[閒聊] Don't Starve - Long Live the Queen Update

看板Little-Games作者 (Evan.A.D.E)時間11年前 (2012/12/19 20:05), 編輯推噓31(310125)
留言156則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Dec 19: Long Live the Queen Release Notes http://ppt.cc/YYi6 New features: *Spider dens have a full life cycle. Tiers are more meaningful, and higher tiered dens will require strategy to overcome. 蜘蛛巢穴的等級分得更清楚了,full life cycle的意思似乎是代表會生新蜘蛛... *Spider queens come out of the highest-tier nests to wreak havoc and spread spideryness. 女王蜘蛛從最高等級的巢穴出現,長出腳而且造成強大破壞力 *A new type of warrior spider protects high-level dens and the queen. They are resistant to kiting, so a frontal assault is not recommended. 新的戰士蜘蛛會保護女王和高等級的巢穴,而且不易用風箏打法 *Wilson can build fire darts, and light pretty much every creature on fire. 瘋狂科學家Wilson可以製作火鏢,並可對任何生物點火 *Wilson can build a spider hat from egg sacks that lets him control spiders. 瘋狂科學家Wilson可以製作蜘蛛帽,使他可以控制蜘蛛 Just be careful when you take it off! 隨隨便便脫下來時就有你受的了 *Wilson can build tooth traps and use them for defense or for guilt-free rabbit hunting. 應該是用牙齒製作直接殺害的陷阱,不會產生罪惡值以免坎普斯到來 *There is a new, experimental map gen algorithm that you can use. It is a work in progress and is largely untested and unbalanced, so you may not live for very long! (Don’t worry, though - the old map gen is still the default!) 你可以選用測試中新的地圖產生法,這還不平衡,所以你沒辦法存活得太久 但別擔心,原本的地圖產生法仍然是預設值 *Pet Smallbirds will demand food when hungry, and can starve to death. 小鳥會肚子餓了 (OS: 常常孵出來沒多久遇到狗就死了也沒機會餵吧......) *Wilson can build a warm hat. It... makes something happen. 保暖帽,戴上它會發生一些事...... (這是防雷的意思嗎 ˋ口ˊ) *New “epic fight” and “dawn” music. 新的音樂 Tuning: *High-level hound attacks are more intense. 高等級的獵犬攻擊便劇烈惹... *Krampus is silent until you reach a certain threshold of naughtiness. Krampus只有在你達到某個罪惡值時才會出聲 *Farming takes longer. 種田時間變長惹... *Some fruits and cooked foods are a bit less potent. 一些食物的飽足感調低惹... *Seeds drop less frequently. 種子掉落機率變低惹... *The birdcage seed sorter is less reliable. 鳥籠換種子變得較不可靠惹... *Pig houses wear out after a certain number of its pigs are killed. 豬豬屋死掉一定數量的豬後會壞掉 =口=||| *Werepig monster meat threshold increased to 4, werepigs drop normal meat. 豬改成吃四塊怪獸肉才會狂暴,狂暴豬死後會掉正常的肉 Fixes: *Stuff that falls out of bounds will disappear after a bit. Most monsters will ignore things that are out of bounds. bounds 對掉到地圖邊界外(海裡)的物品做修正 *Gobblers and Krampusses try to avoid getting caught against the edge of the world. 火雞跟Krampus沒辦法用逼到地圖角落的方式殺惹... *Fireflies drop individually. 螢火蟲一次丟下一隻 *Mobs shouldn’t get stuck in sliding animations. 影像方面修正 ------ 影片Preview http://youtu.be/XhvzyHjStiE
火針、跳蛛、女王蛛(!?) 感覺會很刺激...... -- Silver Star ,team. Evan‧A‧D‧E http://www.wretch.cc/blog/evanade -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: evanade 來自: (12/19 20:05)

