[翻譯] 世界大賽FAQ(紅襪篇)

看板MLB作者 (知分寸)時間17年前 (2007/10/24 15:12), 編輯推噓28(2804)
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FAQ: Boston Red Sox I stopped paying attention when the Cleveland Indians took a 3-1 series lead in the American League Championship Series. I thought for sure the Indians were a lock to go to the World Series. What happened? 問:當印地安人在美聯冠軍賽以3比1領先紅襪的時候我就關電視了,我以為印地安人 贏定了,發生啥事了? Well, the Red Sox have shown a few times now that you should never count them out. Boston won 96 games during the regular season, so piecing together a three-game winning streak to close out the ALCS wasn't an impossible feat. In 2004, Boston climbed out of a 3-0 hole to defeat the Yankees in the ALCS. This time around, the Sox took the final three games to clinch their second AL pennant in four seasons, sending the Tribe back to Cleveland without a Series crown for the 59th year in a row. 答:嗯,紅襪兵團再次證明了他們不能被小看。他們在例行賽贏了96場,所以在冠軍賽 三連勝尻倒對方也不用太意外。2004年他們則是在0勝3負的劣勢下三連勝肛了死對頭 洋基。今年是紅襪近四年來第二次拿下美聯冠軍,也讓印地安仔距離上一次世界大賽冠 軍的日子推進到59年(註:印地安人上次WS冠軍是1948年,並於1954、1995、1997的WS 中落敗) So the Red Sox are pretty much regular participants in the World Series? 問:那紅襪算是世界大賽的常客囉? They're making it seem like that lately, but Boston's recent run is a far cry from previous eras in club history. Prior to 2004, Boston hadn't won a World Series since 1918, despite four other trips to the October finale. The Red Sox have made the playoffs six times in the past 10 seasons, which is the club's best stretch since winning the World Series four times between 1912-18. 答:這幾年好像如此,但在這之前卻有著令人流淚的過去。1918到2004年之間他們不曾嘗 過世界大賽冠軍滋味,儘管在這86年之間有四次打入WS。但襪子軍近10個球季有六度晉級 季後賽,這也是自1912-1918四度拿下WS冠軍後球隊的最佳表現。 I don't remember the Red Sox playing in the postseason last year. Did they just barely make it into the playoffs this season? 問:我想不起來紅襪去年季後賽在幹嘛(因為他們根本沒打),他們今年是怎麼晉級的啊? Actually, Boston captured the division title in the AL East by two games this year, knocking the Yankees into second place. It was the first time since 1995 that the Sox won their division and the first time since 1997 that New York didn't take the East crown. It was quite a turnaround from last year, when Boston finished third in the division with 86 wins. 答:事實上紅襪今年以兩場勝差擊退洋基拿下美聯東區冠軍,這是1995年之後首度奪冠, 也是洋基從1997年後首次未能拿下美東冠軍。對照紅襪去年例行賽以86勝76敗位居美東第 三名,今年的96勝66敗可說是一大進步。 So what changed that put Boston over the top this year? 問:哇~(by DJ Denis)紅襪今年怎麼變這麼厲害啊? One difference was that Boston's starting rotation had three pitchers with at least 15 wins this year and the club's bullpen was the best in the league. The starting staff was paced by right-hander Josh Beckett, who put himself in the mix for the AL Cy Young Award by going 20-7 with a 3.27 ERA for Boston. The Red Sox also avoided major injuries this year, unlike last year when they lost captain Jason Varitek to knee surgery in August and had a bunch of other core players out at the same time. 答:一個關鍵在於紅襪先發輪值中有三位15勝以上的投手(Dick-K15勝、老蝴蝶17勝、北 極20勝),而且他們有全聯盟最堅強的牛棚。先發部隊由Beckeet領軍,他季賽20勝7敗、 防禦率3.27的表現讓他有機會角逐美聯賽揚獎。紅襪軍成員今年也沒有嚴重的受傷,不像 去年他們的隊長Varitek在八月動了膝蓋手術,以及其他主力一堆傷兵。 For a team that trailed 3-1 in this series, the Red Sox set a bunch of LCS records en route to their comeback, didn't they? 問:ALCS從1勝3負落後到逆轉勝,紅襪是不是又創造一堆聯盟冠軍賽紀錄了? Too numerous to mention, but here are some highlights: most runs scored by a team in an LCS, 51, breaking the record of 45 set by the Yankees in 2004; most RBIs by a team, 48, breaking the Yankees' record of 44; highest batting average by a team in an LCS, .318, eclipsing Atlanta's .309 in 1996; team slugging percentage in a seven-game series, .521, obliterating the .484 set by the Cubs in 2003. 答:紀錄一堆咧,這裡列幾個比較重要的:聯盟冠軍戰最多得分(51分),打破洋基於2004 年締造的45分;最多打點(48分),打破洋基的44分;單一球隊最高打擊率:3成18,勝過 1996年勇士隊於NLCS的3成09;七場比賽長打率5成21,遠高於小熊在2003年NLCS的4成84。 But didn't the Red Sox hit into a ton of double plays? 