[情報] Mike對專輯流出的想法

看板LinkinPark作者 (新免武藏)時間17年前 (2007/05/05 17:05), 編輯推噓19(1903)
留言22則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://forums.linkinpark.com/showpost.php?p=996&postcount=1 to all our linkin park fans, we heard today that the album leaked...so i guess some of you have had a chance to hear what we've been so excited about. we're both excited and disappionted that you're hearing it right now. here's why: 今天我們聽說專輯流出的事了,所以我猜你們有些人也已經有機會聽到我們一直覺得很 興奮的這張專輯。對於你們能聽到這些歌曲,我們覺得很興奮,但也覺得很失望,因為: it couldn't be more exciting to give you all new music, especially after all the hard work we put into it. this album was almost a year and a half of experiments, mistakes, inspiration, and careful craftsmanship. we put everything we had into these songs, and want you to hear every second of it. i can't wait for you to absorb all the levels of meaning in the songs, and the layers of music, eventually forming your own ideas about what the songs mean to you. 獻給你們全新的音樂是再令人興奮不過的事,特別是我們經過一番辛苦作成的。這專輯 花了幾乎一年半的實驗、錯誤、靈感以及精心的技巧。我們已經搬出所有壓箱寶製作這 些音樂,而且也很渴望你們能聽這些歌每分每秒。我迫不及待,希望你們能吸收這些歌 曲、音樂所含的所有境界還有層次,最後你們再想想這些歌對你們的意涵。 at the same time, a leak leaves out some very important parts of this piece of work. we put months of creative energy into the ART of the record, in the booklet, special edition, and big book...almost as long as it took to record hybrid theory. the album has amazing photos, lyrics, and notes about how the songs came together--it's the visual half of the record. on the other hand, the super-special-edition book is packed with exclusive images, stories of the making of the songs, gorgeous art, the CD and a DVD that tells the story, showing the actual moments of inspiration caught on camera. for me, it's almost hard to imagine anyone really experiencing this album without that part of it. 同時,流出的音樂,卻也遺漏了一些專輯中非常重要的部分。我們將數個月以來的創作 力灌入專輯、booklet、special edition以及big book所含的藝術作品,幾乎只要錄製「 混合理論」所花費到的創作力,這張專輯同樣也有。(為什麼as long as? 不是same as?) 專輯內有驚豔的圖片、歌詞還有關於這些歌曲為何成為一張專輯的筆記。另一方面,super special edition book附有獨家的圖片,製作專輯的故事,豪華的美術作品,CD及DVD則利用鏡頭 述說故事,展現出我們靈感湧現的瞬間。對我來說,沒有這些部分就能真正體會這張專輯 的意義是難以想像的。 even the song sequence alone is very important. it's WAY different to hear the songs in a random order than to listen to this record from beginning to end. at the very least, if you've already downloaded the songs, do us a huge favor and listen to them in the right order...it'll be way more rewarding 甚至光連歌曲順序就很重要了。隨機聽歌可是比從頭按順序聽到尾要大不相同。要是你已 經下載完所有歌曲,請至少幫我們一個大忙,就是以正確的順序聽這些歌吧,這樣你會有 很多收穫的(笑臉) ...that's all we wanted to say. if any of you want to be patient and hold off on downloading the album, and get the proper experience by checking out the actual piece in your hands, we applaud you for your restraint! and to everyone else who can't wait: we can't help but understand, because we're just as excited about this album coming out as you are. either way, thanks for listening, and being a fan of our music. 這些就是我們想說的。如果你們有誰想繼續等待不靠下載,然後拿到真正的專輯再體驗, 那我們為你的抑制力鼓鼓掌。而其他無法再等的,除了體諒我們也別無他法,因為我們 也跟你們一樣期待專輯的發行。不管是哪一方,感謝你們聽我們的歌曲,成為我們的樂迷 。 thanks for supporting the band, see you on tour! -mike and LP 亂翻,英文高手可別鞭我啊囧 不過有錯還是請指教:D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/05 17:12, , 1F
科科 我比較想知道是誰流出的 不然2268篇真的是寫假的XD
05/05 17:12, 1F

05/05 17:23, , 2F
05/05 17:23, 2F

05/05 17:40, , 3F
05/05 17:40, 3F

05/05 17:57, , 4F
我兩種都是 XD
05/05 17:57, 4F

05/05 18:12, , 5F
05/05 18:12, 5F

05/05 22:27, , 6F
真的愛就一定會衝正版!!!還有樓上ID好眼熟= =+
05/05 22:27, 6F

05/05 23:24, , 7F
05/05 23:24, 7F

05/05 23:27, , 8F
05/05 23:27, 8F

05/05 23:31, , 9F
05/05 23:31, 9F

05/05 23:44, , 10F
05/05 23:44, 10F

05/05 23:43, , 11F
我就是等不及的人= =...但是我一定會買正版!LP萬歲!
05/05 23:43, 11F

05/05 23:59, , 12F
05/05 23:59, 12F

05/05 23:59, , 13F
05/05 23:59, 13F

05/06 11:02, , 14F
05/06 11:02, 14F

05/06 17:05, , 15F
05/06 17:05, 15F

05/06 20:17, , 16F
05/06 20:17, 16F

05/07 01:47, , 17F
05/07 01:47, 17F

05/07 11:07, , 18F
05/07 11:07, 18F

05/09 04:13, , 19F
05/09 04:13, 19F

05/09 21:09, , 20F
05/09 21:09, 20F

05/11 00:14, , 21F
05/11 00:14, 21F

05/13 18:18, , 22F
有抓 但是一定要買一下的阿!!!! 這麼好聽!!!!
05/13 18:18, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #16F4ZNpA (LinkinPark)