[情報] LOST Season 6 The final season

看板Lost作者 (I Mez U)時間15年前 (2009/11/07 23:30), 編輯推噓4(406)
留言10則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
樓上有人問什麼時候才會出來S6 以下是查到的資料 Lost Season 6 will be the last Season of the hit ABC hit series Lost . It is scheduled to air from from Feb-May 2010! Let's just hope all the mysteries of Lost will be solved by then! According to ABC Entertainment President, it is going to be a "highly anticipated and shocking finale." Well i hope it wont be a disappointing one! :) And guess what.....Matthew Fox is the only cast member who knows the ending of the show. 阿...天哪 要結束了= = 等好久>"<~~還有三個多月..囧 以下還有其他報導 http://www.lostseason6.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/07 23:51, , 1F
11/07 23:51, 1F

11/08 20:37, , 2F
11/08 20:37, 2F

11/10 09:46, , 3F
第六季就要結束很久以前就決定了歐 因為不想托戲
11/10 09:46, 3F

11/12 10:54, , 4F
11/12 10:54, 4F

11/14 12:00, , 5F
11/14 12:00, 5F

11/15 23:56, , 6F
是喔 我覺得第五季我很喜歡耶 感情的牽扯總算處理好了
11/15 23:56, 6F

11/15 23:57, , 7F
而且lost應該算是很不拖戲的影集了 每次看完都"又沒了?"
11/15 23:57, 7F

11/24 00:40, , 8F
我覺得第五季沒拖戲耶 第五季蠻精彩的 也解出一些迷點
11/24 00:40, 8F

11/24 00:41, , 9F
我是用三個月的時間一口氣看完的 到是看到第二三季時有
11/24 00:41, 9F

11/24 00:42, , 10F
拖的感覺 好期待第六季阿 沒得看了 只能等等等
11/24 00:42, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1AzPAAim (Lost)