[翻譯] 37歲的前QB,下一個蝴蝶球投手: Josh Booty

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For 'Knuckler' winner Booty, no time for floating http://tinyurl.com/acwwhrp ---------- SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- Josh Booty may have won 'The Next Knuckler' competition, but his work has only just begun. Josh Booty, 剛成為官方實境秀"下一個蝴蝶球投手"第一季的優勝者, 但他還有很長一段路要走 Fresh off beating out former NCAA Division I quarterbacks John David Booty (his brother), Doug Flutie, Ryan Perrilloux and David Greene, Josh Booty reported to D-backs camp as a non-roster invitee. When MLB Network pitched the idea of the reality show at a Major League Baseball owners meeting, D-backs team president/CEO Derrick Hall immediately volunteered to be the team that gave the winner a non-roster invitation. "I thought it was good brand exposure for the D-backs and just showed again how well we work with MLB," Hall said. The Next Knuckler "下一個蝴蝶球投手" http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=25587283&topic_id=7417714 是MLB官方弄的一個實境節目, 這個Idea是官方在領隊會議時提出來的, 五位前美式足球四分衛, 經過Tim Wakefield的調教後, 優勝者可以獲得春訓邀請的機會 響尾蛇的總裁兼CEO Derrick Hall首先自告奮勇願意提供這機會 Booty actually showed up to camp on Thursday and worked a bit in the bullpen with former Major League knuckler and current D-backs broadcaster Tom Candiotti. 這週四, Booty到了響尾蛇的春訓營, 在牛棚跟前大聯盟著名蝴蝶球投手&現任響尾蛇播報員Tom Candiotti討教了一下 "He's got the best fastball of any knuckleballer I've ever seen," Candiotti said. "He can flat out throw it." Candiotti說: "他擁有我所看過蝴蝶球投手中最棒的直球, 速度相當快" The estimate was that he threw 88-89 mph during the bullpen session with his fastball. 牛棚練投時稍微測了一下, Booty直球最快可以扔到88~89mph "With the knuckleball, he can throw it," Candiotti said. "He's got the ability to be able to take the spin off the ball. It's a constant battle for him right now with his mechanics right now, being able to repeat his delivery, because he drifts a little bit." "關於蝴蝶球, 他丟得不錯, 他能夠掌握球的轉動, 這(投球)對他來說將會是一場長期抗 戰, 維持投球機制, 持之以恆地投, 他現在球比較會飄了一些" The D-backs agreed to have Booty in camp and will allow him to at least throw one inning during a Major League game. Past that, he will need to earn anything else he gets. It is possible if he impresses enough that he could wind up getting a spot in the Minor Leagues. 響尾蛇同意讓Booty參加春訓, 甚至還能讓他在大聯盟登板最少一局 但在那之前, Booty還有不少東西要學 如果他能持續進步, 要在小聯盟有一席之地絕對是可能的 "In my mind, I'm taking it serious," Booty said. "I don't want to come in here and goof off." "我是認真的(對於打棒球), 我不是單純來這邊然後無所事事渾沌度日 " Booty has an athletic pedigree. He was drafted fourth overall out of high school as a shortstop by the Marlins in the 1994 First-Year Player Draft. The Marlins inked him to a then-record $1.6 million signing bonus with the stipulation that he not play football. 1994年, 剛從高中畢業, 時為游擊手的Booty ,第一輪第四順位被馬大魚選中, 馬大魚那時給了他創紀錄的160萬簽約金, 並在合約中註明, 他若從此不打美式足球, 可以再多拿到一些激勵獎金 "I cried the night that I signed the contract," Booty said about having to give up football. "簽約的那晚, 我哭了..." Booty說, 他實在不想放棄美式足球 Booty spent 1994-98 in the Marlins system, where he hit .198. He got 30 plate appearances in the big leagues from 1996-98 and hit .269. 94~98年, Booty都待在馬大魚系統, 他的打擊率是慘不忍睹的0.198, 96~98三年內他在大聯盟曾有過30個打席, 平均打擊率 0.269 In 1999, he left baseball and went to Louisiana State University, where he played quarterback for two seasons. 99年, 他不打棒球了, 他前往路易斯安那州大, 打了兩季的美式足球--擔任四分衛 In 2001 he was taken in the sixth round of the NFL Draft by the Seattle Seahawks and bounced around a few organizations, mainly on the practice squads. 2001年, NFL選秀, Booty第六輪被西雅圖海鷹選中, 但他連跑龍套都稱不上, 是替補中的替補 http://www.nfl.com/player/joshbooty/2504735/profile Now, at age 37, he's hoping for one more shot. 而今, 他37歲了, 他希望可以再有一次機會(打棒球) "It's kind of writing the last chapter," Booty said. "I've been close a few times. This is like I'm a rookie for the third time. If I was able to get on the field, I mean it's crazy. I'm just going to have fun with it to be honest with you and get myself in shape so that I have a chance and keep it simple." "這就有點像在為故事譜寫最後一章吧, 這是我第三次當菜鳥了. 我樂在其中, 努力鍛鍊自己維持狀態, 如此一來我比較有機會達到我的目標 " Not many players attempt comebacks at his age, but his athletic prowess and ability to throw a knuckleball mean he can't totally be counted out. 在Booty這個年紀嘗試東山再起的球員並不多, 但他無所畏懼, 也有能力去做(投蝴蝶球) "Yeah, I'm 37 years old, but I don't have any wear and tear on my arm and my shoulder and I never got hurt because in the NFL I was a backup the whole time," Booty said. "I feel comfortable and my arm is healthy and I think I can get it back to where I was when I was in my 20s." "是啦, 我已經37歲了, 但我的手臂.我的肩膀都相當健康, 打NFL時我純粹就是個替補 --上不了場那種, 所以從未(有機會)受傷" "現在我覺得手臂挺舒服的, 我想我應該可以做到我20幾歲時做不成的事" While the show finished taping three weeks ago, the final episode aired Thursday night. Ever since he knew he won the competition, Booty has been throwing long toss and trying to get his body in better shape. 實境秀三週前結束, 最後一集這週四播出, 在還不知道贏得這場競賽時, 他仍持續丟球, 嘗試維持自己的身體狀態 Two weeks ago, he spent a week with former knuckler Charlie Hough in California and last week he was in Florida working with Tim Wakefield, another longtime Major League knuckleball pitcher. 兩週前, 他在加州花了一周跟前蝴蝶球投手Charlie Hough討教 上週他則跟著Tim Wakefield學習 "I know my pitching is a lot better now than it was on that show three or four weeks ago," Booty said. "I've come crazy far in three weeks and if I can get another 10-15 opportunities to throw sides, bullpens, work with [pitching coach Charles Nagy], do some things here with Candiotti ... I think the sky would be the limit." "我想我的投球比三四週前來得好得多, 如果我可以多練投些、跟投教Charles Nagy請益, 繼續和Candiotti學習... 我想, 沒有什麼是不可能的 " D-backs manager Kirk Gibson threw Booty into a pitching group right away on Friday and said the organization wants to make sure that he's able to handle himself on the mound before sticking him in a game. 響尾蛇總仔把他納入春訓投手的小組, 確保他可以在正式登板前深耕自己的實力 ---------- 很勵志的文章, 大略翻一下, 若有錯誤還請不吝指教 -- LHIT美國職棒: https://www.facebook.com/LHITMLB 個人Blog: http://sparksfly.pixnet.net/blog 華盛頓國民粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/519300008092019/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/23 16:52, , 1F
02/23 16:52, 1F

