship trophy along with the FINALS MVP award after making playoff winning plays. 他得浴火重生做得更好。Kobe已經做到過了,而且還在繼續。 季賽做到的事會被遺忘。 我希望你們能理解,最好的球員是季後賽過後左手拿著歐布萊恩盃右手拿著羅素盃的人。 I'm sorry that James's elbow was hurting. Bryant has been playing with one leg and nine fingers. Which is harder to do in your opinion? 關於James的右肘我表示遺憾。Kobe曾帶著一條腿和九根手指比賽。 你覺得哪個更難一點? At some point, this argument will resurface. Unfortunately by then, it will be more of a passing the torch act similar to 1991 when Jordan took over from Magic. If you wanted to see James become the best, this may have been the best chance. 將來的某個時候,24-vs-23之爭又會被提起。 但很遺憾,到了那時,那會更像是火炬的傳遞, 就像Jordan在1991年接過Magic的火炬一樣。 如果你想看到James成為最好的球員,那才是最好的機會。 -- LeBron is amazing. Kobe is legendary. -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/20 16:24, , 1F
05/20 16:24, 1F

05/20 16:25, , 2F
JAMES對超賽也沒放棄吧 只是得分點真的太少他又被鎖死
05/20 16:25, 2F

05/20 16:27, , 3F
05/20 16:27, 3F

05/20 16:27, , 4F
05/20 16:27, 4F

05/20 16:28, , 5F
05/20 16:28, 5F

05/20 16:29, , 6F
推!!喜歡JAMES 但是討厭他旁邊飢渴的人
05/20 16:29, 6F

05/20 16:29, , 7F
05/20 16:29, 7F

05/20 16:30, , 8F
05/20 16:30, 8F

05/20 16:31, , 9F
05/20 16:31, 9F

05/20 16:31, , 10F
05/20 16:31, 10F

05/20 16:35, , 11F
05/20 16:35, 11F

05/20 16:36, , 12F
05/20 16:36, 12F

05/20 16:36, , 13F
Kobe的部分完全認同XD LBJ我跟他不熟XD
05/20 16:36, 13F

05/20 16:36, , 14F
因為最高戰文出現了 哈哈
05/20 16:36, 14F

05/20 16:36, , 15F
05/20 16:36, 15F

05/20 16:37, , 16F
05/20 16:37, 16F

05/20 16:38, , 17F
05/20 16:38, 17F

05/20 16:38, , 18F
LBJ就算出局了還要被戰 新一代戰神XD
05/20 16:38, 18F

05/20 16:39, , 19F
05/20 16:39, 19F

05/20 16:41, , 20F
這篇很像09年以前 拿kb沒拿過final mvp來酸的文章
05/20 16:41, 20F

05/20 16:42, , 21F
05/20 16:42, 21F

05/20 16:43, , 22F
LeBron is amazing. Kobe is legendary.大推這篇!
05/20 16:43, 22F

05/20 16:44, , 23F
05/20 16:44, 23F

05/20 16:46, , 24F
今年最後兩場LBJ的表情真的相當失落- -半放棄了的感覺
05/20 16:46, 24F

05/20 16:47, , 25F
kobe-CBA等級隊友~>無能領導 LBJ~ASG等級隊友~> !?
05/20 16:47, 25F

05/20 16:48, , 26F
kobe~Final MVP~>靠Gasol 績效爛 LBJ~奪冠時~> !?
05/20 16:48, 26F

05/20 16:51, , 27F
05/20 16:51, 27F

05/20 16:51, , 28F
05/20 16:51, 28F

05/20 16:52, , 29F
是在講旋轉門吧 當時的隊友也只有Odom比較好
05/20 16:52, 29F

05/20 16:52, , 30F
看一半end 單挑第一人給LBJ也沒差 看看今天的球賽
05/20 16:52, 30F

05/20 16:52, , 31F
05/20 16:52, 31F

05/20 16:53, , 32F
