[外電] Lakers' Artest isn't playing just fo …

看板Lakers作者 (豆子先生)時間14年前 (2010/06/06 01:14), 編輯推噓21(2107)
留言28則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:http://0rz.tw/Ryods 蓉蓉可不是鬧著玩的! As usual when it comes to Ron Artest, something got lost in translation the other day when he revealed he wasn't enjoying the NBA Finals experience. 對蓉蓉來說,發言解釋得不夠清楚是很平常的事情。 阿泰表示:『總冠軍賽不好玩。』 Immediately after, fans and reporters wondered what the problem was with Artest. 馬上就有球迷跟記者表示:『他又哪根筋不對了?』 How could a guy getting paid millions of dollars not have fun playing for a world championship, they wondered. 怎麼會有個人年薪上百萬卻說不享受打總冠軍賽的滋味呢? This is the pinnacle, the dream of every kid who ever laced up a pair of high tops. This is the time of year when you soak in every moment and every play. It's an opportunity you relish and embrace. 這可是每個小朋友的夢想啊,決戰紫金之巔耶!是你全心全意專注在每秒鐘的時刻, 是你渴望擁抱的機會耶! Yet here was Artest, actually admitting he wasn't feeling the Finals, let alone having fun with them. 不過蓉蓉不是這樣想滴。 "I stopped having fun around midseason," Artest said. 『我從季中開始就不只是玩玩了。』『我跟老大是真心相愛>////<』(大誤,請無視) Blasphemy, right? 唉唷?挺嗆的唷? But think about what he is saying for a moment, and you'll understand Artest's mindset is exactly what the Lakers need from him. 不過仔細想想他說的話,他的心態正是湖人隊所需要的。 Bottom line is, nobody has fun playing for a championship. 說到底他的意思就是:『沒人會在總冠軍賽玩玩。』 The enjoyment, satisfaction, comes in winning the championship. 所有令人愉快的事、慶祝、滿足,都該留到歐布萊恩金盃到手之後。 And there is a huge difference. 這其中(這份態度)可是有很大的差異。 Artest, to his credit, gets it and he has for some time as he abandons the pursuit of enjoyment months ago and replaces it with a determined, unwavering focus. 蓉蓉信守承諾,捨棄玩樂的心態,取而代之的是無可動搖的決心跟專注力。 "I had fun in the beginning of the season," Artest said. "All the little talk shows I was doing, the haircuts and stuff. But there had to come a point in time where it had to be about basketball. Around midway through the season it became all about business, all about focus." "季初是玩的蠻開心的,上上脫口秀啊、造型剪髮什麼的,不過時間到了就該收心啦!" "差不多季中我就知道該上工了,得專心啦!" 蓉蓉說道。 If you're a Lakers fan, that's exactly what you want to hear from Artest. 湖迷們,這不正是你們想從他口中聽到的嗎!!!? Playing for the title requires hard word, sacrifice, total dedication and intense focus. 犧牲、奉獻、超專心是搶金杯的不二法門。 It means closing yourself off from almost everything else in your life and making the task and your role in the quest the absolute focal point. 意思就是說先把其他事情拋一邊,然後把自己撩落去(台語)。 Does that really sound like fun to you? 所以這聽起來好玩嗎? "People think this is play time for us, but it's not," said Artest's good friend, Lamar Odom. "Sure it's basketball and it's fun, but this is the most serious time of the year. It's the time of year you turn your phone off, turn the TV off. "人們會覺得我們在play,不過其實不是。當然了,打籃球是很有趣的,不過現在是一年 中最嚴肅的時刻,手機跟電視都要關掉的重要時刻。" 糖果人歐登表示。 "You spend a lot of time by yourself, thinking about what you need to do." "你會花很多時間思考你需要做的是什麼。"(廢話!搶籃板啊!撞翻他們!!) Again, does that sound like good times to you? 再問一次,這聽起來好玩嗎? Artest never truly appreciated that aspect of competing for a championship because he's never been this close to one in his career. 蓉蓉從未真的了解到搶金盃是什麼樣子,因為這是他第一次如此靠近歐布萊恩。 (抱抱布萊恩=抱抱歐布萊恩,還沒拿過戒指的大咖們,不用我明說了吧?) But he does now. 而他現在有fu了。 Sure, from the outside looking in it looks like a blast. But it doesn't take long before you realize the intensity and drive it takes to play at this level is no joke, and that satisfaction is derived only upon completion of the pursuit. 當然,外人看起來像是場籃球盛會,不過當你身在其中就知道這不是開玩笑的時候。 Artest now understands that and is acting accordingly. 蓉蓉現在很了解情況。 "I'm just into the game more than anything else," Artest said. "我就是整個專注在比賽裡。" 蓉蓉說。 It's almost ironic to hear him say that, considering the baggage Artest brought with him to the Lakers, the speculation about him potentially tearing the team apart if he reverted to the Artest from earlier in his career. 聽起來有點諷刺吧?翻開他過去的紀錄,人們對他的看法更像是個湖人內部的定時炸彈。 