[情報] Steve Bartman收到小熊給的冠軍戒指

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Steve Bartman receives 2016 Chicago Cubs World Series Championship ring 戒指圖片:https://goo.gl/PNSuUT http://wgntv.com/2017/07/31/steve-bartman-to-receive-2016-chicago-cubs-world-series-championship-ring/ 以下簡要翻,不逐字精準細刻 --- CHICAGO -- A WGN News exclusive -- Steve Bartman has received an official Chicago Cubs 2016 World Series Championship ring as a special gift from the Ricketts family and the Cubs organization. Bartman received the ring before noon Monday in Ricketts' office. Cubs President of Baseball Operations Theo Epstein and President of Operations Crane Kenney were also present. Ricketts then showed Bartman around Wrigley a bit, so he could see what was new since he'd last been to the park. The Cubs released a single photo of Bartman's ring: Bartman 在小熊老板 Ricketts 的辦公室收到戒指,Theo 跟 Crane 也都在。老闆還帶 Bartman 在球場晃了晃,他終於可以看看這座他 2003 年之後再也沒有進去過的球場有 什麼不同了。 --- 小熊官方聲明: 我們很榮幸代表小熊全體致贈 2016 冠軍戒給 Steve Bartman,我們希望那個不幸的篇 章能在久候的冠軍後完結,他承擔了十數年公眾輿論的重擔,讓他瞭解他已被小熊接納 非常重要。在他經歷這一切犧牲之後,我們很驕傲地頒發這個戒指表達對他的認同。 "On behalf of the entire Chicago Cubs organization, we are honored to present a 2016 World Series Championship Ring to Mr. Steve Bartman," the Cubs told WGN in a statement. "We hope this provides closure on an unfortunate chapter of the story that has perpetuated throughout our quest to win a long-awaited World Series. While no gesture can fully lift the public burden he has endured for more than a decade, we felt it was important Steve knows he has been and continues to be fully embraced by this organization. After all he has sacrificed, we are proud to recognize Steve Bartman with this gift today." --- Bartman 本人聲明: 我深受感動能收到冠軍戒,雖然我不覺得我值得這個殊榮,我完全了解這個戒指代表的 諸多歷史意義,我與家人會好好珍惜它。最具意義的是 Ricketts 家族代表小熊全隊與 粉絲重新接納了我並且支持我,我對於 2003 年界外球的事件終於畫下句點感到安心寬 慰。 我虛心收下戒指不僅因為它的歷史意義,更甚者,是它提醒我們應該如何對待社會上的 每一個人。我希望大家能從我的事件中學到,就當運動是項娛樂,而不是攻擊代罪羔羊 並且尊重個人隱私,避免那些投機者只為了私利趁機炒作利益。 更甚者,我希望這戒指將會是一切和解的開端,我請求媒體尊重我與我家人的隱私。我 也不會接受任何訪問或發表其他公開聲明。 言語無法表示我對 Ricketts 家族、Crane、Theo、小熊球團的謝意,以及芝加哥與這城 市球迷在 2016 年這座難忘的冠軍。我很開心能重新成為小熊的一份子,並且重新踏上 生活的正途。 “Although I do not consider myself worthy of such an honor, I am deeply moved and sincerely grateful to receive an official Chicago Cubs 2016 World Series Championship ring. I am fully aware of the historical significance and appreciate the symbolism the ring represents on multiple levels. My family and I will cherish it for generations. Most meaningful is the genuine outreach from the Ricketts family, on behalf of the Cubs organization and fans, signifying to me that I am welcomed back into the Cubs family and have their support going forward. I am relieved and hopeful that the saga of the 2003 foul ball incident surrounding my family and me is finally over. I humbly receive the ring not only as a symbol of one of the most historic achievements in sports, but as an important reminder for how we should treat each other in today’s society. My hope is that we all can learn from my experience to view sports as entertainment and prevent harsh scapegoating, and to challenge the media and opportunistic profiteers to conduct business ethically by respecting personal privacy rights and not exploit any individual to advance their own self-interest or economic gain. Moreover, I am hopeful this ring gesture will be the start of an important healing and reconciliation process for all involved. To that end, I request the media please respect my privacy, and the privacy of my family. I will not participate in interviews or further public statements at this time. Words alone cannot express my heartfelt thanks to the Ricketts family, Crane Kenney, Theo Epstein, and the entire Cubs organization for this extraordinary gift, and for providing the City of Chicago and Cubs fans everywhere an unforgettable World Championship in 2016. I am happy to be reunited with the Cubs family and positively moving forward with my life." --- 言談間看得出來他的人生受到影響非常大,就算到今日 也完全是個忠實球迷,能重新回到他愛的城市與球場總是好的 --  ◢██◣██▉█◣◢█◢██◣█◣ ▊◢██◣◢◢◣◣█◣ ▊ ┌────┐  ███◣ █ ███▉██▉▉▉█◣▊██▉▉███▉▉█◣▊ │賽門‧翁│  ◥███ █ █◥◤▉██▉▉▉██▊██▉▉███▉▉██▊ │simonown│ ◥██◤██▉█ ▉◥██◤▉◥█▊◥██◤◥◤◥◤▉◥█▊ └────┘ Simon's Blog: http://simonown.blogspot.tw 單車/登山/運動/社會/亂寫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1501524941.A.A2F.html

