[問題] Blackout 其中一句

看板LinkinPark作者 (激色貓小釘鐺)時間13年前 (2011/08/02 02:05), 編輯推噓12(1209)
留言21則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
All the lies that had cut so deeply 前面都可以跟上了 就這句不行 chester唸的that had had非常快 我已經唸幾百遍了就是無法那麼快 有人有辦法跟的上嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 02:07, , 1F
08/02 02:07, 1F

08/02 02:48, , 2F
08/02 02:48, 2F

08/02 10:18, , 3F
有些真的可以省略...畢竟非母語 要練很久啊
08/02 10:18, 3F

08/02 13:20, , 4F
歌詞我聽起來是all the lie that keep so deeply耶
08/02 13:20, 4F

08/02 13:55, , 5F
08/02 13:55, 5F

08/02 13:56, , 6F
If I can 聽起來都是 "以fucking" ......
08/02 13:56, 6F

08/02 16:50, , 7F
推已fucking XD
08/02 16:50, 7F

08/02 22:07, , 8F
08/02 22:07, 8F

08/03 12:24, , 9F
網路上歌詞是寫All the lies how they cut so deeply耶?
08/03 12:24, 9F

08/03 15:32, , 10F
08/03 15:32, 10F

08/03 17:06, , 11F
08/03 17:06, 11F

08/03 17:49, , 12F
you push it back down, push聽起來很像bull shit XDD
08/03 17:49, 12F

08/04 00:48, , 13F
聽CHESTER發的音是that had(勒黑的 _
08/04 00:48, 13F

08/04 00:48, , 14F
如果只唸勒黑可以 加那個的就不行 還在練...
08/04 00:48, 14F

08/05 12:24, , 15F
我是唱all the lie sthat had cut so deeply..@@
08/05 12:24, 15F

08/05 12:27, , 16F
確實push it很類似pu shitXD 跟有人唸Not at all變No ta
08/05 12:27, 16F

08/05 12:28, , 17F
08/05 12:28, 17F

08/05 14:49, , 18F
這樣唱看看 All the lies "thad" cut so deeply
08/05 14:49, 18F

08/07 00:26, , 19F
08/07 00:26, 19F

08/07 00:27, , 20F
好像只有勒的 h好像沒發了
08/07 00:27, 20F

09/20 22:12, , 21F
easier to go 有很多"以fucking"...
09/20 22:12, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1EDkhWgc (LinkinPark)