問:不過紅襪不是也打了一堆雙殺打? Sure, but who cares with the way they score runs. They set the LCS record by hitting into 14 twin-killings, obliterating the record of 10 set by the Orioles in 1997. They also have already eclipsed the record for hitting into most double plays in an entire postseason wth 20, passing the 17 St. Louis hit into last year. And Julio Lugo has hit into four, setting the ALCS record and tying Pedro Guerrero, who hit into that many in the 1981 NLCS. 答:西滴!但只要能猛灌分數就好啦!他們創造了聯盟冠軍賽最高的雙殺打記錄(14支), 超過97年金鶯的10支。紅襪打者總計打出了20支DP,也超過了紅雀去年的17支。其中 乳溝兄打了四支DP,平了1981年NLCS中Guerrero的紀錄。 I seem to remember hearing Beckett's name a few years back. Wasn't he on the Marlins team that beat the Yankees in the World Series in 2003? 問:我好像這幾年一直聽到Beckett的名字,他不就是2003年率領馬林魚宰掉洋基的那個 傢伙? He sure was, and Beckett picked up the Most Valuable Player Award for that series after sealing the victory with a shutout in Game 6. Beckett maintained his postseason poise this October, going 3-0 with a 1.17 ERA, 26 strikeouts and just one walk over three starts. 答:沒錯就是他。北極兄當年在第6戰完封對手的優異表現讓他拿下了WS的MVP。今年他仍 然保持可怕的猛度,目前戰績3勝0敗,ERA1.17,26次三振,1次保送。 Didn't Boston first baseman Kevin Youkilis have a monster series? 問:紅襪一壘手Youkilis在這個系列是不是打出了怪物般的成績啊? If not for a guy named Beckett, he would have been the series MVP. Check this list of records Youkilis set or tied: hits (14), tied the record; runs scored (10), set record; batting average in a seven-game series (.500), set record; slugging percentage in a seven-game series (.929), set record; singles in a seven-game series (9), tied record. 答:如果沒有Beckett,你殺先生應該是這系列賽的MVP。Youkilis創造或追平的紀錄包 括:最多安打(14支平記錄)、最多得分(10分破紀錄)、打滿七場的最高打擊率(5成破紀 錄)、七場最高長打率(.929破紀錄)、七場最多一壘安打(9支平記錄)。 What about Daisuke Matsuzaka? Didn't the Red Sox hand him some huge contract to convince him to come over from Japan? How'd he do this season? 問:紅襪花了大把銀子簽下松坂,他的表現有那個身價嗎? Yeah, the Red Sox wound up dishing out roughly $103 million -- including the $51.1 million posting fee to the Seibu Lions -- to add Matsuzaka to their rotation. He had a decent rookie year, going 15-12 with a 4.40 ERA in 32 starts. Dice-K had a rough go of it during his first two postseason starts, but he bounced back to pick up the win in Game 7 of the ALCS against the Indians. 答:紅襪以高價簽下Dick-K,而他的新人球季表現中規中矩,32場先發拿下15勝12敗, 4.40防禦率。松坂在季後賽前兩場表現低於水準,但在ALCS第七場總算振作拿下關鍵的 勝投。 Where does Curt Schilling fit into Boston's run to the World Series? He's had some pretty impressive October performances over the course of his career. Did that continue this fall? 問:席林對紅襪打入WS的貢獻在哪?印象中他10月的表現向來優異,今年還能繼續維持 嗎? Schilling isn't as overpowering as he was earlier in his career, but he still thrives on the big stage. During Game 6 of the ALCS, he handcuffed the Indians for seven innings to help force a seventh game, improving to 10-2 with a 2.25 ERA in his playoff career. While some pitchers shy away from the spotlight, Schilling embraces it. He's also evolved into more of a finesse pitcher this season, developing more confidence in his changeup and curveball. 答:席林姐的壓制能力雖然不如以往,但他仍然有自己的立足之處。在ALCS第六戰中, 他在七局的投球中封鎖了印地安人的打線,讓紅襪得以進入第七場比賽。他生涯季後賽的 成績是10勝2敗,2.25防禦率。有些選手會閃躲外界的眼光,但席林則是充滿自信地接 受它。今年他更加強了手腕的運用,這也讓他的變速球和曲球更有威力。 You mentioned Boston's dominant bullpen earlier. As the season moves to the World Series, can Jonathan Papelbon continue to be the overpowering closer he's been for the past two years? 問:你前面提到紅襪的牛棚很威,不過Papelbon還能夠在世界大賽扮演強力終結者的角色 嗎? Papelbon saved 37 games during the season, but Red Sox manager Teryy Francona still managed to provide ample rest periods for the young closer. That has been paying dividends in October and there's no reason to think it shouldn't continue during the World Series against the Rockies. While other relievers might wear down at this point of the season, Papelbon and his upper 90s heat and nasty splitter have still looked sharp as ever. 答:Papelbon今年球季拿下37場救援,但總教頭粉科男在季後賽仍然捨不得用他(註:ALDS 他只出賽1場投1.1局,ALCS出賽3場投5局)。不過世界大賽Papelbon應該會銜命對付落磯, 特別是當其他後援投手都有點軟掉的時候,他超過90英哩的刁鑽指叉球應該還是可以保持 犀利。 OK, so the Red Sox have good pitching -- got that. What about their offense? Who are a few players I should pay attention to in the World Series? 問:好吧,紅襪的投手看來很夠力,那進攻咧?