[外電] 大集結!肥爺粉絲俱樂部!

看板Lakers作者時間14年前 (2010/06/26 14:46), 編輯推噓13(1307)
留言20則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
標題怎麼有種機器人卡通的味道。 Lakers fans want to concentrate on their celebration, not a new coach 球迷只想要專心慶祝,不想專心找新教練。 http://goo.gl/ygBB -- 這篇是廢文中的廢文, 因為這是集國外鄉民的嘴砲之大成, 也就是數十篇廢文的大合體, 唯一的功能就是告訴我們「世界各地的鄉民都是出一張嘴」。 而且到後來根本變成戰Kobe文, 只能說鄉民牽到洛杉磯還是鄉民... -- I feel so sorry for Phil Jackson. He was paid $12 million the past two years and now he is holding the Lakers hostage as he decides whether or not to come back. All we keep hearing about is the "grueling" NBA schedule. The last time I checked, Phil wore a suit and pretty much sat during the games. Instead of the media talking about a three-peat in the aftermath of one of the greatest victories in Lakers history, all we hear about is Phil. I for one am sick of it. Stop being a spoiled, petulant egomaniac and make a decision. Not in a week. Not soon. Right now. Please put the focus back on the team. 我真的覺得肥爺很機掰。 他過去兩年就已經拿一千二了, 現在還要把整支球隊當人質在那邊磨磨蹭蹭的。 我們只有一直聽到聯盟的場次排得多爛, 卻沒人跟我一樣發現某人只是穿著西裝一路把比賽睡掉。 我們聽不到媒體討論史上最屌的三連霸, 只有一直聽到教練教練教練, 如果有人聽到快吐了就加算我一份吧。 別再當個被寵壞的暴躁自大鬼了,趕快決定啦, 不是最近,不是這禮拜,是現在!把焦點移回球隊吧。 Geno Apicella Placentia 評語:平常就念好了考前當然不用衝刺啊,傻子。 -- In order for the Lakers to win a third consecutive NBA championship next year, it will depend on the following three Rs: 1. Return of Phil Jackson as coach 2. Re-signing of Derek Fisher 3. Retaining Ron Artest's psychiatrist 要三連霸有三個R: 肥爾回歸(Return)、老漁重簽(Resign)、阿泰不要發癲(Retain)。 Wayne Muramatsu Cerritos 評語:你是政客吧? -- I am glad The Times finally gave Kobe the credit he deserves ["Can you top this?" June 20]. His skills, focus, consistency and dedication are often overlooked. Michael Jordan was the greatest in his day, but Kobe's scoring abilities against modern defense is phenomenal and unprecedented. When you see Kobe on court, you see a player who has "winning and only winning matters" written all over his face. 我很高興看到(洛杉磯)時報總算發現了Kobe的功勞。 他的球技、專注力、穩定性跟奉獻精神常常是被忽略的。 Mike是當年最偉大的球員, 但Kobe面對現今防守者的進攻能力是前無古人的。 當你看到他站在場上, 你彷彿是看到一個臉上寫著「贏球,只有贏球才重要」的男人。 Veena Mathew Corona 評語:你忘了「靈性」。 -- So now Kobe Bryant has five championships, the same total as Magic Johnson. The comparisons must stop in their tracks at that moment. Kobe should never, ever, be considered equal to the greatest Laker of all time, Magic Johnson. Even if Kobe gets a sixth, this in no way makes him "better" than Magic. Yes he's a great player, but L.A. fans should know better. It's not only about how many rings. Kobe有五個戒指囉,跟魔術伯一樣, 兩人的比較也可以到此為止了。 Kobe永遠比不上湖人史上最偉大的球員,魔術伯, 就算他戒指戴到另外一隻手了也不代表他勝過了魔術。 他是個偉大的球員,但洛杉磯球迷是有腦子的, 偉大的程度並不是只靠戒指數量來決定。 Luke Aiello Mission Viejo 評語:毫無戰意...不過我覺得你其實是在偷嗆Bill Russell。 -- For Kobe Bryant to be considered in the same class as the likes of Jerry West and Magic Johnson, he needs to show some class of his own. To watch Kobe react, you'd think he gets fouled on every play or never commits a foul of his own. When he eliminates those displays of glaring at, or jawing at, the officials on his way down the court, Bryant will begin to demonstrate personal qualities that can ultimately match his brilliant talent. Kobe如果要跟West和Magic放在同一個等級來看, 他得先自己表現出一點格調才行。 你看他的反應可能會覺得他每一球都被人揍, 然後自己從來不會犯規一樣。 當他把那些用眼神殺人還是用下巴看人的動作去掉 才真正讓他的人格到達他球技的水平。 Harvey Buzin Sierra Madre 評語:打不了球技改打表情,這也是個新梗了,給你一顆星星。 -- I don't know if Kobe Bryant is the greatest Laker in history. But I do know that one cannot determine a player's greatness by merely counting the number of rings he has. Why is it that so many fans have this abnormal desire to name the greatest Laker or NBA player ever? There are a number of great Lakers. Why can't we just leave it at that? 我不知道Kobe到底是不是湖人史上最偉大的球員, 不過我知道偉大程度不是用戒指數量來評斷的。 為什麼這麼多人會有這種詭異的想法, 滿腦子都想把他捧成隊史或是聯盟史上最偉大的球員? 偉大的湖人球員有很多,不能「有很多」就好了嗎? Ralph S. Brax Lancaster 評語:又有魚吃餌了,標準的沒內容勸架文。 -- Shaq back with the Lakers next year? They get him for veteran minimum. He's a major upgrade over Mbenga. He comes off the bench and spells Gasol & Bynum for 10-15 minutes a game. Stays relatively rested. Injury insurance for Bynum. Gets to retire as a Laker, possibly with another championship. Heals all the old wounds. Becomes beloved by Laker fans again. His jersey No. 34 goes up there with all the other Lakers greats. Shaq loyalists can return as Lakers fans to join the party. And for Kobe it ensures there is no way Shaq can catch him for rings. It a match made in heaven. 鯊伯要不要返鄉探親啊? 可以給他老將底薪啊(笑),拿來取代Mbenga應該不錯。 他打Gasol跟Bynum的替補撐個十幾分鐘就好, 這樣他也可以有充分的休息,又能作為Bynum養傷的籌碼。 他可以用湖人身分退休,搞不好可以再拿個戒指, 可以醫好心上的舊傷,再次被洛杉磯球迷喜愛, 或是退休他巨大的34號球衣, 還讓鯊魚迷可以重回洛杉磯的懷抱。 對於Kobe來說,這還代表Shaq戒指永遠沒他多, 豈不是天作之合嗎?善哉善哉。 Paul Grafton Morro Bay 評語:老闆你的檸檬哪邊種的啊?我的保溫杯融化掉了。 -- It's time to acknowledge the teams that are really responsible for the last three NBA Championships. The Minnesota Timberwolves gave the Celtics a 2008 championship by giving away Kevin Garnett and the Memphis Grizzlies gave the Lakers 2009 and 2010 titles by handing out Pau Gasol. Both perennial losers asked nothing for themselves in return for these gifts. Truly unselfish acts. 前三年的冠軍都是其來有自的, 太多人要感謝了,要謝就謝天吧。 超賽要跟送來Garnett的灰狼三鞠躬, 而湖人要跟奉上Gasol的灰熊磕個頭。 這兩個灰灰的動物隊沒有要求任何的回報, 這就是所謂犧牲奉獻的無私精神。 Bruce Kahn Claremont 評語:欸Pau,有人嗆你弟是空氣。 -- Just finished watching Game 7 for the umpteeth time. Has Jeff Van Gundy stopped talking yet? 又看了一次第七戰。JVG你話講夠了沒啊? Phil Trujillo Ontario 評語:你廢文發夠了沒啊? -- If the LAPD counted only 70,000 people at the Lakers parade, it's no wonder the jails are overcrowded. 如果洛杉磯警方的算數這麼棒, 可以算出只有七萬人參加遊行的話, 那監獄會爆滿也不意外了。 Richard Hardt Long Beach 評語:我想他的本意可能是說一條街七萬人吧。 -- 後面一堆足球棒球xx球的無關版旨就跳過囉。 -- Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacque Wamutombo 迪更(姆)比 莫湯(姆)柏 姆柏藍多 穆卡姆巴 尚恩-賈奎 沃莫湯(姆)柏 狄肯 貝 姆登 波 波倫德 姆 坎 尚 克 瓦姆登 波 笛 穆頓 朵 金恩 可 穆頓 德 木桶 伯 我木桶 伯 《多重影分身與我-木桶伯傳》民明書坊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/26 14:46, , 1F
06/26 14:46, 1F

