[情報] 水手問題大了

看板MLB作者時間11年前 (2013/04/27 12:36), 編輯推噓30(30046)
留言76則, 26人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/45821552/ Less than a month into the season, things are already getting tense in Seattle. Eric Wedge can sense it: He held a closed-door meeting following the team's 10-3 loss to the lowly Houston Astros on Wednesday, a disastrous outing capping a disastrous roadtrip through the state of Texas. While getting swept by the Texas Rangers -- and being outscored 21-3 in the process -- is no one's idea of fun, the Rangers are a talented team in the middle of their contention cycle while, simply put, the Mariners are not. Neither are the Houston Astros, however, and even though the Mariners were able to snatch the first of the three game series from them, the Astros took the next two, defeating Seattle 3-2 on Tuesday before slamming the door on the rubber match Wednesday night. The Houston Astros should not be doing this to any team in 2013, let alone one that was hoping to take major steps forward towards contending. The Astros lost 100 games last year, and most people picked them to lose 100 more this year; they're in the middle of rebuilding a franchise destroyed by years of poor drafting and management, misplaced confidence in prospects that didn't pan out and consistent overspending in free agency for middling players in a vain attempt to at least reach .500. The team was in such dire straits when Drayton McLane finally sold the club to Jim Crane that the new General Manager, Jeff Luhnow, essentially had to burn the organization down and start from scratch. If that sounds vaguely familiar, it's because Seattle's only one or two more years away from being just as bad as Houston was before McLane's exit from the MLB stage. And while Eric Wedge rants and raves at his players and benches starters for their even-worse backups, something's becoming more and more clear: the only way to save the future is to cut out the present. Seattle's management is living on borrowed time. In a way, the Mariners' terrible start is a heavy dose of much-needed medicine. It doesn't delude ownership or fans into thinking that the team is just one or two pieces away from contention, but is instead in need of serious re-evaluation. General Manager Jack Zduriencik has held that position since the beginning of the 2008 offseason, and since then the team has essentially stagnated, producing no quality home-grown position players and effectively killing the development of any of the guys they've brought in. Scouts who watch Dustin Ackley play for the Mariners now who watched him in college marvel at how his bat-speed has just disappeared. Jesus Montero, the "catcher" who came over from the New York Yankees, seemed to lose his ability to hit right-handed pitching the moment he stepped off the plane to Seattle. Justin Smoak, the former power-hitting prospect the Mariners got from Texas for ace pitcher Cliff Lee, will likely be designated for assignment before too long, and besides the waiver-claim happy Blue Jays it's possible no one will even bother to take a flyer on him. When Michael Saunders developed from one of the worst-hitting outfielders in baseball into a solid but unremarkable hitter last year, by comparison it was like Seattle had just gotten their own Jose Bautista: he and Kyle Seager were the only everyday players to post an OPS over .700 that season. If the Mariners are going to make this move, however, there's basically two times they can do it: now, immediately, so that whoever ownership appoints as the interim General Manager can make sure everyone's on the same page internally regarding the Rule 4 amateur draft in June, or immediately after said draft. Alternatively, they could present Zduriencik with the option of staying on through the end of the season with the stipulation that he is not to make any trades or acquisitions; the one thing the Mariners and their fans should not want to have happen here is for the team to get moderately hot in the middle of the season, get within five or six games of the second Wild Card spot with a bunch of lucky wins or overperforming players, and for a GM on the hot seat to seize the opportunity to trade away guys like Taijuan Walker or Danny Hultzen for rentals. Remember, the only reason a number of those players aren't in Arizona right now is because Justin Upton invoked his no trade clause to avoid going to Seattle -- and as good as Upton is at the moment, one guy can't win games by himself even with a 1.200 OPS. And considering there's almost no chance a player anywhere near as good as Upton with anywhere near his sort of team-friendly contract situation (relative to his talent) will be available at the trade deadline, it's best if the person running the team not even have the temptation of selling off what assets remain in the Mariners farm system to see if he can keep his job another season. Another reason to start housecleaning right now instead of waiting is because of the other thing GMs on the hot seat do besides trading away young talent: rushing it. Brandon Maurer, for instance, probably should not be making starts at the MLB level right now. He should be developing in the minors. But he had a good spring training and since the Mariners need to at least look competitive right now, into the major league rotation he went. He got demolished by the Athletics and the Astros his first two times out, his ERA was over 7 going into last night's start and his peripherals are a disaster, with more walks than strikeouts his last time out against Texas. Maurer had a good start last night against a stumbling Anaheim squad, and it's important not to take that away from him, but until he refines his secondary pitches and shows that kind of fastball command consistently he's going to struggle. The Mariners should be sending almost anyone else in the organization, even Hector Noesi, out there instead of him. Mike Zunino, last year's top pick for Seattle, is being aggressively promoted up through the organization as well, and there's been rumbling that he might be on his way to the majors soon. This would be a mistake. Zunino isn't ready and shouldn't be brought up before he is, and the timetable on him is late this season for a cup of coffee and then next year as a regular at absolute earliest. Promoting top prospects too early because of a hot start or two is a dangerous temptation, and one which comes too easily to executives with a sword hanging over their heads. Seattle's not a contender, nor should they have been expected to be one this year. They have Felix Hernandez, true, and a couple good pieces in the minors that could translate their talent to success on the big stage, but pieces like this from Sports Illustrated are writing checks that the organization simply cannot cash. I suspect that as the losing continues and players like Endy Chavez, Jason Bay and Raul Ibanez get more and more playing time, we'll start to see more and more incidents like Wednesday night's closed door meetings. Eric Wedge can yell and scream and bench his starters all he likes. But in the end, Brandon Ryan and Dustin Ackley and Joe Saunders and all the rest aren't responsible for how this season is going, not in the abstract. They didn't put this team together. And really, that's the reason Wedge is yelling in the first place: he knows who's responsible. And in situations like this, he knows who gets held responsible first. --- GM Jack Zduriencik和教練Eric Wedge的飯碗感覺蠻危險的了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/27 12:39, , 1F
04/27 12:39, 1F