This is a guy who has experienced his share of slip-ups over the years, moments in which his sanity and judgment were called into question. 這可是個過去捅了不少簍子,連本身的自我控制跟判斷力都被打上問號的男人啊。 There was the infamous "Malice at the Palace" free-for-all brawl between the Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers, in which Artest went into the stands to fight a fan that dumped a cup of beer on him. 過去的歹名聲,汽車城之戰不用多介紹,總之就是他放倒了一位拿啤酒罐丟他的觀眾。 It was one of the worst moments in NBA history, the dreadful images playing out on TV highlights for the rest of the season and Artest getting slapped with a 73-game suspension as a result. 那可以說是NBA影史上最難堪的片段,高光不斷的重播著,蓉蓉也被禁賽73場。 Artest admitted to drinking before and during games early in his career and has been described as a divisive, destructive teammate, an emotional, uncontrollable mess who continually played on - and fell off - the edge. 而蓉蓉承認自己在生涯早期的比賽之前會喝點小酒助興,使得他被形容為最不受控制、 會壞事的隊友。 The Lakers took a huge risk by signing him as a free agent last summer, in the process letting well-liked, respected Trevor Ariza leave as a free agent. 湖人隊在暑假簽下蓉蓉、放掉廣受愛戴的阿里殺是非常高風險的投資。 (高風險=高報酬啊,等著看唄!<( ̄︶ ̄)>+) More than a few people predicted the move would blow up in the the Lakers' face, that Artest eventually would lose his cool and get thrown out of an important game or revert to bad habits and become a negative influence in the locker room. 這個交易被許多人看壞,覺得蓉蓉遲早會失控而對球隊造成負面的影響。 Not only did none of those things happen, all you have to do is listen to Artest and watch him play to understand he's under control like never before. 結果咧結果咧結果咧結果咧~~~ 這些鳥事一件都沒發生,看看他現在自我管理跟自我感覺多良好,前所未有哩! And the Lakers are better off for him, his defense throughout the first three rounds of the playoffs a key to their success and his ability to lock down Boston's Paul Pierce, a potentially huge asset, in beating the Celtics in the Finals. 而且湖人隊也因為他變得更好更強大,看看他前三輪的防守有多悍,再看看 他對付真理(Paul Pierce)的本事,這可是要擊敗綠衫軍進而拿下金盃的重要資產。 "This is a kid who wants to do the right thing, tries to do the right thing," Lakers assistant coach Jim Cleamons said. "He's attentive and seeks out information. He wants to be a positive influence with us." "他是個想要把事做好並且嘗試去做好的乖寶寶,他很專心也勇於求知,他想要給球隊 帶來正面的影響。" 助理教練Jim表示。 The key was the Lakers never tried to change Artest, nor did they have any preconceived ideas of what he was about when they added him to the roster. 真正的關鍵在於湖人從沒想過要換走他,也從未在他加入球隊時先對他的過去有成見。 It's part of the experience of a coaching staff that once added Dennis Rodman - a lunatic to outsiders - to the Chicago Bulls and watched him help Michael Jordan win three world championships. 這經驗也許該歸功於以前管教過小蟲-羅德曼的教練團們,記得他到公牛之後協助喬神 拿了幾枚戒指吧?(三枚是吧?意思是我們至少要四連霸才像樣囉??) "We gave up preconceived notions a long time ago," Cleamons said. "我們不玩這一套很久了啦。"(意指對於球員有先入為主的人格成見) 助教Jim補充。 "Dennis came in, and he was fabulous. You learn you have to take everything you heard or read and throw it out the window. Each one of us has a unique experience, a different past and history and you have to understand that and respect that." "小蟲來的時候,我們只知道他非常優秀。每個人都有自己獨特的經歷跟不一樣的過去, 你必須學會尊敬這些。" 助教Jim再補充。 What they got in return is a player who went through some ups and downs while learning the triangle offense earlier this year but has settled in and paid huge dividends at the perfect time of the season. 而在整季起起伏伏的學習三角之後,我們的回報就是在最對的時刻整備好的蓉蓉。 Not that he's seeking any enjoyment, or even assuming he'll find any at all. 他可不是在玩、更別以為他會這過程找到樂子。 "Not at all," he said. "That means you don't respect your opponent. "一點也不,那樣的話代表你不尊重你的對手。" "You have to respect your opponent. There are still more minutes, more games more possessions to be played. There's really nothing to get excited about." "你必須尊重你的對手。比賽還有得打呢,實在是沒什麼好High的啊。" 蓉蓉說。 -------------------------------END--------------------------------------------- 慶祝G1勝利,超口語翻譯再現,本來是想翻另外一篇, 不過看到這篇覺得不得不鼓勵一下G1表現優異的阿泰, 他也是本系列賽的Key Man啊!希望他繼續硬啦硬啦!!! 以上,有錯請指教。 最後,再三場勝利!!冠軍金盃是屬於湖人的!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/06 01:16, , 1F
等到金盃到手,想怎麼玩就怎麼玩。現在就是 專注!!!加油!!!
06/06 01:16, 1F

