[外電] 醫療報告顯示大谷肘傷有改善 可練習打擊

看板MLB作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間6年前 (2018/06/29 09:48), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybtqkzya Shohei Ohtani cleared to begin hitting after elbow shows healing 大谷翔平可以開始練習打擊 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Shohei Ohtani's elbow injury has healed enough that the Los Angeles Angels' two-way star can begin a hitting program. 大谷的肘傷已經有改善,所以這雙刀流的明星可以開始打擊訓練了。 General manager Billy Eppler said Thursday that Ohtani underwent an MRI in Los Angeles that showed improvement to his ligament, clearing him to take batting practice in private. 天使GM Eppler星期四說大谷接受了核磁共振,結果顯示韌帶傷勢有改善,可以准許他開始 進行打擊練習了。 Ohtani was placed on the disabled list with a UCL sprain June 8. He will be re-evaluated by doctors in three weeks. 大谷是在六月八日因尺骨韌帶扭傷進DL,他會在三個禮拜內再次接受評估。 Asked whether Ohtani needs Tommy John surgery that could cause him to miss the rest of this season as well as all of the 2019 season, Eppler says no doctor has told him that the Japanese star needs surgery at this time. 被問到大谷是不是需要接受韌帶置換手術,會讓他剩下的2018球季及整個2019球季都無法 出賽,總管Eppler的說,「沒有醫師跟我說目前大谷會需要手術。」 If Ohtani responds well to batting practice on Thursday and Friday, Eppler said he could face live pitching this weekend. 若是大谷星期四跟星期五的打擊訓練狀況良好,Eppler說有可能這周末大谷就會面對實際 的投手了。 Ohtani has not been cleared to pitch as of yet. 目前大谷還沒被准許開始投球。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1530236887.A.73E.html

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