
看板LifeSci_96作者 (小島)時間15年前 (2008/12/29 19:30), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. 資格: 大學部二、三年級學生 - 若有意願可申請國科會計畫 大學部一年級學生 - 若有意願可申請跨領域科學人才培育計畫 對水生生物學有興趣,特別是野外研究 (就是之後應該會有人很好的學長帶你出野外喔!) 至多三人 2. 內容: 以下是目前研究室的一些研究內容,至於進來後會做什麼 應該是看你的興趣和跟老師討論過決定 (1) Size distribution and trophic dynamics of plankton in aquatic systems <Field and lab work, data analysis, and modeling> (2) Automatic plankton recognition systems using FlowCam and ZooScan and image analysis in aquatic systems <Field and lab work, image analysis, and data analysis> (3) Theoretical ecology (with Prof. Takeshi Miki, National Taiwan University) <modeling> (4) Ecosystem dynamics of the FeiTsui water reservoir (with Prof. Fu-Kwo Shiah and Shuh-Ji Kao, Academia Sinica) <Field and lab work and data analysis> (5) Zooplankton database for the oceans around Taiwan <Database construction and data analysis> (6) Fishing effects in the global fisheries (with Prof. George Sugihara, Scripps Institution of Oceanography) <Database construction and data analysis> (7) Zooplankton and larval fish communities in the Kuroshio ecosystem (with Prof. Jen-Chieh Shiao and Liang-Saw Wen, National Taiwan University) <Zooplankton and larval fish taxonomy, field and lab work and data analysis> (8) Climate change effects on the Lake Biwa ecosystem (with Prof. Noboru Okuda, Kyoto University and Prof. Michio Kumagai, Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute) <data analysis> (9) Anchovy population dynamic and fisheries (with Prof. Tai-Sheng Chiu) 3. 開始時間: Any time! 4. 更多資訊請洽: 海洋所生態資訊研究室 謝志豪老師 http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~complex/ecoinformatics_c.html 有興趣的人歡迎直接寄信給老師喔:D chsieh@ntu.edu.tw 老師很年輕又帥又強人也很好又會打排球 實驗室裡的學長姐也都很和藹可親 耶 有興趣的人快來吧吧吧~~ :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CieloCot 來自: (12/29 19:32)

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文章代碼(AID): #19MBJb6Z (LifeSci_96)