在即將來臨的WS我要特別注意誰? For starters, keep your eye on No. 24, Manny Ramirez. Boston's left fielder was the MVP of the 2004 World Series against St. Louis, and he's been on an absolute tear during the playoffs this year. Hitting in front of him is David Ortiz -- otherwise known as Big Papi. During the season, Ortiz hit .332 and belted 35 homers. Believe it or not, third baseman Mike Lowell led the club with 120 RBIs. 答:在先發九人中請先緊盯背號24號的辮子男。這位左外野手是2004年紅襪幹掉紅雀贏得 冠軍的MVP,而今年季後賽的表現仍然破壞力十足。而Manny的前一棒Papi老爹在例行賽則 有3成32打擊率、35支全壘打。更扯的是,三壘手Lowell居然有全隊最高的打點(120分)。 Lowell, really? How'd he emerge as such a strong run producer? 問:Lowell?啥?大聲點我聽不見!他怎麼會變形成這麼強的打點製造機? Basically, Lowell is the definition of a professional hitter. He takes what the pitcher gives him, uses the entire field when he hits and stays within himself in the batter's box. Lowell has the look of a player who can just smell an RBI. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he has two of the best run producers in the game on base in front of him all the time. 答:基本上,Lowell本來就是個專業的打者,他有辦法把投來的揮擊倒球場的每個角落, 是個能夠聞到打點在哪裡的打者。更可怕的是,隊上打點僅次於他的兩人正巧是他的前兩 棒(註:Ortiz/117、Manny/88)。 The Red Sox have a few good rookies on offense, too, right? 問:紅襪是不是也有一些打擊不錯的菜鳥? Definitely. Boston's second baseman, Dustin Pedroia, just might take home the AL Rookie of the Year honor for his work this past season. He's listed as being 5-foot-9, but that might be with spikes on. Still, Pedroia hit .317 with a pretty big swing for such a small player. Also keep an eye on outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury. All he did after being called up in September was hit and score runs. Ellsbury did more of the same after being added to the lineup in the ALCS. 答:Bingo。例如應該可以拿下美聯新人王的二壘手佩卓牙。他只有5呎9(約174公分)—這 可能還是穿上釘鞋後的身高。不過他3成17的高打擊率卻不像是這種身材打得出來的。還 有外野手Ellsbury也必須注意,他從9月正式升上來之後在安打和打點都相當穩定。他在 ALCS系列賽後兩場被排入先發後貢獻也不少。 How much of an advantage does Boston have playing in Fenway Park? 問:紅襪在芬威主場有多少優勢? Well, the Red Sox went 51-30 at the Fens this season, making them one of just four teams with at least 50 wins in front of their home crowd. Boston's stadium, which opened in 1912, is nestled into a city block in the Back Bay, making for some very unique dimensions. Playing there regularly undoubtedly has its advantages. 答:紅襪在主場有51勝30敗的戰績,他們也是四隻主場超過50勝的球隊之一(註:今年美 聯有紅襪、洋基、印地安人、天使主場超過50勝,但國聯也有酒鬼、響尾蛇、落磯主場超 過50勝,不確定是否誤解原文之意)。這個在1912年啟用,緊鄰貝克灣的球場有著相當特 殊的造型,對於在這裡打球的主場球隊來說無疑是個利多。 What's this I keep hearing about a Green Monster? 問:為什麼我一直聽到有人在講「綠色怪物」? That's the nickname for the large, green wall located in left field at Fenway Park. Due to the dimensions of the block the stadium was built on, an unusually high wall was needed to protect people from encountering flying baseballs on Lansdowne Street. The wall is 37 feet high and had seats added on top prior to the 2003 season. 答:這是芬威球場左外野高牆的暱稱。球場興建之時,為了保護隔街的安危,因而把左外 野圍牆建地特別高,足足有37呎(約11公尺),而2003年時才在上方加上了座位。 The Rockies also have a unique setting in Colorado with Coors Field. Have the Red Sox ever played there before? How has Boston done in its history against Colorado? 問:落磯主場Coors Field同樣有獨特之處,紅襪之前曾在那裡打過嗎?紅襪過去對落磯 的交手戰績如何? Boston hasn't visited Denver since 2004, and the Sox went 1-2 in that three-game Interleague set. Overall, the Sox are 4-5 in their history against the Rockies, who won two of three games at Fenway Park from June 12-14 this season. In that series, Boston was outscored 20-5 and Schilling and Beckett combined to allowed 12 runs over 10 innings. 答:從2004年後紅襪就沒到過位於丹佛的落磯主場了,當時他們在跨聯盟的對戰是1勝 2負。歷史上紅襪對落磯的戰績是4勝5敗,而今年六月落磯作客芬威則是取得2勝1負的成 績。在那個跨聯盟系列賽中,紅襪只拿下5分,被得了20分,其中席林和北極兩人投10局, 被對手拿下了12分。 So the Red Sox have their work cut out for them? 問:所以紅襪已經做好準備囉? Well, it sure looks that way, considering that Colorado won 21 out of its past 22 games to earn the right to play in the World Series. Then again, the Red Sox keep showing that you shouldn't count them out. 答:看來是如此(布蘭咧)。不過對手是以近22場21勝的恐怖表現殺進世界大賽的球隊,紅 襪應該會持續以意料之外的表現來對付他們的。 原文出處:http://0rz.tw/133d2,作者:Jordan Bastian -------------- 文章好長,首次翻譯,請多指教~ -- 「有才華都讓你看得出來?」 「我還看得出你很真誠,又有愛心,當朋友真是一流!」 「糟了!居然讓你看出來,那我一會兒一定要請你們吃飯了!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/24 15:13)