06/06 01:22, , 2F
我們的教練團都是一群痞子 他們根本不怕甚麼壞小孩 XD
06/06 01:22, 2F

06/06 01:22, , 3F
特別是老頭 根本就是瘋的
06/06 01:22, 3F

06/06 01:22, , 4F
就剩三場了 一定要拿下來 !!!!
06/06 01:22, 4F

06/06 01:23, , 5F
06/06 01:23, 5F

06/06 01:24, , 6F
09年換他過來很好啊~~ 有他防守真的很棒!!
06/06 01:24, 6F

06/06 01:25, , 7F
在3場勝利 你要裸體上節目都沒人管你拉 加油
06/06 01:25, 7F

06/06 01:26, , 8F
他有穿一條內褲上過節目 XD
06/06 01:26, 8F

06/06 01:27, , 9F
贏的話 露屌遊行都ok 我繪用HD收藏
06/06 01:27, 9F

06/06 01:28, , 10F
那他大概會被洛杉磯監獄收藏 XD
06/06 01:28, 10F
※ 編輯: BeanBryant 來自: (06/06 01:32)

06/06 01:33, , 11F
這篇文章1000P... 喔 布萊恩!!!!!
06/06 01:33, 11F

06/06 01:34, , 12F
<( ‵▽′)-σ_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▄▅▆◣
06/06 01:34, 12F

06/06 01:36, , 13F
06/06 01:36, 13F

06/06 01:40, , 14F
推阿!外電! 心態沉穩真的很重要 有優勢更要把握
06/06 01:40, 14F

06/06 01:46, , 15F
推文也好歡樂啊 XDD 好好笑
06/06 01:46, 15F

06/06 01:51, , 16F
推XD 阿泰真的有被KOBE認真的心態影響到的感覺
06/06 01:51, 16F

06/06 02:12, , 17F
06/06 02:12, 17F

06/06 02:24, , 18F
Phil說 我拿冠軍一次都至少拿3個的 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
06/06 02:24, 18F

06/06 03:00, , 19F
06/06 03:00, 19F

06/06 03:12, , 20F
06/06 03:12, 20F

06/06 04:57, , 21F
06/06 04:57, 21F

06/06 09:14, , 22F
我愛蓉蓉,我愛妳~\(≧▽≦)/(>\\\\\<)/\(^ ▽ ^)/
06/06 09:14, 22F

06/06 09:40, , 23F
推阿泰的態度 我們完全沒放鬆的本錢 下一戰等於是最後一戰
06/06 09:40, 23F

06/06 09:41, , 24F
超賽勢必會反彈 打得更激烈 假使裁判尺度變鬆 也有好有壞
06/06 09:41, 24F

06/06 09:41, , 25F
禁區可能就推到東倒西歪沒BB 但阿泰可以用守甜瓜那樣
06/06 09:41, 25F

06/06 09:42, , 26F
06/06 09:42, 26F

06/06 10:54, , 27F
◢▆▅▄▃▂▁蓉蓉╰(# ̄皿 ̄)╯蓉蓉▁▂▃▄▅▇◣
06/06 10:54, 27F

06/06 14:20, , 28F
06/06 14:20, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1C2eNeEy (Lakers)