04/27 12:42, , 2F
04/27 12:42, 2F

04/27 12:44, , 3F
04/27 12:44, 3F

04/27 12:47, , 4F
04/27 12:47, 4F

04/27 12:53, , 5F
XD 只比太空人高嗎...
04/27 12:53, 5F

04/27 12:53, , 6F
掰掰 慢走不送
04/27 12:53, 6F

04/27 12:54, , 7F
04/27 12:54, 7F

04/27 12:58, , 8F
04/27 12:58, 8F

04/27 12:58, , 9F
04/27 12:58, 9F

04/27 13:06, , 10F
04/27 13:06, 10F

04/27 13:07, , 11F
太空人:我下季想搬去美中可以嗎? XDDD
04/27 13:07, 11F

04/27 13:19, , 12F
Smoak, Ackley, Montero都是幾乎ready的新秀 到水手後
04/27 13:19, 12F

04/27 13:19, , 13F
整組壞光也很神奇 Zunino別步上他們後塵就好
04/27 13:19, 13F

04/27 13:20, , 14F
打者新秀都...怪怪的= =
04/27 13:20, 14F

04/27 13:38, , 15F
04/27 13:38, 15F

04/27 13:53, , 16F
04/27 13:53, 16F

04/27 14:00, , 17F
Smoak, Ackley, Montero連3A都沒制霸
04/27 14:00, 17F

04/27 14:01, , 18F
04/27 14:01, 18F

04/27 14:15, , 19F
04/27 14:15, 19F

04/27 14:16, , 20F
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04/27 14:16, , 21F
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04/27 14:21, , 22F
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04/27 14:23, , 23F
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04/27 14:27, , 24F
04/27 14:27, 24F

