[翻譯] 即時重播系統第一次使用

看板MLB作者 (是怎樣￾  )時間16年前 (2008/09/04 13:00), 編輯推噓14(1406)
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資料來源:mlb.com Instant replay used for first time 即時重播系統第一次使用 Umpires take second look at A-Rod's homer in ninth inning 裁判在第九局再次檢視A-Rod的全壘打 History was made at Tropicana Field on Wednesday night, when instant replay was used for the first time in Major League history. The play in question was a home run hit by Alex Rodriguez in the ninth inning of the Rays-Yankees contest. 週三晚上在純品康納球場,大聯盟史無前例的第一次使用即時重播系統寫下了歷史, 遭到質疑的是一支A-Rod在洋基光芒對戰中第九局所轟出的全壘打。 Rodriguez hit a 2-2 pitch from Rays closer Troy Percival toward the foul pole in left field for what appeared to be a two-run homer. Rays manager Joe Maddon thought otherwise, and he went onto the field to meet with the umpires. After some discussion, the umpires left the field to review the monitor in the third-base dugout. Rodriguez在球數兩好兩壞時從光芒的終結者Troy Percival打出一支朝向左外野界外標竿 的兩分砲,光芒的教頭Joe Maddon不這麼認為並走向裁判提出質疑,在些許討論過後,裁 判們離開了球場到三壘邊的休息室檢視重播畫面。 Approximately two minutes and 15 seconds later, a ruling was made by the umpiring crew headed by Charlie Reliford that the call would stand and Rodriguez had his 549th career home run. 大約兩分十五秒過後,以Charlie Reliford為首的裁判團做出了判決,斷定先前全壘打的 界定是正確的,並保住Rodriguez生涯第549發全壘打。 All televised MLB games are monitored and staffed by an expert technician and either an umpire supervisor or a former umpire at Major League Baseball Advanced Media headquarters in New York. A television monitor and a secure telephone link to MLBAM, placed next to the monitor, have been installed at all 30 ballparks. 所有電視轉撥的大聯盟比賽都有被紐約大聯盟進階媒體總部的一位專業技術人員及一位裁 判主管或者前任裁判所檢視,所有球場都有一個螢幕和保密電話連線至該總部。 If the crew chief determines that instant replay review is necessary on a particular disputed home run, he calls the MLB Advanced Media technician, who then transmits the most appropriate video footage to the crew chief and the umpire crew on site. The umpire supervisor or former umpire does not have direct communication with any of the umpires on site, and the decision to reverse a call is at the sole discretion of the crew chief. The standard used by the crew chief when reviewing a play is whether there is clear and convincing evidence that the umpire's decision on the field was incorrect and should be reversed. The use of replay is limited only to home runs: in or out, fair or foul and fan interference. 當在場工作人員的總監覺得即時重播系統是必要時,他會致電媒體總部的技師,技師回傳 最合宜的畫面給總監及裁判團,在總部的裁判主管或前任裁判並不會直接與在球場的任何 裁判溝通,判決的決定權是在球場總監手中,而總監觀看重播的標準是看是否有清楚且決 定性的證據來推翻裁判錯誤的判決,重播系統只可用於全壘打的出去與否、界內界外、和 觀眾的干預。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NEOBOND 來自: (09/04 13:01)

09/04 13:07, , 1F
09/04 13:07, 1F

09/04 13:07, , 2F
好酷 還以為只是給在場的裁判看而已 沒想到後面還有高人
09/04 13:07, 2F

09/04 13:10, , 3F
這支全壘打讓他生涯HR 數超過Mike Schmidt
09/04 13:10, 3F

09/04 13:11, , 4F
免得裁判自己判又自己看重播 要是一開始判錯可就冏了
09/04 13:11, 4F

09/04 13:54, , 5F
原來單純界內界外也是可以用阿XD 我以為只有HR可以用
09/04 13:54, 5F

09/04 13:58, , 6F
09/04 13:58, 6F

09/04 13:59, , 7F
only to home runs
09/04 13:59, 7F

09/04 14:35, , 8F
其實上一發HR就應該超過Mike Schmidt 對金鳥時被吃掉一發
09/04 14:35, 8F

09/04 14:36, , 9F
09/04 14:36, 9F

09/04 14:47, , 10F
09/04 14:47, 10F

09/04 14:49, , 11F
09/04 14:49, 11F

09/04 15:39, , 12F
09/04 15:39, 12F

09/04 15:40, , 13F
09/04 15:40, 13F

09/04 15:41, , 14F
2上時光芒主播才介紹instant replay的設備,9上就用上...真巧
09/04 15:41, 14F

09/04 15:44, , 15F
09/04 15:44, 15F

09/04 16:49, , 16F
09/04 16:49, 16F

09/04 17:53, , 17F
09/04 17:53, 17F

09/04 19:32, , 18F
http://0rz.tw/b64Io 今日精選好球+五大好球+ARod那球
09/04 19:32, 18F

09/04 19:39, , 19F
什麼紀錄都要摻一腳的男人。連Jeter的dp也要摻 orz
09/04 19:39, 19F

09/04 21:43, , 20F
應該是"即"時吧= ="
09/04 21:43, 20F
※ 編輯: NEOBOND 來自: (09/04 22:53)
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