12/19 20:14, , 1F
12/19 20:14, 1F

12/19 20:20, , 2F
也太難= =
12/19 20:20, 2F

12/19 21:23, , 3F
12/19 21:23, 3F

12/19 21:23, , 4F
12/19 21:23, 4F

12/19 21:24, , 5F
12/19 21:24, 5F

12/19 21:26, , 6F
12/19 21:26, 6F

12/19 21:38, , 7F
看來我怪獸肉的來源只剩觸手了 (淚
12/19 21:38, 7F

12/19 21:51, , 8F
12/19 21:51, 8F

12/19 21:51, , 9F
高鳥蛋會再生嗎 好不容易拿到一顆 居然凍死了QQ
12/19 21:51, 9F

12/19 21:52, , 10F
12/19 21:52, 10F

12/19 21:53, , 11F
隔天就生出來了 真快= =
12/19 21:53, 11F

12/19 21:58, , 12F
12/19 21:58, 12F

12/19 22:29, , 13F
12/19 22:29, 13F

12/19 22:30, , 14F
被高腳鳥追殺怎辦啊.....追不停的= = 只能殺死嗎
12/19 22:30, 14F

12/19 22:34, , 15F
12/19 22:34, 15F

12/19 22:47, , 16F
原本真的不算很難 就算多女王跟跳蛛也沒比較可怕
12/19 22:47, 16F

12/19 22:48, , 17F
畢竟不去招惹也能生存 至於真的要打的話 等更新出了
12/19 22:48, 17F

12/19 22:48, , 18F
12/19 22:48, 18F

12/19 22:48, , 19F
真的要擔心的是野狗 威脅性比蜘蛛大多了 還有鹿
12/19 22:48, 19F

12/19 23:05, , 20F
不知道是不是BUG 高鳥一直在睡 鳥蛋一天出一顆= =
12/19 23:05, 20F

12/19 23:07, , 21F
@leo: 影片中的 @@
12/19 23:07, 21F

12/20 00:38, , 22F
12/20 00:38, 22F

12/20 00:38, , 23F
另外,問一下 自己蓋的豬房跟原本的豬房沒有差別嗎?
12/20 00:38, 23F

12/20 00:39, , 24F
想幫豬村多蓋幾個 有沒有什麼要注意的?
12/20 00:39, 24F

12/20 00:46, , 25F
12/20 00:46, 25F

12/20 00:47, , 26F
我活到現在70幾天獵犬一直出現 超凡的= =
12/20 00:47, 26F

12/20 00:49, , 27F
孵出來的小高腳鳥都一直死 地圖上的蘆葦(?)又沒幾叢
12/20 00:49, 27F

12/20 00:50, , 28F
整個很無奈= =
12/20 00:50, 28F

12/20 01:15, , 29F
12/20 01:15, 29F

12/20 01:16, , 30F
12/20 01:16, 30F

12/20 01:28, , 31F
12/20 01:28, 31F

12/20 01:29, , 32F
12/20 01:29, 32F

12/20 01:30, , 33F
12/20 01:30, 33F

12/20 01:45, , 34F
12/20 01:45, 34F

12/20 01:45, , 35F
12/20 01:45, 35F

12/20 01:46, , 36F
野狗會變威喔? 這我還不知道@@a 抓蝴蝶就點準一點就
12/20 01:46, 36F

12/20 01:46, , 37F
好囉 空白鍵容易採到花
12/20 01:46, 37F

12/20 01:46, , 38F
12/20 01:46, 38F

12/20 01:47, , 39F
12/20 01:47, 39F
還有 77 則推文
還有 1 段內文
12/20 21:58, , 117F
但是應該是沒抓幾隻 Beta版號好像有變 應該是有改弱
12/20 21:58, 117F

12/20 23:48, , 118F
狗變超難打的 一次來快10隻 基本上直接死回家
12/20 23:48, 118F

12/21 00:13, , 119F
12/21 00:13, 119F

12/21 00:20, , 120F
因為現在的記錄是從上上版開始玩 附近已經擺滿箱子和
12/21 00:20, 120F

12/21 00:20, , 121F
動物 可以放陷阱的地方會先被牛兔豬蜂蛛觸發
12/21 00:20, 121F

12/21 00:37, , 122F
改版後 高鳥蛋超難偷的= = 他都會醒來追我!!!!!!
12/21 00:37, 122F

12/21 01:38, , 123F
蜘蛛穴三級之後會變成一級穴 但是靠近時會浮出皇后
12/21 01:38, 123F

12/21 01:38, , 124F
12/21 01:38, 124F

12/21 03:41, , 125F
12/21 03:41, 125F

12/21 03:41, , 126F
我也沒去看過就是了 正在孵蛋中
12/21 03:41, 126F

12/21 04:24, , 127F
目前遇到一群蜘蛛巢據在一起 然後浮出三隻皇后追我
12/21 04:24, 127F

12/21 04:25, , 128F
12/21 04:25, 128F

12/21 04:27, , 129F
12/21 04:27, 129F

12/21 11:21, , 130F
12/21 11:21, 130F

12/21 11:56, , 131F
一支王不難打 可以風箏 但是三隻王就有點難... 囧
12/21 11:56, 131F

12/21 12:56, , 132F
12/21 12:56, 132F

12/21 14:29, , 133F
12/21 14:29, 133F

12/21 14:52, , 134F
12/21 14:52, 134F

12/21 17:27, , 135F
有沒有打樹人的好方法... 還是一定要叫豬人?
12/21 17:27, 135F

12/21 17:37, , 136F
12/21 17:37, 136F

12/21 17:44, , 137F
http://ppt.cc/Ug8n 豬豬屋改回來,蜘蛛改弱
12/21 17:44, 137F

12/21 17:45, , 138F
12/21 17:45, 138F

12/21 17:46, , 139F
蜘蛛的 Full life cycle:
12/21 17:46, 139F

12/21 17:46, , 140F
the spider dens grow and move and replicate
12/21 17:46, 140F

12/21 17:51, , 141F
12/21 17:51, 141F

12/21 17:51, , 142F
打蜘蛛穴可以先在旁邊放一堆陷阱 削弱穴內數量
12/21 17:51, 142F

12/21 17:52, , 143F
12/21 17:52, 143F

12/21 17:53, , 144F
另外把樹人引到豬村旁邊好像很不錯 可以撿肉和豬皮
12/21 17:53, 144F

12/21 17:54, , 145F
12/21 17:54, 145F

12/21 23:08, , 146F
遇過一隻超大樹人 打一整天 到傍晚才死= =y
12/21 23:08, 146F

12/21 23:09, , 147F
12/21 23:09, 147F

12/21 23:54, , 148F
豬窩是被抗議嗎 XD
12/21 23:54, 148F

12/21 23:55, , 149F
如果是巨型樹人的話連觸手也摜不倒它 燒一燒省事
12/21 23:55, 149F

12/22 00:44, , 150F
12/22 00:44, 150F

12/22 00:44, , 151F
12/22 00:44, 151F

12/22 01:24, , 152F
我都把樹人當工具留著幫我打怪 反正他也打不到我
12/22 01:24, 152F

12/22 01:24, , 153F
前幾天說觸手會重生 但是地點隨機
12/22 01:24, 153F

12/22 01:31, , 154F
剛剛被比較強的蜘蛛打死了 Q_Q
12/22 01:31, 154F

12/22 01:31, , 155F
12/22 01:31, 155F

12/22 20:28, , 156F
12/22 20:28, 156F
文章代碼(AID): #1GqQs6iL (Little-Games)