Beckham 中國官網聊天實錄!!!

看板ManUtd作者 (~~/⊙﹏⊙\~~ )時間22年前 (2002/12/06 10:41), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
20:00 VIP可以發言! 20:15 貝克漢姆正在從carrington到老特拉福德的途中,在線聊天將稍許推遲,請大家 見諒,同時也請大家再多一點耐心。感謝大家的配合! 20:30 各位球迷朋友大家好,因為貝克漢姆目前正在趕往聊天現場途中,我們的在線聊天 將不得不推遲少許,對此給大家造成的不便還請多多見諒! 21:30 小貝來了! vip_貴賓_1 問 你的業餘時間如何渡過? 小貝 答 I spend my time with family, friends. (我會和我得家人呆在一起,中國的朋友們) vip_貴賓_2 問 你怎樣認識維多利亞的?你最喜歡她什麼? 小貝 答 I got to know Victoria the first time when she came to watch me in a game and swapped numbers afterwards, and my favourite aspect of all is, she has so many but especially the mother in her and the way she is with our children. (我第一次認識維多利亞是她有一次來看我得比賽。我最喜歡她的方面是她身上體現出來 的母愛和她對待孩子的方式) 天之餃子 問 你有天才的右腳,經常可以傳出不可思議的傳球,打進不可思議的進 球。你是怎樣練就你無所不能的右腳的呢? 小貝 答 With my free kick I practise them everyday, there is a certain technique to them but i'm not going to tell you! It's just hard work (我每天都練我得任意球,我練球有獨特的方式,但是我不會告訴你們。艱苦的努力很重 要) guangzhou 問 在球場外,你做了許多事情幫助窮困的人們。你覺得你是否有責任去 幫助那些不幸的人們? 小貝 答 I think there is a responsibility that all famous people get and it is nice to be in a position to help people and make them happy. (我認為任何一位名人都有這樣的責任,我們應當幫助別人、帶給他們歡樂。) shanghaiStarbar 問 作為曼聯隊長和英格蘭隊隊長,你覺得兩者有什麼不同?是不是 要負擔不同的責任? 小貝 答 Being a captain of club and country you get a certain amount of responsibilities, but it feels great being captain for my club as I've been a Manchester United fan all my life and being captain for England is an amazing experience and I'm very honoured. (作為俱樂部和國家隊的隊長,你需要負擔一些責任,但能當我們俱樂部得隊長我覺得很 驕傲,因為我是曼聯的終生球迷。而能夠當英格蘭隊的隊長我覺得是一個非常奇妙的經歷 ,我覺得很榮幸) beijing 問 你在退休之前會留在曼聯嗎?弗格森的去留會影響你的決定嗎? 小貝 答 I've recently signed a new contract and I am not expecting to leave yet and this is a club that I have supported my whole life, but you never know. (我最近和俱樂部剛剛簽訂了新的合同,我不會考慮離開,因?這是我一生支援的球隊,但 是很多事情你永遠無法預測) lhanminsg 問 弗格森有時候讓你打中場的中路,而不是右路,你更喜歡哪個?你覺得 你能夠打好中間的位置嗎? 小貝 答 I like playing in the middle, but also enjoy playing on the right and have got used to it. But, if I had to pick one position where I am more involved in the game it has to be the middle. (我喜歡在中路,但是我也很喜歡在右路,而且我已經習慣在右路了。但是如果一定要讓 我選擇一個最頻繁出現的位置的話,我想是中路!) watershed 問 你認為曼聯歷史上最偉大的球員是誰? 小貝 答 I think there are so many great players that have played for Manchester United and it's not easy to pick one. Bryan Robson, was my hero but, Eric Cantona was one of the best players that I have played with. (我想有許多偉大的球星曾經在曼聯效力,要找出一個最好的很不容易,但是布賴恩·羅 布森使我心目中最好的,坎通納則是和我一起踢過球的球員中最好的一個) sg3 問 在曼聯,內維爾是你的最好朋友?據說他是你結婚時候的伴郎,是的嗎? 你們是怎樣建立起友誼的? 小貝 答 I have known Gary since I was fifteen and moved to Manchester. So we have become friends inside the game and outside and for my wedding he was the Best Man, and that means he is my best friend. (從我15歲的時候我就認識加裏,那時候我剛剛來曼徹斯特。