08/01 02:15, , 1F
08/01 02:15, 1F

08/01 02:16, , 2F
08/01 02:16, 2F

08/01 02:17, , 3F
08/01 02:17, 3F

08/01 02:20, , 4F
沒有不能進吧 是自己不想進..
08/01 02:20, 4F

08/01 02:21, , 5F
08/01 02:21, 5F

08/01 02:24, , 6F
沒吧 小熊迷好幾年前募了$5000邀他看季後賽 他不要
08/01 02:24, 6F

08/01 02:24, , 7F
08/01 02:24, 7F

08/01 02:25, , 8F
08/01 02:25, 8F

08/01 02:26, , 9F
08/01 02:26, 9F

08/01 02:26, , 10F
08/01 02:26, 10F

08/01 02:30, , 11F
08/01 02:30, 11F
※ 編輯: simonown (, 08/01/2017 02:46:16

08/01 03:47, , 12F
08/01 03:47, 12F

08/01 04:42, , 13F
08/01 04:42, 13F

08/01 05:11, , 14F
被集體霸凌影響一生的最好例子 還好發生在社群網路
08/01 05:11, 14F

08/01 05:12, , 15F
還沒那麼發達的時候 不然'鄉民的正義'會更可怕
08/01 05:12, 15F

08/01 05:31, , 16F
漫長又煎熬 辛苦了 解脫了
08/01 05:31, 16F

08/01 06:11, , 17F
08/01 06:11, 17F

08/01 06:43, , 18F
08/01 06:43, 18F

08/01 07:13, , 19F
嗚嗚嗚 這真的有點感動
08/01 07:13, 19F

08/01 08:00, , 20F
08/01 08:00, 20F

08/01 08:01, , 21F
08/01 08:01, 21F

08/01 08:07, , 22F
08/01 08:07, 22F

08/01 08:08, , 23F
但這事也算有個好結尾了 而且是專門刻的戒指
08/01 08:08, 23F

08/01 08:18, , 24F
08/01 08:18, 24F

08/01 08:37, , 25F
08/01 08:37, 25F

08/01 08:58, , 26F
這樣換一枚冠軍戒指 大家願意換嗎XD
08/01 08:58, 26F

08/01 09:38, , 27F
有網友留言 應該叫Alou親手給他並道歉
08/01 09:38, 27F

08/01 09:40, , 28F
08/01 09:40, 28F

08/01 09:47, , 29F
他也算有貢獻啦 去年打到界外有機會接的球迷全部閃遠
08/01 09:47, 29F

08/01 09:47, , 30F
08/01 09:47, 30F

08/01 10:28, , 31F
08/01 10:28, 31F

08/01 10:55, , 32F
被百年的怨念纏身 終於解脫了
08/01 10:55, 32F

08/01 11:25, , 33F
08/01 11:25, 33F

08/01 12:58, , 34F
08/01 12:58, 34F

08/01 14:13, , 35F
08/01 14:13, 35F

08/01 14:19, , 36F
08/01 14:19, 36F

08/02 01:57, , 37F
還好是發生在20年前 要是發生在現在 他應該受不了壓力
08/02 01:57, 37F
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