[情報] 08/09客場球衣

看板Liverpool作者 (Have faith in Rafa)時間16年前 (2008/06/22 12:09), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/splash/shop_away_preorder_0608.htm 已經開始在賣了 一整個復古 是要重回八零年代的輝煌時期嗎??? 官網有托雷斯 包子與雷納穿球衣擺酷酷的樣子 好不好看就見仁見智吧 -- I really hope that the club wins lots of major trophies in the future; I'll be following it all from a distance, with the pride that you can only get from having been a Red and played for the home team at Anfield –a ground that every football fan must visit at least once in their life." ---Luis Javier García Sanz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/22 12:33, , 1F
06/22 12:33, 1F

06/22 12:40, , 2F
球員穿起來很帥說~ 但我穿起來一定像老鼠 不買了 Orz
06/22 12:40, 2F

06/22 14:33, , 3F
XABI留住再買 哼
06/22 14:33, 3F

06/22 16:08, , 4F
06/22 16:08, 4F

06/22 19:16, , 5F
06/22 19:16, 5F

06/22 23:53, , 6F
為什麼像老鼠 好笑XD
06/22 23:53, 6F

06/22 23:59, , 7F
因為是灰色的 而且我又圓 <囧>
06/22 23:59, 7F

06/23 00:34, , 8F
06/23 00:34, 8F

06/23 00:35, , 9F
像以前曼聯就有出過 結果輸了好幾場 在季中就換掉了....
06/23 00:35, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #18NT1a7A (Liverpool)