[情報] 2017/07/07 By Daily Horoscope

看板Libra作者 (咩卡)時間7年前 (2017/07/06 19:20), 編輯推噓10(1002)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
出處:DailyHoroscope 內容: Someone who is important in your life may think that you are putting off a dec ision because you are ambivalent about the outcome. They may believe you don't want to face or admit the truth. However, Libra, you may truly be confused ab out which way to go, and hiding it from this person could only make things mor e complicated. But if you share your concerns, your hopes, and your dreams wit h this individual, they may be able to help you come to just the right conclus ion. -------------------------------------------- 在你生活中某個很重要的人,因為你的矛盾而以為你想放棄。 他們覺得你想逃避不去面對現實。 一方面是因為你也隱藏了一部分的自己,這使事情複雜化。 所以如果你願意向對方說出你的希望跟提出你的疑惑。 他們能夠更容易的讓你得到正確的方向。 ------------------------------------------- By 翻譯救援王 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1499340050.A.0A3.html

07/06 20:04, , 1F
07/06 20:04, 1F

07/06 20:09, , 2F
...... 隱藏一部分的自己?
07/06 20:09, 2F

07/06 20:19, , 3F
07/06 20:19, 3F

07/06 21:05, , 4F
07/06 21:05, 4F

07/06 22:07, , 5F
07/06 22:07, 5F

07/06 23:21, , 6F
07/06 23:21, 6F

07/07 02:42, , 7F
同樓上 樓上上 樓上上上Q____Q
07/07 02:42, 7F

07/07 03:40, , 8F
沒救了+1 T_T
07/07 03:40, 8F

07/07 06:28, , 9F
07/07 06:28, 9F

07/07 10:22, , 10F
07/07 10:22, 10F

07/07 12:24, , 11F
供三小啦! 我他媽只想買個回憶而已,也要4200,7年
07/07 12:24, 11F

07/07 12:24, , 12F
07/07 12:24, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1PNXqI2Z (Libra)