[外電]Practice Report:A Building-block win

看板Lakers作者 (乳乳)時間11年前 (2012/11/06 16:55), 編輯推噓20(21112)
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Monday afternoon in El Segundo, Calif., with the monkey of the first win finally off their backs, the Los Angeles Lakers were a collectively spirited bunch. Before practice was opened to the media, hoots, hollers and general enthusiasm could be heard on the other side of the wall separating the media room and the gym. Afterward, players and Mike Brown expressed elation at not having to discuss their win column's goose egg, as well as the potential for building upon the victory. 在終於贏了一場比賽後,湖人的球員都鬆了一口氣。在開放媒體採訪前,整間體育館 和採訪室都是興奮的叫聲。Mike Brown和球員們似乎很開心可以不用再討論 那個勝場數字是0的那一塊了。 "It wasn't a sigh of relief for me," said Brown of the win. "It was a thing to help us continue to believe. Our guys were determined. I told them going into this that it wouldn't be easy and that it's a process. I told them we'll get bumped in the head a few times. I told them they had to handle the adversity they face the right way and it'll make us stronger later. It might make it tough what we go through now. But it will make us stronger in a seven game series and we drop two in a row. "我並沒有因此而感到鬆懈,這場勝利只是讓我們更有信心,讓球員更堅定。" "我告訴他們這一開始會很難,一開始可能會很亂,但這些都只是過程。" "只要他們在逆境之下可以做出正確的判斷,我們就會越來越強大。" "目前來說還是很艱辛,但假如在七場的系列賽我們輸了前兩場,這打法會讓我們 更強。" Mike Brown說。 "Our resolve was great to see. More than anything else, it helps this group continue to believe that what we're doing is right for us." "我們只是把眼光放得更遠,這讓這個團隊更相信我們的做法是對的。" Speaking of adversity, the Lakers for the immediate future will have to find ways to win without Steve Nash at the helm. Steve Blake and Darius Morris obviously can't hold a candle to the two-time MVP at peak efficiency, but the two have held down the fort reasonably well with Canada's favorite son sidelined. Brown expressed plenty of confidence in the duo, particularly since he wants to keep the goals simple. 說到逆境,湖人在接下來馬上就要面臨沒有Nash在場上的情況。Nash的缺陣由 Blake和Morris替代,但顯然這兩位是沒辦法補上一個兩屆MVP球員的位置。 Mike Brown表示他對他們兩個很有信心。 "The guys we're playing now in Blake and Morris ... have some of the best feet in the league at that spot," said Brown. "They're going to have to get up and work the ball. Not to get steals but to take time off the clock and try to disjoint our opponent a little bit. Those guys did that perfectly last night. They brought the ball up the floor and didn't turn it over and did their job defensively. "現在我們的後衛是Blake和Morris,他們在場上有各自的優點。" "他們會在場上處理球的流動。不是要抄球,而是替球隊找尋最佳的機會。" "昨天晚上他們表現得很好,球的流動很順暢,也沒甚麼失誤。" Mike Brown說。 "Offensively, the biggest thing is to keep us organized. If at all possible, we need low turnover numbers from those guys. We need them to be able to keep us organized. Both Blake and Morris did a fantastic job with that. Morris being a young guy and not playing much, he had a possession out there where he pushed the ball and the floor balance wasn't there. He brought the ball back out and put his hand out like this to calm everyone down. He got us into our offense and got a great look after moving the ball. Stuff like that has to be a big thing for the point guards." "當然最重要的是要確保團隊的組織性,如果可以的話我希望他們的失誤數字 可以更低。我們需要他們組織整個球隊。這它們兩個擅長的很。" "Morris只是個年輕的菜鳥,但處理場上的節奏處理得很好,在該停時他會舉起 手來讓大家冷靜些,也都有在替隊友找尋機會。這些都是身為一個控衛該做的事。" Dwight Howard has been frequently repeating his coach's "bigger picture" mantra, so it was no surprise to hear him downplay any heavy significance to the win. (As he noted with a chuckle, the Lakers have 78 more games to play during the regular season.) During the winless doldrums, he'd been doing his best to keep the mood appropriately light as possible. Kobe was predictably more of the "bad cop," and Howard thinks their leadership styles mesh well. DH一直是教練口中的"救世主",所以他在勝利的那場比賽表現得這麼好是一點 都不讓人驚訝的。在湖人三連敗球員都意志消沉時,他還是盡量保持著好心情。 Kobe一直以來都是扮演"壞警察"的角色,DH則適時當"好警察"。他認為兩種方式 融合得很好。 "I think it's my job to make sure the team is always upbeat," smiled Howard. "I think having me and Kobe (around), I think we always make sure that we're focused. But at the same time, we're playing basketball for a living, so let's have fun while we do it." "我覺得讓球隊保持好氣氛是我該做的。" "有我跟Kobe同時在隊上,我想我們兩個會確保球隊的專注力。" "我們打籃球是在討生活,應該同時好好享受一下。" What doesn't tickle Dwight, however, is the new, center-less All-Star ballot. To some, the decision to simply nominate three frontcourt players, rather than specifically designate two "forwards" and one "center," is an acknowledgement of the positional fluidity of today's NBA, where traditional labels don't necessarily fit. (Just ask the Miami Heat.) To Howard, it's a knock on the league's current crop of centers and the position itself, and he doesn't like it. 現在新的明星賽投票制度改為三個前場球員而沒有中鋒這個名稱了。 DH當然不喜歡這樣。 "I don't like it at all," grumbled Howard. "We work just as hard as anybody else. I don't think it's fair to take away a position which has been here for life. You need a center on the court. So I don't think it's right. That's like taking away a guard. That's how I feel." "我不喜歡這樣,我們跟每個球員一樣認真表現,把我們的位置拿掉是不公平的。" "你一定需要一個中鋒在場上的,這樣是不對的。" As Howard also noted, the game has evolved in a way that no longer has centers to simply backing down opponents and clogging the middle. They often operate in the mid- to high post, launch the occasional 3 and put the ball on the floor. Yes, that bucks tradition, but it also theoretically creates a more well-rounded player. DH也提到現在這個年代中鋒跟以前不一樣了。現在更多的是在高位持球攻擊,或是 投三分。這跟傳統不一樣,但這也讓更多全面的球員嶄露頭角。 "You look at some of the guys playing center, they're jumping out of the gym," said Howard. "And they're athletic, shooting the ball well. Moving around. It's a totally different game than it was back then, so I don't feel it's right to take away a position that we all work so hard at trying to make it better, trying to make it a point of emphasis for younger generations to come back and want to play center. The game is evolving. They teach you now you gotta have more than just a back-to-basket game. You gotta be able to face up and shoot and move the defense." "你看一下那些中鋒,一個比一個運動能力好,投籃越來越棒,活動力也越來越高。" "這跟以前已經完全不一樣了。" "在中鋒為了這個新時代付出這麼多努力做改變,最後定位卻被剝奪是很不公平的。" "比賽在進化,中鋒被要求除了背框單打外還要會面框單打還要會投籃還要會防守。" Hearing Dwight, you got the sense he believes big men are being scorned rather than celebrated for widening their skills. To some degree, he's probably taking the new ballots too personally. I have no doubt this change was in large part a response to the relatively shallow pool of great centers as compared to small forwards and power forwards. Therefore, "frontcourt" offers a nice workaround. 可以聽出來DH覺得大個子現在被蔑視,而沒有人稱讚他們技巧的增長。 也許DH是在藉此幫自己拉票。 But Dwight isn’t the problem, nor would anybody ever accuse him of being an unworthy All-Star. Dude's a perennial -- and rightful -- lock to receive a nod. Still, the guy takes a lot of pride not just in being a great player, but being a great center, especially as he's now part of a franchise that set the standard in the middle. 但DH顯然不需要擔心這些,他還是公認的ASG球員。也許他想要被認同,但他不應該 多慮,因為他現在正在一隻才華洋溢的隊伍裡面擔任中鋒呢。 At the end of the day, I don't think Howard has much to worry about. But it was pretty cool to see him stick up for his fellow 5s. 最後,我還是覺得DH根本不用擔心。但看到他為他的中鋒同伴們發聲還是蠻酷的。 http://0rz.tw/neHZD Morris昨天打那麼棒?我昨天沒看。 有版友要說明一下嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/06 16:56, , 1F
選錯分類,只有23p 哭哭
11/06 16:56, 1F