06/26 14:51, , 2F
PTT鄉民連酸人都沒有新梗 哭哭
06/26 14:51, 2F

06/26 14:54, , 3F
06/26 14:54, 3F

06/26 14:57, , 4F
06/26 14:57, 4F

06/26 14:59, , 5F
評語比內文中肯 XDDDD
06/26 14:59, 5F

06/26 15:21, , 6F
06/26 15:21, 6F

06/26 15:39, , 7F
肥爺XD 但他的肚子好像真的越來越大 XD
06/26 15:39, 7F

06/26 16:46, , 8F
這篇實在是很棒 評語超中肯XD
06/26 16:46, 8F

06/26 16:48, , 9F
感覺他四次連霸(公牛兩次 湖人兩次)期間都各有不同的造型XD
06/26 16:48, 9F

06/26 19:28, , 10F
06/26 19:28, 10F

06/26 19:47, , 11F
06/26 19:47, 11F

06/26 20:56, , 12F
06/26 20:56, 12F

06/26 21:31, , 13F
06/26 21:31, 13F

06/27 01:36, , 14F
06/27 01:36, 14F

06/27 01:46, , 15F
酸民可覺得光榮的很 一堆低級簽名檔到處PO 怕人家不知道他
06/27 01:46, 15F

06/27 01:46, , 16F
06/27 01:46, 16F

06/27 02:10, , 17F
現在酸民有新的對象 Johan Santana 超強爆圈指變速洨...無言
06/27 02:10, 17F

06/27 11:07, , 18F
06/27 11:07, 18F

06/27 11:08, , 19F
06/27 11:08, 19F

06/27 11:08, , 20F
06/27 11:08, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1C9Q8x02 (Lakers)