[轉錄] LBJ 有fu了

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※ [本文轉錄自 MiamiHeat 看板 #1DKpbSiH ] 作者: kart (=\) 站內: MiamiHeat 標題: [外電] LBJ 有fu了 時間: Thu Feb 10 09:03:22 2011 LeBron starting to get that MVP feeling again LBJ又有MVP的球威了 Posted Feb 9 2011 6:49PM MIAMI (AP) -- With a shrug and a smile, LeBron James put the NBA on notice. 一個微笑和聳肩,LBJ又讓全NBA不得不注意了。 It happened Tuesday night, in his televised on-court interview after his latest colossal game: 41 points, a season-high-tying 13 rebounds, eight assists, three steals in a 117-112 victory for the Miami Heat over the Indiana Pacers. 一切都發生在昨天那一場LBJ誇張數據的比賽後的訪問。 James confirmed what his play of late has been revealing - that the acclimation process to his new surroundings might be over. LBJ訪問時證實他的適應期宣告結束。 "I'm in my zone, in a comfort zone where I've been the last two years," James told Sun Sports as the arena emptied, the sweat still falling off his head. "It took me a little while to get here, but I'm very comfortable with this team. I'm very comfortable with the sets, offensively and defensively. "And I'm back to playing LeBron James basketball." 「我完全在狀況內,現在我感覺我又回到前兩年那種球感, 適應期花了我一些時間才達到現在這種感覺,但是我現在隊這隻球隊 感到很舒適,對戰術也了若職掌,不管進攻端或防守端,我都有fu了。 是的,我現在回到打所謂「雷霸龍籃球」的狀態了。」 For the past two years, when he was leading the Cleveland Cavaliers, that's meant MVP basketball. It may mean the same again. 雷霸龍籃球,我想以過去兩季的標準來看,就是MVP等級的籃球! The NBA's two-time reigning MVP is the league's leading scorer since Jan. 1, averaging 30.6 points per game - even while teammate Dwyane Wade is scoring at a 26.6-point clip over that span, the third-best average since the calendar flipped to 2011. LBJ在2011年1月1號以後的表現,的確是MVP級的。 他在這段時間內得分領先全聯盟,30.6分。即使Wade也不差, 在這段時間內排名聯盟第三:26.6分。 James is on pace for a career-high in double-doubles. His 51 points in Orlando last week is the league's single-game high this season. He's averaging 29.6 points, 8.6 rebounds and 7.5 assists in his last 20 games. LBJ在本季很有機會拿下他個人雙十次數的新高。 而他還保有本季比賽最高得分(51分)。 過去20場比賽他平均29.6分,8.6個籃板和7.5次助攻。 And to think, James said he doesn't even start the process of getting postseason-sharp until after the All-Star break. "LeBron did," Pacers center Roy Hibbert marveled Tuesday night after James' big night, "what LeBron does." 另外別忘了LBJ也說他通常要到全明星賽以後才會專心開始備戰季後賽。 就如同溜馬中鋒稀薄特說的 「Lebron只是做了他做的事。」 That's why the Heat wanted him so badly last summer, of course. He's the current Eastern Conference player of the week, which has become such a commonplace award for him - he's won 30 in his career - that it goes largely unnoticed. The ankle and shin injuries he dealt with in the first half of the season may have been more problematic than anyone knew, considering that his explosiveness - or lack thereof at times - was a running joke among teammates. 這也是為什麼熱火去年暑假那麼肖想他。他是本週mvp:一個對他來講 只是錦上添花的榮譽,他生涯裡已經拿過30次週mvp,這是一個很少人注意 到的可怕數據。 他在前半季被踝傷和小腿骨的剉傷影響,很多人甚至根本沒有注意到。 他在有些時候看起來沒有以前那麼的有爆發力,而他的隊友之前也會如此開他 玩笑。 Not anymore. 這些已經是過去式了。 James had a season-high five dunks Tuesday night, including a spectacular one in the first quarter. Wade had a shot blocked by Indiana's Josh McRoberts, but James swooped in, grabbed the rebound and dunked it with such force that the ball glanced off the left side of Wade's face. LBJ昨天狂灌了五次藍是本季新高。 其中包括那一棵補灌Wade被打臉的那一球。 "I didn't have that pep in my step, so he was trying to send me a message as well, get myself going," Wade said. 