11/06 16:59, , 2F
11/06 16:59, 2F

11/06 17:01, , 3F
11/06 17:01, 3F

11/06 17:25, , 4F
11/06 17:25, 4F

11/06 17:25, , 5F
11/06 17:25, 5F

11/06 17:27, , 6F
11/06 17:27, 6F

11/06 17:30, , 7F
我明明就有推 live 文XD
11/06 17:30, 7F

11/06 17:35, , 8F
克林好久沒看到你 翻外電啦。
11/06 17:35, 8F

11/06 17:35, , 9F
其實我來秀IP的 118!
11/06 17:35, 9F

11/06 17:37, , 10F
good cop bad cop那段最後有點誤譯,應該是Howard認為兩
11/06 17:37, 10F

11/06 17:37, , 11F
11/06 17:37, 11F

11/06 17:39, , 12F
真的耶 看錯了 感謝指正
11/06 17:39, 12F
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (11/06 17:40)

11/06 17:45, , 13F
morris控場哪裡好? 是我沒看到嗎 除了給DH第一時間那球..
11/06 17:45, 13F

11/06 17:50, , 14F
11/06 17:50, 14F

11/06 18:09, , 15F
11/06 18:09, 15F

11/06 18:11, , 16F
翻好長 推
11/06 18:11, 16F

11/06 18:18, , 17F
MB是好人 因為我怎麼看都是杜洪比較會幫隊友找尋出手機會
11/06 18:18, 17F

11/06 18:23, , 18F
MORRIS防守積極 進攻不會腦衝 然後...運球非常爛
11/06 18:23, 18F

11/06 18:30, , 19F
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11/06 18:41, , 20F
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11/06 18:41, , 21F
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11/06 18:42, , 22F
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11/06 18:45, , 23F
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11/06 19:05, , 24F
杜宏才上場沒幾分鐘 表現就滿不錯的 比起MORRIS系隊級傳
11/06 19:05, 24F

11/06 19:05, , 25F
球 有時都要替他捏把冷汗
11/06 19:05, 25F

11/06 19:19, , 26F
莫里斯明明打超爛的 老天 布朗你..........拜託Y
11/06 19:19, 26F

11/06 19:25, , 27F
11/06 19:25, 27F

11/06 20:36, , 28F
把Meeks先解凍出來再講啦!!是想操kobe到什麼程度= =
11/06 20:36, 28F

11/06 20:40, , 29F
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11/06 21:30, , 30F
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11/06 21:33, , 31F
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11/06 23:17, , 32F
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11/07 00:15, , 33F
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09/11 06:45, , 34F
種風格融合得很好。 https://daxiv.com
09/11 06:45, 34F
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