[轉錄][翻譯][轉錄]The next season's power r …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: NBA 標題: [翻譯][轉錄]The next season's power rankings.(1~15名) 時間: Sun Oct 2 13:33:54 2005 寫在前頭的真心話: 本篇翻譯文是小的潛水五年以來首篇作品,肯定是錯誤百出,希望各位大大 能不吝給予指教,如果大家反應不錯,我會找個時間繼續把下半部翻完的。 =========================================================================== | Power Rankings by Marc Stein from espn.com | =========================================================================== NO. / TEAMS/ LAST SEASON REC./ COMMENT BY Marc Stein 1.Spurs(59-23) The committee loves it when someone out there makes it this easy. And it doesn't get much easier than putting the reigning champs up here in the top slot after they added Finley, Van Exel and Oberto at bargain prices. 雖然名列新球季power ranking第一名,且用經濟實惠的價格簽下了M.Finley 、N.Van Exel和F.Oberto,但想在新球季衛冕總冠軍並沒有因此變得容易許多。 (編按:第一句實在不曉得怎麼翻 XD) 2.Pistons(54-28) You could argue that Larry Brown's departure should bring a steeper drop. Then you might recall we're talking about defiant Detroit, which rallies around such causes. 你可以認為教練L.Brown的離去將影響活塞實力甚鉅,但這時你應該想起我們 討論的是重新整合且不畏一切挑戰的活塞。 3.Suns(62-20) People seem to forget that these guys beat Dallas in the second round without Joe Johnson and with no bench. Now they have a bench (a good one) and still have two MVP candidates (Nash and Amare), so hold off on the crisis talk. 人們似乎都忘了這群傢伙在沒有J.Johnson以及任何板凳的情況於去年季後賽 第二輪痛擊了小牛隊。現在他們有了板凳球員(而且是不錯的一些)而且仍擁有兩 名具有角逐MVP資格的球員(S.Nash和A.Stoudemire,所以暫且停止他們將面臨危 機的說法吧! 4.Pacers(44-38) Ron-Ron reinstated. J. O'Neal healed. Uncle Reg retired ... but replaced by our man Saras Jasikevicius. In other words, you shouldn't be surprised to see that Indy has been bumped back up among the league's elite. R.Artest回來了,J.O'neal復原了,Miller大叔退休了...(編按:第一次看 到Uncle Reg這暱稱)但我們的S.Jasikevicius將補上他的位置。換句話說,就算 你看到溜馬用爆炸性的演出回到聯盟佼佼者的位置也不用覺得驚訝。 5.Heats(59-23) If all the new, uh, personalities click, Riles wins Executive of the Year and we eat crow. Stan VG, meanwhile, wins Coach of the Year if he can last the whole season. 如果球隊全部的新成員,嗯,能一拍即合,那P.Riley會贏得年度最佳行政人員獎 ,我們會乖乖閉嘴(編按:我猜的 囧rz)。S.Van Gundy,如果他能持續讓熱火 表現火熱,年度最佳教練的獎項也將應 6.Rockets(51-31) Yao had his first-ever summer of significant rest and now has the athletic frontcourt sidekick (Swift) he needed as much as a healthy break. Rockets thus move to the brink of the elite, in spite of the Sura situation. "搖名"第一次在暑假休兵期間有了顯著的休息(他最迫切需要的健全的休息) 而且擁有在前場共同打拼的夥伴(S.Swift)。火箭因此將往前邁進直至聯盟佼佼者 的邊緣位置,就算B.Sura的狀況並不是很理想。 7.Nuggets(49-33) Furious George can't expect to go 32-8 in every 40 games with Denver, as seen in his first act, but Nuggets don't strike us as fluke material. Especially not if K-Mart rebounds from his knee woes and Camby stays healthy. 