[外電] Kompany takes City top

看板ManCity作者 (i am an island)時間12年前 (2012/05/01 16:21), 編輯推噓8(800)
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第一次嘗試翻譯外電 總覺得曼城版很少有外電新聞 但很多用詞不太清楚怎麼翻 有錯還請大家多指教 來自天空體育 http://www.skysports.com/football/match_report/0,19764,11065_3495110,00.html Kompany takes City top 恐怕尼帶著城城登天了 Manchester City returned to the top of the table on a famous night at the Etihad Stadium as Vincent Kompany scored the only goal of the game against Manchester United. 恐怕尼在這個萬眾矚目的夜晚進了整場比賽的唯一一球 也帶著曼城重回戰績榜的榜首 The derby had been billed as perhaps the biggest game in Premier League history and it was City who prevailed in an absorbing encounter which came close to boiling over at times. 這場德比大戰在賽前就被譽為是英超歷史上最重要的一場比賽 並且已經引起非常多的熱烈討論 而最後城城在這場引人注目的對戰中脫穎而出 The crucial moment arrived on the stroke of half-time as Kompany climbed highest in the area to beat Chris Smalling to a David Silva corner and power his header past David de Gea. 整場比賽最重要的時刻莫過於上半場補時的時候 恐怕尼生吃了史莫林 把燒肉的角球直接頂穿德赫的大門 Sir Alex Ferguson had opted for an experienced line-up but United rarely threatened Joe Hart's goal and City looked likeliest to score in the second half. 佛爵在這場比賽中擺出了頗具經驗的陣容 但曼聯卻鮮少對喬哈特的大門造成威脅 反而是曼城看起來比較像是要在下半場繼續拿分(?) Another goal was not forthcoming and it was an agonising final few minutes for the home fans as City held on to secure a potentially decisive victory. 然而另一顆進球始終沒有到來 對曼城粉絲來說 看最後幾分鐘城城守護這場重要勝利的過程實在折騰人 Roberto Mancini's men now lead the title race by virtue of their superior goal difference, and it promises to be a fascinating fortnight with two games left to play for each side. 曼奇尼的人馬現在帶著淨勝球的優勢重回冠軍位 最後兩個禮拜的兩場比賽對雙方來說都注定是非常關鍵的 (fascinating應該要說成是關鍵嗎?) Sluggish Although the team sheets indicated Ferguson had adopted a cautious approach and Mancini a more attack-minded one, in fact the opening exchanges provided an alternate view. 先發名單很清楚可以看出來佛爵採取的是保守的戰術 曼奇尼則是進攻取向 然而開場的幾個來回看起來卻不像這個樣子 With his midfield reinforced by the introduction of Park Ji-sung to a Premier League starting line-up for the first-time since January, Ferguson's side quickly got into their stride and looked capable of carving out a decent opportunity or two. 為了鞏固中場 佛爵讓從一月以來沒有在英超先發的韓國人上場 曼聯很快的就製造了幾個很好的進球機會 However, Nani wasted their clearest opportunity when he ignored Phil Jones' overlapping burst and let fly from 35 yards with a shot that was hopelessly off-target. 然而Nani浪費了一個大好機會 從35碼外打了一個毫無機會的大飛機 (Phil Jones' overlapping burst該怎麼說來著??) City, meanwhile, began sluggishly, their midfield seemingly incapable of stringing a succession of passes together with any regularity. 曼城這個時候打起來不太有力 他們的中場看起來很難做出一連串的穩健傳球 Samir Nasri was the man who sparked them into life with a couple of mazy dribbles as the hosts started to get near the byline, which always gives defences cause for concern. 此時Nasri用幾個精彩的盤帶把皮球帶向對方的球門線 對曼聯的防線帶來了不少威脅 也把曼城的攻勢重新帶了起來 Sergio Aguero screwed a volley wide, then Pablo Zabaleta seized on an opportunity he would have been better leaving for Nasri and his shot rolled through to De Gea. 阿Kun凌空抽射打飛了一球 之後薩巴萊塔抓到一個機會對De Gea進攻 但其實這球放給Nasri會更好 最後薩巴萊塔把這球打成一個軟弱滾球交還給了De Gea After all the hype, it was hardly a classic, although as the clock ticked down towards half-time, the United camp presumably reflected they were quite happy at that. 