04/27 14:30, , 25F
04/27 14:30, 25F

04/27 14:31, , 26F
另外那為洋基大大 別以為水兵板不知道你的言外之意 但是
04/27 14:31, 26F

04/27 14:32, , 27F
交易又不是天天過年 失敗一次就天天喊打很沒格調 Z的位
04/27 14:32, 27F

04/27 14:32, , 28F
不要被他釣中啦 他是清流專業數據派耶 不可以質疑唷~
04/27 14:32, 28F

04/27 14:33, , 29F
置坐的算穩的原因是幫老闆省了不少錢 在高層不願投資的
04/27 14:33, 29F

04/27 14:35, , 30F
情形下 水兵暫時也只能累積籌碼等待崛起 而這是Z的強項
04/27 14:35, 30F

04/27 14:36, , 31F
如果今年戰績還是沒起色 至少有Wedge可以先拿來祭旗
04/27 14:36, 31F

04/27 14:40, , 32F
04/27 14:40, 32F

04/27 14:41, , 33F
04/27 14:41, 33F

04/27 14:42, , 34F
04/27 14:42, 34F

04/27 15:47, , 35F
04/27 15:47, 35F

04/27 16:12, , 36F
Z累積農場算強啊 不過投資FA方面就不知道是資金限制
04/27 16:12, 36F

04/27 16:12, , 37F
04/27 16:12, 37F

04/27 18:23, , 38F
也只有農場排名好看 任內升上來堪用的目前也只有
04/27 18:23, 38F

04/27 18:23, , 39F
04/27 18:23, 39F

04/27 18:33, , 40F
把省錢當戰功以為老闆會開心 這是球迷自己一廂情願吧
04/27 18:33, 40F

04/27 18:34, , 41F
Z的眼光受到質疑也不意外了 挑進來的PROSPECT
04/27 18:34, 41F

04/27 18:34, , 42F
04/27 18:34, 42F

04/27 18:38, , 43F
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04/27 18:39, , 44F
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04/27 18:40, , 45F
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04/27 18:42, , 46F
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04/27 20:49, , 47F
04/27 20:49, 47F

04/28 09:13, , 48F
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04/28 09:13, , 49F
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04/28 09:14, , 50F
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04/28 09:14, , 51F
04/28 09:14, 51F

04/28 09:14, , 52F
04/28 09:14, 52F

04/28 09:15, , 53F
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04/28 09:16, , 54F
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04/28 09:16, , 55F
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04/28 09:19, , 56F
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04/28 09:19, , 57F
04/28 09:19, 57F

04/28 09:20, , 58F
04/28 09:20, 58F

04/28 11:43, , 59F
ㄐㄐ就是ㄐㄐ 自詡專業第一名 專門來敗壞洋基球迷名聲
04/28 11:43, 59F

04/28 11:43, , 60F
有沒有料不知道 說話卻要比別人大聲一百倍 好像國中生
04/28 11:43, 60F

04/28 11:58, , 61F
04/28 11:58, 61F

04/28 11:59, , 62F
04/28 11:59, 62F

04/28 12:00, , 63F
會在六年後break out所以不用補Morse,連球都接不好的捕
04/28 12:00, 63F

04/28 12:01, , 64F
04/28 12:01, 64F

04/28 12:01, , 65F
04/28 12:01, 65F

04/28 12:02, , 66F
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04/28 12:02, , 67F
04/28 12:02, 67F

04/28 12:03, , 68F
04/28 12:03, 68F

04/28 12:04, , 69F
04/28 12:04, 69F

04/28 12:04, , 70F
04/28 12:04, 70F

04/28 12:05, , 71F
04/28 12:05, 71F

04/28 12:06, , 72F
04/28 12:06, 72F

04/28 12:07, , 73F
洋基球迷的老鼠屎 MLB板的世界奇觀XDDDDD
04/28 12:07, 73F

04/28 12:11, , 74F
之前引戰被警告都忘記了 看來你也只是z尻等級的
04/28 12:11, 74F

04/28 13:26, , 75F
nickyang請注意自身發言 警告一次。
04/28 13:26, 75F

12/26 18:08, 5年前 , 76F
在哪裡啊?不會看pro https://daxiv.com
12/26 18:08, 76F
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