脾氣火暴的教練G.Karl沒辦法期待每次帶領金塊參加40場比賽都能獲得32勝8 敗的佳績(就像我們去年看到的他在金塊的處女秀一樣),但金塊去年季末給我們 的強隊印象將不是僥倖而已,尤其是在如果K.Mart能在膝蓋狀況良好的情形下搶 下更多籃板且M.Camby能保持健康的前提下。 8.Mavericks(58-24) With their Big Three down to a Big One, Mavs weren't an automatic top-10 selection. But they're here out of respect for Nowitzki, since he somehow led essentially the same team to a whopping 58 wins last season. 當小牛三劍客只剩下D.Nowitzki時,小牛並不會自動成為聯盟預測前十名的 強隊,但基於對司機去年以優秀表現帶領球隊豪奪58勝的尊敬之下,他們仍被預 測維新球季聯盟第8強隊。 9.Cavaliers(42-40) There are several newcomers to track -- Hughes, Donyell, D-Jones and Ferry -- but let's face it: LBJ and his quest to finally make the playoffs remain the main focus. 有許多新面孔陸陸續續加入了球隊,包括L.Hughes、D.Marshall、D.Jones還 有D.Ferry(編按:原來GM也算新成員阿 Orz),但讓我們面對現實:能擠進季後 賽的窄門仍是LBJ所冀求的首要目標。 10.Kings(50-32) The additions of Bonzi and Reef look like trademark Petrie scores. But the moves slam home the idea that Kings, as we knew them, are a memory. B.Wells和S A.Rahim的加入看起來似乎是總管Petrie暑假補強作業的輝煌成 果,但既存的活動灌籃之家的印象僅只剩回憶而已。(編按:好吧 我承認這 句我在亂翻 看不懂只好用猜的) 11.Grizzles(45-37) Grizz might indeed be at risk for slipping out of the West's top eight, as stated in Wednesday's chat. Then again, they might not slip at all after dumping all the unhappy souls (Bonzi, J-Will, Swift and Posey) for the good of team chemistry. 在星期三的談話開始時,總管West承認目前灰熊的確可能是暴露在失去了主要的 八人輪替中的其中幾位球員的風險之中。但他仍再次強調,球隊仍可能因去除在 球隊裡不得志的那幾位球員(B.Wells、J-Will、S.Swift、J.Posey)所產生的良好 化學作用而不至於對實際戰力產生如原本我們所想那麼大的影響。 12.Nets(42-40) They're perhaps deeper than they've ever been in the J-Kidd Era, but so is the top of the East. So Nets will have to settle for battling Cavs best-of-the-rest status. 他們現在的陣容深度可能是J.Kidd當家以來最好的,但東區各隊的戰力也都正處 於顛峰狀態,所以籃網必須做好和東區前三強球隊(活塞、溜馬、熱火)外狀態最好的 騎士廝殺的心理準備。 13.Warriors(34-48) Everyone seems to be picking Warriors to end their decade-long playoff drought at last. Of course, that only increases the pressure on GS to finally do so. 每個人似乎都看好勇士本季至少能結束睽違季後賽已十年之久的乾旱期。 當然啦,他們這樣的想法只是增加球隊及球員的心理壓力罷了。 14.Wizards(45-37) Wiz won't be as dynamic as they were with Hughes, but they're deeper. Which is enough to retain their playoff ticket in the East. 巫師本季將不再像去年擁有L.Hughes時那麼具有爆發力,不過他們的陣容更有 深度了,而且是足夠再一次於東區取得進入季後賽門票的。 15.Bucks(30-52) Larry Harris had a summer to rival that of any GM in the league. All the moves should ease the burden on Bogut and take Bucks back to the playoffs. 公鹿總管L.Harris過了一個和聯盟其他球隊總管進行激烈競爭的充實暑假,但他 所做的一切將減輕選秀狀元A.Bogut肩上的重擔且帶領公鹿重返季後賽。 -- 以下恕刪 雖然熱愛NBA 不過一次翻那麼多實在很累阿 -_-||| ※ 編輯: ARCXU 來自: (10/02 18:56)

10/02 23:30, , 1F
10/02 23:30, 1F

10/03 22:56, , 2F
XD 那改一下好了
10/03 22:56, 2F
※ 編輯: ARCXU 來自: (10/03 22:58)
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