[獨家] 包子今年聖誕節的服裝 ***\( ̄▽ ̄)/***

看板Liverpool作者 (旅行是生命中的氧氣)時間16年前 (2008/07/26 08:43), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/drilldown/N160650080725-1535.htm xx官網消息xx GERRARD RECEIVES HONORARY FELLOWSHIP Steven Gerrard was celebrating today after being the proud recipient of an Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in recognition of his services to sport, during a graduation ceremony at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. 隊長獲得 Liverpool John Moores大學的榮譽學位 Gerrard, whose achievements on the pitch have already earned him an MBE, said: "I'm really privileged to be here today but without my team-mates at Liverpool Football Club this wouldn't be possible. A lot of the things that I've achieved in football with the team and also individually wouldn't have happened without my team-mates so I would like to say a big thank you to them. 已經有 MBE 頭銜的隊長,將這榮譽學位的取得,歸功於他隊友們的協助 "I'd also like to thank the pro-Chancellor and the vice-Chancellor for welcoming me into the university family. I am really proud to come from Liverpool and I always try to do my best for this city, on and off the pitch, and I promise to continue to do that. "I would like to say what an honour it is to receive the scroll today. I will look after it for the rest of my life and also what an experience this has been for myself. The staff at the university have really made me feel so welcome and everyone on the stage has made me so relaxed." 謝謝學校頒發這個榮譽學位給他 The Reds skipper also paid a personal tribute to all of the graduates who were honoured by the university. "I would also like to congratulate all of the graduates," said Gerrard. "I think this day belongs to them more than me. I've achieved this with great help from a number of players and a number of coaches - everyone at Liverpool Football Club and at international level - and my family who have been with me from day one. 謝謝俱樂部和家人 "They have had to work so hard individually to achieve their dream today so congratulations." Professor Michael Brown, who is vice-chancellor at LJMU, said: "Steven epitomises the university philosophy of 'Dream, Plan, Achieve'. "As a young boy he excelled in the sport he loves and ensured his talent was recognised, looking upon challenges as opportunities and pursuing each available avenue. As a result he has become one of the best sportsmen in the country, if not the world, with a reputation for integrity both on and off the pitch." "As a prominent sporting figure and a son of the city, it is fitting that LJMU, an international leader in sports and exercise science and a major contributor to Liverpool's success and growth, should award Steven with this Honorary Fellowship. "We are delighted to welcome him into the university family." 校長說, Stevie是英格蘭最好的球員 \( ̄▽ ̄)/ 能頒發榮譽學位給他,也是 Liverpool John Moores 大學的榮幸 ** 請務必點連結看照片 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: tsenghtj 來自: (07/26 08:45)

07/26 13:35, , 1F
07/26 13:35, 1F

07/26 13:40, , 2F
07/26 13:40, 2F

07/26 14:13, , 3F
07/26 14:13, 3F

07/26 22:05, , 4F
所以今年聖誕節走學院風(?) XD
07/26 22:05, 4F

07/27 23:59, , 5F
07/27 23:59, 5F

07/30 12:23, , 6F
他是穿了5件長袍嗎 XD
07/30 12:23, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #18YdCTcS (Liverpool)