「我那一球腳步沒處理好,所以我想LBJ可能打我臉是要給我個教訓, 讓我因此更專心吧。」Wade如是說。 James didn't need any help getting going against the Pacers. He shot 15 of 23 from the floor, connecting on at least a 60-percent clip for the third time in his last seven games. LBJ昨天對溜馬不需要太多幫助,這場比賽已經是過去七場比賽裡 他第三次命中率超過六成了。 "He's playing MVP basketball right now," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "I don't even think that's debatable." 「他正在打mvp級別的籃球,我想這根本沒有辯論的餘地了。」詩婆說。 James said weeks ago that with him playing alongside Wade and Chris Bosh, their MVP chances would plummet. One, there didn't figure to be a way for any of them to collect enough gaudy statistics. Two, and the Heat know this, there's still no shortage of resentment around the league about their decisions to play together - and the manners in which those decisions were announced. LBJ幾個禮拜前才說合組三巨頭基本上就已經把MVP獎置之度外了。 第一點,數據會下滑。第二點,三巨頭現在是全NBA的公敵。 The second point, there's no getting around. 第二點可能沒救了。 The first point, James and Wade are debunking that with ease. 第一點則已經被LD證明不成立。 "When you go into a summer and you have to make a decision on your future, you sit and think about what's important to you," Wade said. "Of course a lot of players love individual publicity and the light to be on them, but you've got to think about what's more important." 「當你在暑假時,你要做一個關於自己未來的決定,你需要坐下並且 好好想想什麼對你是最重要的。當然很多球員會擁抱個人曝光度和榮譽, 但是你必須要想想更重要的是什麼。」Wade說著。 Miami came into Wednesday five games clear of Atlanta in the Southeast Division, 5 1/2 ahead of Orlando. With some separation in the division race, the Heat are eyeing Boston for the best record in the Eastern Conference. 邁阿密現在拉開了分區的戰績,正在追上Boston。 After beating the Pacers, the Heat closed that gap to a half-game - and they'll be in Boston on Sunday. The Heat opened the season there in much-anticipated fashion way back in October, stumbling to an 88-80 defeat. 打敗溜馬後和老賽的勝差來到0.5場。熱火在季初曾經被老賽羞辱。 The Celtics have gotten better since. 老賽現在又比當時更好了。 So, too, have the Heat - and James says there's no comparison between how Miami was then and how the Heat are clicking now. 熱火當然也比季初更好。 James說現在的熱火和季初的熱火無法相比,根本是珠瓦之間。 "It was definitely an adjustment period for all of us, including myself, just changing locations," James said. "Basically, it was the first time in my life I've lived somewhere else besides Akron, Ohio. ... Now I'm comfortable, on and off the court, and it's resulted in me playing some good basketball - and us playing some great basketball together." 「這段時間顯然是一段調適期,包括我個人,就拿換環境來說好了, 基本上,這是我這一輩子第一次住在Akron市之外。我現在感到很舒服, 不管在球場上還是球場外,而這也讓我開始打出一些好球,而我們 球隊也開始打出偉大的比賽了。」LBJ說到。 ========================================================= 總結一下,LBJ拿MVP的機會利與不利點: 優勢: 1. 毫無疑問數據上依然是全NBA第一。 2. 球隊戰績前四不是問題,甚至可能衝擊第二(大概追不上馬刺....)。 3. 其他mvp對手相對數據贏弱不夠突出。 劣勢: 1. 沒有戒指,沒錯,史上三連霸mvp的三人在拿第三次mvp之前,都至少 有一枚戒指。 2. The Decision太鳥,記者不爽投,還包括去年打老賽的鳥季後賽表現。 不優不劣: 隊友太強,之所以不優不劣是因為可以從兩方面來辯論。看你怎麼看。 一個有趣的發現是LBJ在今年以前還沒有隊友得分能突破18過... 囧 今年一次有兩個隊友都輕易突破18...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/10 09:06,
逐步證明真正有能力的 是不會被壓縮效率的 加油~
02/10 09:06

02/10 09:31,
02/10 09:31

02/10 09:36,
WADE 好幽默 哈哈
02/10 09:36

02/10 09:42,
02/10 09:42

02/10 09:46,
LeBron James籃球 聽起來好猛
02/10 09:46

02/10 10:21,
02/10 10:21

02/10 10:28,
02/10 10:28

02/10 10:29,
02/10 10:29

02/10 10:32,
推阿 借轉到LBJ板 感恩
02/10 10:32
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1DKqvCy4 (LeBronJames)