[閒聊] LMS>NA reddit崩潰

看板LoL作者 (終極大帝)時間7年前 (2016/12/10 01:25), 7年前編輯推噓35(3507)
留言42則, 36人參與, 最新討論串1/1
2 FW players vs 2 Koreans. Expected result. 兩個電狼打兩個韓國人,不意外。 下面回覆: 5 lms vs 2 KR obvious stomp. 五個LMS打兩個韓國人,輸也是剛好。 The worst part as a C9 fan is I know Bjergsen will never play that badly when I want him too..... 當C9粉最糟的地方就是我知道比爾森在我希望他戳的時候永遠不會戳...... 下面回覆: That's the difference between playing domestically in NA and internationally. 在NA打得好跟出國打得好是兩回事。 thats the diffrent with real tournaments and fun events 真的聯賽跟歡樂場是有差別的。 By fun events you mean NALCS, right? 你說的歡樂場是指NA對吧? NA making rengar look balanced NA讓獅子看起來很平衡。 下面回覆: Classic NA Rengar NA獅子正常發揮。 (這個明顯是台灣人) At least it wasn't Mountain Rengar. >___> 至少不是老山的獅子。 press ult "DIE SCUTTLE !" 開大「去死吧,河蟹!」 Impact and 4 wards Impact還有4根眼。 下面回覆(或是對話): Wards take 4 hit to be killed bro, don't insult our dear wards. 眼要打四下才會死,不要汙辱我們親愛的眼。 Hey, they do have their upsides. They can move around unlike those sold in the store 欸,他們也有優點,他們不像商店賣的,他們會動。 So they are Kalista ghosts? 所以他們是克黎思妲的鬼? Well, they are dying in two hits. 恩,他們兩下就死。 And most likely screaming when the get into a brush and spot any enemy champion 而且當他們進到草叢碰到任何敵方英雄時會尖叫。 This game reminded me of NA at worlds: TSM/CLG shit the bed .. C9 gives hope but fails in the end ... and TL is the 4th team that isn't there 這場比賽又讓我回想起NA的世界賽了: TSM跟CLG輸的一屁股...... C9 false hope TL就是不在那的第四種子 Bjergsen cosplaying Perkz was so fun to watch 比爾森COSPLAY Perkz實在太好玩了。 下面繼續作詩: My Region sucks My Ryze is gruesome You guessed it right I'm TSM Bjergsen 我的區域很爛 我的雷茲很鳥 你猜的沒錯 我是TSM Bjergsen Your rhyming sucks And your region does too You should stay quiet When your flair is G2 你押的韻很爛 你的區域也是 你應該閉嘴 當你是G2 This doesn't even follow the rhyme scheme. You suck. 這也沒押對,你他X的。 EU rhymes LUL EU韻。 That game was fun, I could watch LMS destroy NA 24/7 這場比賽很有趣,我可以24/7的看著LMS把NA打爛(這場比賽人頭比是24:7) reignover looked awful lol. he needs to stop playing rengar. reignover看起來超爛,他應該不要再玩獅子。 Bjergsen Internationally LUL 說個笑話:比爾森是世界級的。 Well at least we get an early preview for what NA will look like internationally this year. 額至少在預測裡面NA今年會看起來像是世界級的。 下面回覆: In other words, like every year 也就是說,像每一年那樣。 Bjergsen vs TOP TIER ASIAN MIDS lul :D 比爾森對上最頂尖的亞洲中路,呵呵。 http://tinyurl.com/zpzemfn -- "There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last time. I owe him my best." -Joe DiMaggio -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1481304330.A.066.html

12/10 01:26, , 1F
12/10 01:26, 1F

12/10 01:27, , 2F
12/10 01:27, 2F

12/10 01:27, , 3F
12/10 01:27, 3F

12/10 01:27, , 4F
12/10 01:27, 4F
※ 編輯: JEFF11503 (, 12/10/2016 01:28:13

12/10 01:28, , 5F
12/10 01:28, 5F

12/10 01:28, , 6F
12/10 01:28, 6F

12/10 01:30, , 7F
12/10 01:30, 7F

12/10 01:30, , 8F
12/10 01:30, 8F

12/10 01:32, , 9F
12/10 01:32, 9F

12/10 01:32, , 10F
12/10 01:32, 10F

12/10 01:33, , 11F
12/10 01:33, 11F

12/10 01:33, , 12F
12/10 01:33, 12F
※ 編輯: JEFF11503 (, 12/10/2016 01:46:28

12/10 01:36, , 13F
12/10 01:36, 13F

12/10 01:36, , 14F
看到人會尖叫,打兩下就死,最慢五秒內死亡 XDDDDD
12/10 01:36, 14F

12/10 01:40, , 15F
12/10 01:40, 15F

12/10 01:45, , 16F
你說的歡樂場是指NA對吧? XDDD
12/10 01:45, 16F

12/10 01:45, , 17F
Kalista ghosts一秒笑噴 XD
12/10 01:45, 17F

12/10 01:47, , 18F
有人說Maple可能是最接近Faker的中路 對西方不是好
12/10 01:47, 18F

12/10 01:50, , 19F
當他們進到草叢碰到任何敵方英雄時會尖叫 XDDDD
12/10 01:50, 19F

12/10 01:56, , 20F
還有人說他們是藍飾品XD (打一下就死)
12/10 01:56, 20F

12/10 02:00, , 21F
12/10 02:00, 21F

12/10 02:01, , 22F
12/10 02:01, 22F

12/10 02:04, , 23F
12/10 02:04, 23F

12/10 03:19, , 24F
12/10 03:19, 24F

12/10 04:31, , 25F
po過了 不過辛苦了
12/10 04:31, 25F

12/10 05:40, , 26F
12/10 05:40, 26F

12/10 05:41, , 27F
12/10 05:41, 27F

12/10 08:36, , 28F
12/10 08:36, 28F

12/10 09:08, , 29F
獅子,開大,去死吧河蟹! XDD
12/10 09:08, 29F

12/10 09:37, , 30F
最頂尖亞洲中路 也就是說其他是外星人
12/10 09:37, 30F

12/10 12:04, , 31F
12/10 12:04, 31F

12/10 12:28, , 32F
這舒服的感覺是怎麼回事 lms好像已經很久沒給我們這
12/10 12:28, 32F

12/10 12:28, , 33F
12/10 12:28, 33F

12/10 12:30, , 34F
12/10 12:30, 34F

12/10 12:34, , 35F
12/10 12:34, 35F

12/10 13:52, , 36F
12/10 13:52, 36F

12/10 14:31, , 37F
Bjergsen cosplaying Perkz was so fun to watch 超
12/10 14:31, 37F

12/10 14:31, , 38F
12/10 14:31, 38F

12/10 19:59, , 39F
12/10 19:59, 39F

12/10 19:59, , 40F
12/10 19:59, 40F

12/10 19:59, , 41F
12/10 19:59, 41F

12/13 13:48, , 42F
12/13 13:48, 42F
文章代碼(AID): #1OIkaA1c (LoL)