所以我們在場內和場外都成 了好朋友,在我的婚禮上他是伴郎,這意味著他是我最好的朋友) kelvin 問 你肩膀和背後的文身是些什麼東西?他們有什麼意義嗎? 小貝 答 The one on my left arm says my wifes name Victoria in Hindi. The one on my right arm means the number seven, because it's my favourite number and the number I wear. The one on the bottom of my back is my sons name Brooklyn. The one at the top of my back is my sons name Romeo. The big angel on my back is a Guardian Angel that looks over them. (我左臂的文身是印度文我妻子維多利亞的名字,右臂的文身意思是7,因?這是我最喜歡 的數位和我得球衣號碼。在我背部底端的是我兒子布魯克林的名字。在我背部上方的是我另 外一個兒子羅米歐的名字,在我後背上面的是守護天使) leon 問 曼聯是否是世界上你喜歡的唯一俱樂部?在來曼聯之前呢喜歡過其他俱樂部嗎? 小貝 答 Manchester United is the only club I have ever wanted to play for, but I think there is a lot of great clubs out there Barcelona, Real Madrid, AC Milan, Arsenal. (曼聯是唯一想效力的球隊,但是我想世界上還有很多偉大的球隊,象巴賽隆納,皇家馬 德里,AC米蘭和阿森納) 小比 問 你認為中國足球如何?你知道在英超踢球的孫繼海和李鐵嗎? 小貝 答 I watch games that are shown on Sky television from China and Japan. The football is very exciting, and alot of great players and it would be nice to see more Chinese and Japanese players playing in England. (我從天空電視臺看過中國和日本的比賽,那裏的球賽很激動人心,有很多偉大的球員, 如果有更多中國和日本的球員能夠在英國踢球,那將非常好) vip_貴賓_10 問 在你生命中最令你高興和最有紀念意義的事情是什?? 小貝 答 There is three, getting married and the birth of my two sons in my private life. Football life, has to be winning the treble and being Captain of my country in the World Cup. (在我個人生活中有三件事情最令我高興和最有紀念意義,一件是結婚,還有兩件就是兩 個兒子的分別降生。在足球生涯上,則是贏得三冠王和作為國家隊隊長參加世界盃。) clairechen 問 在中國你有非常多的球迷,你對中國什麼印象?你想對中國球迷說些 什麼? 小貝 答 Thankyou for the support that you have shown to me and my family. And the support that you have shown to me with my football and I send my love to you all and hope to see you soon. (非常感謝大家對我以及我的家庭的支援,還有就是感謝大家對我的足球事業的支援,我 願將愛與大家分享,期待著跟大家早日見面。) 風雨雷電 問 最近曼聯連續擊敗了紐卡斯爾和利物浦,現在積分榜上排名第四。你 能否評價一下這兩場比賽,並對本周末對阿森納的比賽做些預測? 小貝 答 It's hard to say because I wasn't playing but the team did very well and I am looking forward to hopefully getting my place back. And hopefully beating Arsenal on Saturday. (很難評價,因為我沒有上場比賽,但是隊員們打的很好,而我很希望能夠儘快複出,當然 也希望周六能夠擊敗阿森納) 問 你好,我想問你在最困難的是時候誰給了你最大幫助和鼓勵?????? 小貝 答 My family gave me the help and courage that I needed and the Manchester United fans were amazing and made me want to stay in Manchester. (當我需要幫助和勇氣的時候,是我的家庭給我這一切,曼聯的球迷們也非常好,是你們 讓我們繼續留在曼徹斯特。) 碧鹹_1984 問 1. What necessary elements do you think a good player should possess? 小貝 答 The elements that a player needs are courage, determination and they need to enjoy the game and have fun and practise. (一個球員必須具備的品質是勇敢,決心,還有他們必須從比賽中獲得樂趣,還有就是不 斷訓練) simon 問 Veron has been subjected to a lot of critisim lately, especially for his perfomance during league match.In your opinion, how well do you think he has fit into the team. 