[新聞] Kewell sidelined until early 2007

看板Liverpool作者 (反敗為勝)時間18年前 (2006/10/26 22:14), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Liverpool midfielder Harry Kewell does not expect to play again for at least another four months after undergoing foot and groin surgery. Kewell, 28, has not played since June during World Cup duty with Australia, where he has now recovering. Kewell told the Australian media:"We're looking past February. I'm just itching to get back into playing but it's going to be a while. "It's been hard, seven weeks so far, and I'm looking forward to going home." Kewell was diagnosed with septic arthritis, a bacterial infection in the joints of his left foot, and returned to Australia for specialist treatment last month. Whilst there, the midfielder has undergone surgery on a persistent groin problem and is now awaiting the all-clear. "My foot is a bit sore at the moment and my groin is a bit sore too," said Kewell. "But the surgeons are very happy. I meet up with them again on Friday and if they give me the all-clear I'm back off to England." Frome BBC 加油 Kewell!等你回來! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/27 00:44, , 1F
10/27 00:44, 1F

10/27 00:54, , 2F
我也是等好久了 球衣都買了.... 加油吧!!
10/27 00:54, 2F

10/27 01:33, , 3F
Kewell加油 不過還要等好久啊~~~Orz
10/27 01:33, 3F
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