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看板MARIAH作者 (盛開到世界荒蕪)時間5年前 (2019/06/12 17:34), 5年前編輯推噓5(506)
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https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/07/magazine/top-songs.html#/mariah -carey 好像沒有人發過。 阿諾諾列為第三首。 紐時教你如何用高級英文談Mimi。 Mariah Carey doesn’t seem built for this new R.&B. moment, but “A No No,” f rom her 2018 album “Caution,” works for all the reasons we would once expect it not to. It’s a straightforward sample of an extremely familiar song (a re mix of Lil’ Kim’s 1997 “Crush on You”). Vocally, it’s uncomplicated. The track has a few elastic moments at the top of verses, but for the most part, C arey maintains a syncopated, crooning sing-speak. She comes down from the voca l stratosphere to some place closer to the younger R.&B. chanteuses, but it ne ver feels like a cop-out. “Caution” as a whole forgoes Carey’s hallmark voc al pyrotechnics, save for a few whistle tones that creep into the final notes of several tracks. What makes it different from her漤revious attempts at less ornate vocal arrangement is the confidence Carey exudes. She isn’t hiding; sh e’s recalibrating. This new phase of R.&B. is one for which Mariah the songwriter is well suited. She has always been a quick study of current trends, and as a writer on 17 of her 18 No.1 singles, she proved that she knew how to make her voice fit withi n them. Carey possesses a mischievous sense of humor (best employed on Eminem diss tracks) that is fit for our current age of trolling and lyrics made for m emes. In “A No No” she drawls out the line “Irregardless of what transpired ,” daring the listener to think too hard about whether she knows that she has deployed a fake word (of course she does). Over the past three decades, Mari ah the vocalist has been so singular that other Mariahs went overlooked — the canny recognizer of trends, the pop star who pushed her label to make unlikel y hip-hop collaborations happen and the songwriter who was funnier than people understood. Mariah, queen of glitter and lover of glamour, might never pull o ff a down-to-earth visual aesthetic, but she still possesses the tools to make music that embodies that feeling — and she has had these tools for years. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MARIAH/M.1560332068.A.C11.html ※ 編輯: handsomel ( 臺灣), 06/12/2019 17:45:54

06/12 17:47, 5年前 , 1F
06/12 17:47, 1F

06/12 18:52, 5年前 , 2F
06/12 18:52, 2F

06/12 18:52, 5年前 , 3F
06/12 18:52, 3F

06/12 20:11, 5年前 , 4F
很可惜啊!!還以為氣勢都回來了 原來只是有人氣沒買氣
06/12 20:11, 4F

06/12 21:29, 5年前 , 5F
人氣有起來就好惹>< 阿咪繼續加油
06/12 21:29, 5F

06/12 22:39, 5年前 , 6F
06/12 22:39, 6F

06/12 22:39, 5年前 , 7F
06/12 22:39, 7F

06/14 08:54, 5年前 , 8F
06/14 08:54, 8F

06/14 08:55, 5年前 , 9F
吵架誰最大管誰最會該(not only sing but saaaaaaang)
06/14 08:55, 9F

06/14 08:55, 5年前 , 10F
06/14 08:55, 10F

06/18 00:18, 5年前 , 11F
06/18 00:18, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1T0CSamH (MARIAH)