[外絮] Kobe Press Conference 節錄

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1N3w12OA ] 作者: JessKB24 (以身為科迷為傲) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Kobe Press Conference 節錄 時間: Thu Apr 14 21:50:52 2016 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBEP3e-hbFI
小弟節錄了幾句老大幽默以及發人深省的話來翻譯 (P.S. 老大的西文真她媽猛) 記者: Would you accept a script like this for ur new strory company? Would u accept or reject a scropt like this? 老大: I have to debate the stroy with my wife that winning the championship is not in the question, then yes, I would have accepted this one. 記者: 你的公司會接受這種向今夜如此傳奇的劇本嗎? 老大: 我會和我的老婆討論看看, 如果在故事中贏得總冠軍不是問題, 我肯定是會接受的 =============================================================================== 記者: Kobe, u said before the game that tomorrow u plan on working out and going to work with ur company, ur business. Is that still ur plan based on everybody feels right now? 老大: I have to... I have to. This is very slippery slope. I've done my research for player's posts, and u know it is kinda like tomorrow... tomorrow.. tomorrow... and all of a sudden... Uh Oh... So I think the important thing is to get into a routine, to maintain discipline, to find a new routine. I've been in a certain routine for my entire career, and I think the worst thing that I can possibly do is to not have one, because then u'll wake up without a sense of purpose or a sense of direction, so I'll need to find a new routine and I have to get to it and be comfortable with it. 記者: 老大,你在比賽之前說你在打完最後一場比賽的隔天就會去工作, 這個行動會不會因 為大家對你的不捨而受到改變? 老大: 我一定得去工作!!! 這樣有可能發生不好的事(指不馬上去工作) 我已經對球員的退 休生活做過功課 大部分的人總是一直說"我明天再做" 說著說著....就悲劇了,甚麼都沒有 完成 我覺得最重要的事情就是有一個慣例,維持著適當的紀律,去找一個退休後的新慣例 我的整個職業生涯都維持著同一個慣例,因此我覺得我能做出最不好的事情就是不去找新的 慣例,如過沒有的話,你的退休生活將不會有任何的目標以及任何的方向,所以我一定會去找 到一個新慣例,然後努力去做! =============================================================================== 記者: When you walked off the court for the last time as a player, what's goin through ur head in those 5 seconds? 老大: Don't trip... No, I mean it's so real, so hard to describe. It's almost like ur in a fog, everything is moving extremely slow yet extremely fast, and u tryin to take it all in and trying to observe, but ur not quite sure where to look, and just trying to take it all in... it's very difficult to do, but it's just like a dream. It's a dream. 記者: 當你最後以球員的身分走下球場,你的心中有甚麼感受? 老大: 不要跌倒!!!! 不鬧了,我覺得這個感受非常地真實,但又很難去形容。這就好像你身 處在一團迷霧之中,身旁的事物好像停滯不前,但其他事情卻又移動地異常快速。你嘗試著 接受所有一湧而來的感受以及想法,嘗試著去理解、觀察,但你又不確定要從哪裡開始,所以 你又只能選擇全部接受,這非常地困難。這就好似一場神奇的夢境。 =============================================================================== 老大: U know the coolest part is that my kids actually saw me play like I used to play, u know what i mean... They were like wow!! dad, and I was like yeah... I used to do this really often. They were like wow really?? I was like dude... Youtubed it. U know what I mean.... 老大: 你知道最酷的地方是在於我的孩子們能夠看到我今晚打得像我巔峰時期一樣勇猛。 他們對我投以佩服的眼神:天啊! 老爸你也太猛了吧!!! 我冷靜地回復:是的,孩子們,我以 前常常有這種表現。他們不敢相信地問:乾~真假?!老爸你是唬爛我們吧? 我無奈地說: 拜託你們兩位大小姐去Youtube上面搜索你老爸的名字吧!! =============================================================================== 記者: As the points were mounting quickly 20 30 40... and the fans are whopping it up. What are you and ur teammtes saying to each other, we can see the smile. 老大: My teammates were just continuing to encourage me continuing to say shoot shoot shoot shoot, and i was like... (tired face). It was like reverse. It is a wierd year, u know what i mean? Going from being the villan to some type of a hero and going from everybody saying to pass the ball to shoot the ball. It is very strage, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. They were very encouraging and continuing to feed me and set picks for me and stuff. It feels like a sesne of responsibility to continue to play. There were times when I drove the basket dude, but my legs were like what are u, nuts? and I just throw the ball up and it goes in, I was like THANK GOD. 記者: 當你的得分數節節攀升,粉絲們異常興奮地尖叫、歡呼著的時候, 你和隊友們說了甚 麼? 我可以看到你們的笑容。 老大: 我的隊友們一直鼓勵著我,然後一直叫我射、射、射、射,我都快累垮了! http://imgur.com/jLQJL4a
這是一個奇怪的賽季,所有事情都反了過來, 你懂得。從一開始的反派腳色到一個英雄 從大家一直叫我傳球,到大家一直叫我射籃。這感覺非常地奇特 (註: 老大場上最後一個 play是一個"助攻"喔!!) 我還蠻享受的就是了! 經典的三夾以內皆是空檔今天再現!! http://imgur.com/u0ZzlzO
隊友一直鼓勵我,一直餵球給我,幫我擋人等等.... 因此我有了一種要一直打下去的使命感 當我在場上嘗試切入的時候,我的腳還嗆我:你瘋了嗎?? 你想幹嘛??? 切入??? 所以我只好把球往上面一丟,然後他應聲入網xDD 感謝上帝!!!!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leFVCYaTDvE
4'04"開始) #legend #mambaday #respect -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460641858.A.60A.html ※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/14/2016 21:53:14

04/14 21:53, , 1F
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04/14 21:54, , 3F
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04/14 21:54, , 4F
推 完美的ending
04/14 21:54, 4F

04/14 21:56, , 5F
推 記者會終於有翻譯了
04/14 21:56, 5F

04/14 21:56, , 6F
XDD Kobe大女兒 年紀應該沒那麼小吧
04/14 21:56, 6F

04/14 21:56, , 7F
04/14 21:56, 7F

04/14 21:57, , 8F
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04/14 21:58, , 9F
04/14 21:58, 9F
※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/14/2016 21:59:20

04/14 21:59, , 10F
老爸你在唬爛我吧 XD
04/14 21:59, 10F

04/14 22:08, , 11F
推 風趣的翻譯很到位
04/14 22:08, 11F

04/14 22:13, , 12F
小女兒蠻萌的 應該是他問的XD
04/14 22:13, 12F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: JessKB24 (, 04/14/2016 22:23:13
文章代碼(AID): #1N3wVJf0 (Lakers)