[情報] 2015/5/18 by Daily Horoscope

看板Libra作者 (擋不住的魅力)時間9年前 (2015/05/17 10:32), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
出處:Libra horoscope for May 18 2015 by Daily Horoscope 內容: 今天你不想要被時間限制,但你可能沒有選擇。 期限步步緊逼著你, 它可能需要你全部的時間和精力,來把它搞定。 即使你的義務無法令你覺得享受這回事, 完成這件事的成就感將十分豐厚、美妙。 如果你對專注在手邊工作有困擾(如果你對手邊的待辦事項分心), 請提醒你自己,當你完成任務之後有什麼會隨之而來。 (ps.想像一下完成任務後的報酬、滿足感、放鬆愉悅感) 之後將會有許多時間盡情享受。 Libra horoscope for May 18 2015 You don't want to be bound by time restrictions today, Libra, but you may not have a choice. There are deadlines looming just ahead of you, and it may take all of your time and energy to get it all done. Even though some of your obligations don't offer you a great deal of enjoyment, what those accomplishments will lead to will be fabulous. If you're having trouble concentrating on the work at hand, just keep reminding yourself of what is to come when you complete your mission. Then there will be plenty of time to enjoy yourself. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. -- 太準了吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1431829972.A.3DC.html

05/17 23:35, , 1F
05/17 23:35, 1F

05/18 00:04, , 2F
嗯 很準 明早要完成4樣功課了QQ
05/18 00:04, 2F

05/18 00:15, , 3F
太準啦!!! 希望結束後真的有成就感
05/18 00:15, 3F

05/18 21:40, , 4F
05/18 21:40, 4F
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