Kobe現在在湖人是打團隊籃球 已經不是以前的KOBE了
05/20 16:53, 32F

05/20 16:59, , 33F
05/20 16:59, 33F

05/20 17:01, , 34F
05/20 17:01, 34F

05/20 17:02, , 35F
05/20 17:02, 35F

05/20 17:03, , 36F
05/20 17:03, 36F

05/20 17:04, , 37F
老實說 看過騎士隊超賽 就覺得LBJ真的有點企圖心不夠
05/20 17:04, 37F

05/20 17:04, , 38F
05/20 17:04, 38F

05/20 17:04, , 39F
LBJ拿50-8-8是孤軍奮戰阿 累贅是隊友(誤)
05/20 17:04, 39F
還有 218 則推文
05/20 20:04, , 258F
心態像一個商人 一個名星,不像一個職業球員 賽前完拍照
05/20 20:04, 258F

05/20 20:04, , 259F
這些舉動 更會讓人質疑她對比賽尊重以及看重的程度到哪?
05/20 20:04, 259F

05/20 20:16, , 260F
看完了 推
05/20 20:16, 260F

05/20 21:07, , 261F
推外電 翻譯的真流暢
05/20 21:07, 261F

05/20 21:12, , 262F
05/20 21:12, 262F

05/20 21:12, , 263F
05/20 21:12, 263F

05/20 21:20, , 264F
看到心愛的男人季後賽的變身 湖人球迷好幸福>///<
05/20 21:20, 264F

05/20 21:31, , 265F
05/20 21:31, 265F

05/20 21:35, , 266F
05/20 21:35, 266F

05/20 21:50, , 267F
讚 看了心爽爽
05/20 21:50, 267F

05/20 22:04, , 268F
24>23 這是永遠不變的真理
05/20 22:04, 268F

05/20 22:10, , 269F
05/20 22:10, 269F

05/20 22:11, , 271F
Hate me or love me 我愛這句話!
05/20 22:11, 271F

05/20 22:32, , 272F
05/20 22:32, 272F

05/20 22:47, , 273F
05/20 22:47, 273F

05/20 23:05, , 274F
05/20 23:05, 274F

05/20 23:07, , 275F
05/20 23:07, 275F

05/20 23:09, , 276F
05/20 23:09, 276F

05/20 23:32, , 277F
是8根才對 故本篇戰力不足XD
05/20 23:32, 277F

05/20 23:35, , 278F
05/20 23:35, 278F

05/20 23:39, , 279F
05/20 23:39, 279F

05/20 23:45, , 280F
05/20 23:45, 280F

05/21 00:12, , 281F
05/21 00:12, 281F

05/21 00:18, , 282F
05/21 00:18, 282F

05/21 01:17, , 283F
best player of this era
05/21 01:17, 283F

05/21 01:45, , 284F
05/21 01:45, 284F

05/21 01:58, , 285F
好文 只是指傷、腿傷跟軸傷的影響和嚴重度 看法會不同
05/21 01:58, 285F

05/21 01:59, , 286F
基本上 LBJ在季後並不弱 不能比較只是因為類型不同
05/21 01:59, 286F

05/21 01:59, , 287F
位置不同 一年不過就一個冠軍 騎士隊一直都沒有ALLSTAR
05/21 01:59, 287F

05/21 02:02, , 288F
級的球員 不過是ㄧ些很不錯的role player
05/21 02:02, 288F

05/21 07:57, , 289F
05/21 07:57, 289F

05/21 07:57, , 290F
05/21 07:57, 290F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (05/21 08:00)

05/21 08:30, , 291F
05/21 08:30, 291F

05/21 09:20, , 292F
05/21 09:20, 292F

05/21 09:24, , 293F
騎士都一些role player...我怎麼覺得騎士隊全都一些
05/21 09:24, 293F

05/21 09:24, , 294F
allstar,只是加入騎士被當role player在用
05/21 09:24, 294F

05/21 11:07, , 295F
05/21 11:07, 295F
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