02/23 16:57, , 2F
02/23 16:57, 2F

02/23 16:59, , 3F
02/23 16:59, 3F

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02/23 17:00, 4F

02/23 17:00, , 5F
02/23 17:00, 5F

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02/23 17:00, 6F

02/23 17:02, , 7F
02/23 17:02, 7F

02/23 17:03, , 8F
02/23 17:03, 8F

02/23 17:17, , 9F
02/23 17:17, 9F

02/23 17:31, , 10F
02/23 17:31, 10F

02/23 17:38, , 11F
02/23 17:38, 11F

02/23 17:39, , 12F
題外話 這個月初我就在響尾蛇版貼過這個實境秀的新聞
02/23 17:39, 12F
感謝西螺大今天的提點 要不是你今天(其實是昨天了XD)說我還真的就Skip掉這條新聞 感激不盡! :)

02/23 17:41, , 13F
知道這件事 但是沒想到那個主角居然曾經是頂級新秀
02/23 17:41, 13F

02/23 17:43, , 14F
不過因為MLB轉職NFL正夯 當時新聞焦點是幾名大學QB逆輸入
02/23 17:43, 14F

02/23 18:13, , 15F
02/23 18:13, 15F

02/23 18:20, , 16F
02/23 18:20, 16F

02/23 18:47, , 17F
02/23 18:47, 17F

02/23 19:49, , 18F
02/23 19:49, 18F

02/23 19:49, , 19F
這篇比之前的Colin Kaepernick的新聞更有意義
02/23 19:49, 19F

02/23 19:50, , 20F
02/23 19:50, 20F
看到這篇我的直覺反應是前不久Juan Sandoval的文章 我覺得這類文章都頗具意義的 台灣貌似也還沒有人翻譯 就試翻看看XD

02/23 21:31, , 21F
02/23 21:31, 21F

02/23 22:02, , 22F
問一下 通常棒球NFL都打的 NFL會打哪個位置 似乎很多
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02/23 22:02, , 23F
投手 是四分衛?
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02/23 22:13, , 24F
不一定 Deion Sanders是防守組 Bo Jackson是跑鋒
02/23 22:13, 24F

02/23 22:13, , 25F
Brian Jordan是安全衛 (補充: Sanders是cornerback)
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02/23 22:16, , 26F
<---wide receiver
02/23 22:16, 26F

02/23 22:51, , 27F
靠 你連美足也懂一些?
02/23 22:51, 27F

02/23 23:07, , 28F
02/23 23:07, 28F

02/23 23:26, , 29F
沒棒球底子的要轉職非常難 瞧Larry Fitzgerald精美的揮棒
02/23 23:26, 29F

02/23 23:29, , 30F
還有紅襪去年簽的新秀 Shaq Thompson
02/23 23:29, 30F
謝謝以上幾位專業的大大補充! ※ 編輯: Sparksfly 來自: (02/24 00:28)

02/24 01:50, , 31F
所以就是說大聯盟正在嘗試複製R.A. Dickey嗎@@
02/24 01:50, 31F

02/24 12:32, , 32F
補充一下 Shaq Thompson 只是小聯盟球員 他超級raw
02/24 12:32, 32F

02/24 12:33, , 33F
在RK聯盟47打數就被K37次 可見棒球多難
02/24 12:33, 33F

11/02 08:22, , 34F
球隊合約的新聞 https://daxiv.com
11/02 08:22, 34F
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