在許多精采的來回之後(?) 時間逐漸靠近中場休息 曼聯的人對於這個結果大概是相當滿意的 So, to go behind in stoppage time in such orthodox fashion would have been particularly galling for the visitors. (??) De Gea's frailties under the high ball are well known by now. When David Silva curled over the second of successive corners, a stronger, more confident goalkeeper might have come to punch. Instead, he left it to his defenders. De Gea對於高球的判斷是眾所皆知的弱項 對於燒肉踢出的第二顆角球 任何更強更有自信的守門員大概都會選擇出擊錘出 然而 他把這球留給了其他曼聯防守者 Smalling, like Park, making his first start since January after Jonny Evans was ruled out through injury, momentarily lost Kompany on their run from the edge of the box and was still marginally out of position when the Belgian rose to power home from six yards. 史莫林跟韓國人一樣從一月以來沒有先發過 上次先發是在一月Jonny Evans受傷的時候 他在禁區邊緣短暫的跟丟了孔帕尼而失去了防守他的最佳位置 讓比利時人在六碼處跳起頂爆了球門 It was a devastating goal for United to lose as there had been no obvious indication they were likely to score. 這對曼聯來說是一個極具毀滅性的失球 因為他們看起來沒有甚麼明顯的機會可以進球 Wayne Rooney looked particularly out of sorts, isolated up front and generally unhappy with the buffeting he was receiving, which had only drawn one yellow card for Kompany. 魯尼看起來心情特別火 他在前線被孤立 而且受到了曼城後防大量的照顧 包括一個孔帕尼的黃牌play 這讓他真的很不爽 Momentum The second half was only 12 minutes old when Ferguson offered his star man some badly-needed support, replacing Park with Welbeck. 下半場才開場12分鐘 佛爵就用愛將Welbeck換下韓國人 希望能快點幫助曼聯得分 Immediately before the change, though, United might have found themselves two down when De Gea came for a corner without getting near it and Nasri ended up curling wide of the far post. 就在這個換人之前 曼聯差點失了第二分 有一顆角球De Gea完全碰不到 不過Nsari把他打偏出了遠門柱 Even when the Red Devils did build some attacking momentum, their final pass was either off-target or overhit, ensuring Hart was not tested. 縱使紅魔們想要製造一些進攻機會 他們的最後一腳傳球不適傳歪就是傳飛 讓哈特神一點被考驗的機會都沒有 However, with his side well capable of grabbing a second, Mancini's decision to replace Carlos Tevez with Nigel de Jong hinted at containment, a very dangerous ploy against this particular set of opponents. 為了守住勝利(?) 曼奇尼用德容換下了Tevez來封鎖曼聯的進攻 面對這個特別的對手 這個換人相當的危險(?) Yaya Toure did thrash a long-range effort wide, his shot close enough to have De Gea scrambling across his goal. 亞亞圖雷帶了一個很長距離的球然後射門 這個射門危險到要讓De Gea飛撲去救 (不過還是稍微打偏了...) And, in truth, United seemed to have precious few ideas about prising their opponents open. 事實上曼聯看起來已經沒甚麼招可以攻破對手的防線 De Jong's foul on Welbeck brought a yellow card for the Dutchman and sparked a furious touchline row between Ferguson and Mancini. Peace was eventually restored but the visitors failed to feed off their manager's fire. 德容對Welbeck的一個黃牌犯規點燃了邊線外的佛爵與曼奇尼 雖然最終是沒有繼續吵下去 但客隊的人們似乎還是沒辦法平息他們老大的怒火 Toure came agonisingly close to grabbing a second for the Blues and De Gea made an excellent save to deny Gael Clichy. 亞亞圖雷抓住了一個為藍月得分的機會傳給克里奇 但De Gea漂亮的撲出了克里奇的射門 And despite five minutes' stoppage time, the Blues cruised home, and the songs of celebration began with City two games from glory. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iamarock 來自: (05/01 16:26)

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