10/24 15:17, , 1F
很專業的翻譯文!! 不過介紹Manny的地方出錯囉
10/24 15:17, 1F

10/24 15:18, , 2F
left fielder 是"左外野手"
10/24 15:18, 2F

10/24 15:18, , 3F
推~~ PS.Manny那段是左外野手,不是左打
10/24 15:18, 3F
※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/24 15:19)

10/24 15:20, , 4F
10/24 15:20, 4F

10/24 15:20, , 5F
還有95年輸給勇士 另外2004 ALCS 應該是0-3
10/24 15:20, 5F

10/24 15:23, , 6F
10/24 15:23, 6F
※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/24 15:30)

10/24 15:30, , 7F
10/24 15:30, 7F

10/24 15:30, , 8F
10/24 15:30, 8F

10/24 15:32, , 9F
10/24 15:32, 9F

10/24 15:49, , 10F
"紅襪打者總計有20個人打出了DP" 應該是季後賽共打出20支DP
10/24 15:49, 10F

10/24 15:49, , 11F
同理 後面紅雀的地方也不對
10/24 15:49, 11F

10/24 16:05, , 12F
10/24 16:05, 12F
※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/24 16:33)

10/24 16:34, , 13F
10/24 16:34, 13F

10/24 16:59, , 14F
10/24 16:59, 14F

10/24 17:08, , 15F
10/24 17:08, 15F

10/24 17:14, , 16F
10/24 17:14, 16F

10/24 17:28, , 17F
有看有推 佩卓牙XD
10/24 17:28, 17F

10/24 17:28, , 18F
10/24 17:28, 18F

10/24 17:33, , 19F
10/24 17:33, 19F
phoenixtwo:轉錄至看板 RedSox 10/24 17:34

10/24 18:06, , 20F
10/24 18:06, 20F

10/24 18:25, , 21F
10/24 18:25, 21F

10/24 19:12, , 22F
10/24 19:12, 22F

10/24 19:29, , 23F
10/24 19:29, 23F

10/24 19:39, , 24F
10/24 19:39, 24F

10/24 20:59, , 25F
感謝翻譯: 500p
10/24 20:59, 25F

10/24 22:58, , 26F
第二段 2004年 0-3逆轉好像沒改到 ...
10/24 22:58, 26F
※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/25 00:05) ※ 編輯: sfone 來自: (10/25 00:09)

10/25 00:10, , 27F
10/25 00:10, 27F

10/25 02:32, , 28F
推布蘭勒 XD
10/25 02:32, 28F

10/25 07:05, , 29F
10/25 07:05, 29F

10/25 08:00, , 30F
10/25 08:00, 30F

10/25 08:03, , 31F
10/25 08:03, 31F

10/25 08:33, , 32F
有趣的翻譯 謝謝唷!
10/25 08:33, 32F
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