小貝 答 Despite what anyone else thinks I think that Veron is one of the best players in the World. And I think that the criticism he has received is very unfair. (不管別人怎麼說,我認為貝隆是世界上最好的球員之一,我覺得對他的批評是不公平 的) Oliver Bierhoff 問 請問現在貝克汗姆最欣賞的球員是誰? 小貝 答 The player that I admire the most in my career has to be Bryan Robson because he has been my boyhood hero. (我最欣賞的球員是布賴恩·羅布森,他是我兒時的偶像) amandalau123 問 請問你的傷好些了嗎?什麼時候可以上場? 小貝 答 I should start training on sunday with the team and hopefully be fit to play on wednesday against Deportivo or saturday against West Ham. (我會在周日與球隊一同開始訓練,希望很快康復,在下周三對拉科魯尼亞或者是下周六 對西漢姆聯隊的比賽中上場。) amandalau123 問 現在小布魯克林有多高了? 小貝 答 Brooklyn is now up to the top of my thigh. (布魯克林的個子現在都到我的大腿根這裏了!) I want DB 問 維多利亞什麼時候又開始唱歌呢? 小貝 答 Victoria is in the middle of recording her second album, and I have heard four tracks and I am sure that you will all love them because I did. (維多利亞正在錄製她的第二張唱片,我已經聽了其中的四首歌,我想你們會喜歡的,因 為我很喜歡!) amandalau123 問 作為國家隊隊長你有沒有感到壓力?你認為在賽場上最重要的是 什麼? 小貝 答 I don't feel pressure it's just an honour to be the England Captain and the most important thing to think about whilst you are playing football is the concentration and making sure you enjoy playing football. (身為國家隊的隊長,我沒有感到壓力,這是一種榮耀。當在踢球的時候,最重要的事情是 集中注意力,確保自己正在享受足球的樂趣) 天氣會變 問 dear david ,我覺得你現在在球場上越來越成熟了`,但是為什麼你下底 線出球的次數越來越少呢?這和教練的安排有關嗎? 小貝 答 I think that I have matured in the last few years because of becoming a father and I thought I was making alot of runs and crosses. (我想我在過去的幾年裏已經逐漸成熟了,因為我現在是一個父親,我想我在場上還是有 很多的跑動的傳球的) 風雨雷電 問 曼聯能戰勝阿森納嗎? 小貝 答 Of course we can! (是的當然!) 紅魔寧靜雪 問 在球隊中大家通常通過什麼娛樂方式來交流彼此的感情?對默契有 幫助嗎? 小貝 答 We go out for dinner, and the manager takes us horse racing, to watch not to ride! That improves the team spirit. (我們會出去吃飯,教練會帶我們去賽馬,當然是看不是騎。這些活動可以提高我們的團 隊精神) vannsyncbsb 問 你認為孫繼海是一個可以在英超揚名的人嗎??? 小貝 答 He has done very well so far this season and I am sure that if he continues he can as big over here as he is in China. (這個賽季到目前為止他的表現很好,我敢肯定的是,如果他繼續努力下去,在英國就可 以跟在中國一樣的出色。) 小貝殼. 問 我們都知道你有兩個非常可愛的孩子,那你平常會跟他們做些什麼呢? 小貝 答 We play Thomas the Tank Engine and we watch Peter Pan. We also play football. (我們經常玩托馬斯坦克大戰,我們還看彼得·潘,我們也踢足球) 問 近期有傳聞說giggs要離開曼聯,你對這件事情怎麼看?你會永遠留在曼聯麼? 小貝 答 Ryan Giggs has been at Manchester Unted now for many years, and he is a Man Utd player through and through.I am sure he will never leave Man Utd. (吉格斯在曼聯很多年裏,他永遠是曼聯的球員,我相信他永遠不會離開曼聯) 問 你認為足球帶給你的最大快樂是什麼? 小貝 答 Being able to do something that I have loved my whole life and being able to perform in front of people week in, week out that love watching. (我能夠做我一生中摯愛的事情,能夠在每個星期來看球的球迷面前表演我得球技) 阿Cat 問 除了曼聯,你最喜歡哪只俱樂部? 小貝 答 The national team, because it's nice to be involved in another team with so many great players. (英格蘭國家隊,因?這是能夠在另外一支有很多偉大球員的球隊踢球感覺很好) beijing 問 本周和阿森納的比賽你會上場嗎?你認為我們會再得英超冠軍嗎? 