[新聞] 貝帥:我們準備好要迎戰渥特福德(Watford)!

看板Liverpool作者 (旅行是生命中的氧氣)時間17年前 (2007/01/12 17:53), 編輯推噓11(1213)
留言16則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
官網消息 http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/drilldown/N154673070112-0849.htm Rafael Benitez is calling on his players to bounce back from consecutive defeats to Arsenal with a victory at relegation battling Watford tomorrow. 在明天對戰Watford的比賽中,貝帥相信球員們會有出色表現,為輸給槍手一事雪恥。 The Reds travel to Vicarage Road on the back of two poor results against the Gunners and with many pundits labelling Liverpool as a club in crisis. 紅軍連中兩槍,許多"自以為"的評論家認為這個球隊陷入危機。 With the Premiership and Champions League still to aim for, Benitez is demanding an instant response from the Reds against the league's bottom club. 由於英超比賽還未結束,貝帥為紅軍將對上排名墊底的球隊做出立即回應。 "I hope the result will galvanise everyone at the club, we must concentrate on the Premiership and be firmly focused on what is ahead," he said. 他說:我希望結果可以振奮球隊的每個人,我們必須專注在聯賽上,並且展望未來。 "We can analyse what has happened in these last two games and use that to our benefit in the future. 對於兩場敗仗,我們會記取教訓,這也會幫助之後球隊的訓練。 "The players now understand how important the Premiership is, and we will be ready to face Watford." 球員們必然深刻體會英超對Liverpool有多重要,而且我們也準備好迎戰Watford。 --- P幣賺到了:p 快跑~~ (奔) 話說,明天的先發名單什麼時候出來? 我想吃包子看包子~ >//////< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: tsenghtj 來自: (01/12 17:56)

01/12 18:08, , 1F
明天大家一起去看吧 歐耶 拿個勝利
01/12 18:08, 1F

01/12 19:14, , 2F
啊,你也翻譯起來了>w< 推吃包子看包子>///<
01/12 19:14, 2F

01/12 19:14, , 3F
大名單聽說都是比賽開始前1hr才出來的? :p
01/12 19:14, 3F

01/12 21:24, , 4F
小聲:reyana,這是我賺P幣的方法>//< 希望明天一定要贏阿!
01/12 21:24, 4F

01/12 21:29, , 5F
◆ 這一篇文章值 148 銀 安啦!!不贏我吃球!!
01/12 21:29, 5F

01/12 23:25, , 6F
01/12 23:25, 6F

01/12 23:36, , 7F
01/12 23:36, 7F

01/13 00:08, , 8F
隊長08要說 贏了就裸奔 當祭品 就會贏了>"<!!
01/13 00:08, 8F

01/13 00:22, , 9F
reya這樣會不會賭太大..緊張跑去看一下賽程,AWAY!! <囧>
01/13 00:22, 9F

01/13 00:29, , 10F
誰~ 誰要裸奔 (興奮) XD
01/13 00:29, 10F

01/13 00:57, , 11F
樓上是鄉民進來看熱鬧的嗎?? XD
01/13 00:57, 11F

01/13 13:49, , 12F
01/13 13:49, 12F

01/13 13:50, , 13F
... 為什麼我會按到2 囧?!
01/13 13:50, 13F

01/13 13:51, , 14F
01/13 13:51, 14F

01/13 18:45, , 15F
請問....發生什麼事了...啥裸奔...= =..
01/13 18:45, 15F

01/13 19:55, , 16F
沒事啦 聽說五樓說要裸奔而已
01/13 19:55, 16F
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