小貝 答 I won't be playing in the Arsenal match and I am sure that we have a chance of winning the league again. (對阿森納的比賽中我不會上場,我確信我們有再次贏得英超冠軍的機會!) beijing 問 你認為自己何時會獲得世界足球先生? 小貝 答 It's nice to be involved in the World footballing awards, I have been second twice and it would be nice to be first one day. (能夠入圍世界足球先生名單非常高興,我已經做了兩次第二名,如果有一天能夠做第一 名感覺一定非常好!) 07DB 問 1998年的時候曼聯曾來過中國上海,可是當時你並沒有隨隊,令無數喜歡你的 球迷恨是失望,請問什麼時候你會來中國? 小貝 答 I was very dissapointed not to be involved in that trip to China and hopefully I can make it up to you all one day. (對於沒有能夠到中國來訪問我也感到非常的失望,為此,我一定會尋找機會來讓大家的 一償夙願的。) 雪地裏的貝殼 問 那請問你認為當今足壇的現役球員中,誰最讓你欣賞或者敬佩? 小貝 答 Ronaldo, because he has had alot of criticism and has come through it and shown in the World Cup what a world class player he is. (羅納爾多,有很多人批評他,但是他頂住了壓力,在世界盃上展示了一個世界級球員的 風範) guangzhou 問 你會考慮留長頭髮嗎? 小貝 答 Hopefully I will keep my long hair, unless I wake up one morning and decide to cut it off again. (我會把頭髮一直留長,直到某一個早晨我醒來後突然決定再把頭髮剃掉……) 雪地裏的貝殼 問 你的髮型的變化引領了一個潮流,對此你怎麼看?你當初有想到會 帶來這麼大的凡響嗎? 小貝 答 I didn't realise how many people in Japan and Korea knew about my hairstyle until I played out there in the World Cup and it was so nice to see so many people copying the blonde streak through the middle of the hair, it made me laugh. (在我來世界盃之前,我並沒有意識到在韓國和日本有那麼多人知道我的髮型,看到這麼 多人模仿我得莫西幹頭,我哈哈大笑) beijing 問 你最喜歡生活哪個國家? 小貝 答 I love living in England and there are so many beautiful countries around the world, including Japan and Korea which I loved visiting during the World Cup. Hopefully one day I can visit China and maybe stay there for a while.I have to leave you all now, thankyou for visiting me and thankyou for all the questions you have asked me, there were some funny ones! Thankyou all again and i send my love to you all. David x (我喜歡住在英格蘭,但是世界上有很多美麗的國家,包括韓國和日本,在世界盃的時候 我很喜歡訪問那裏。希望有一天我能夠訪問中國然後在那裏呆一段時間。我現在必須走 了,謝謝你們,謝謝你們問我的問題,有很多很有趣的問題。再次謝謝你們,我愛你們所 有人。大衛 X) 曼聯(中國)官方網站 問 在結束之前,可以再給大家說幾句話嗎? 小貝 答 I am very honoured that you have all logged on and wish I could be over there to talk to you to your faces, rather than over a computer.Hopefully, that will happen one day. (大家能夠登陸上來聊天我感到非常榮幸。我期待著跟大家面對面的聊天,而不再是通過 電腦,我肯定有一天這一定會實現的!) 時間真的是太短,太短了,不知不覺已經到了和小貝說再見的時刻了。我們希望他 趕快康復,也祝願大家新年愉快,幸福!來年再見! -- 編了半個多小時 ..>__<" 累 -- ╭───╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭───╮ ╭╮ ╭───╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ┌───╮ │╭──╯ │╰╮││ │╭──╯ ││ │╭─╮│ │╰╮││ │┌─╮│ │╰──╮ │ │││ ││╭─╮ ││ ││ ││ │ │││ ││ ││ │╭──╯ ││╰╮│ ││╰╮│ ││ │╰─╯│ ││╰╮│ ││ ││ │╰──╮ ││ ││ │╰─╯│ │╰──╮│╭─╮│ ││ ││ │└─╯│ ╰───╯ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰───╯ ╰───╯╰╯ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰╯ └───╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: porter 來自: (12/06 10:41)

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文章代碼(AID): #zy0vrFG (ManUtd)