[外電] Arrival of a new face - no matter ho …

看板Mavericks作者 (阿ray)時間14年前 (2010/02/27 13:23), 編輯推噓6(605)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Arrival of a new face - no matter how obscure - always gets fans buzzing While I was scrolling through the questions in my online chat the other day, looking for something I could actually answer, Von Wafer's name sprouted like spring weeds. 當我在翻閱我的線上聊天室,尋找一些我可以回答的問題時,Wafer的名字到處都是。 Von Wafer questions outnumbered questions about any Cowboy or Maverick or Ranger. 詢問Wafer的比問Cowboy,Maverick,Ranger的還多。 Have the Mavs signed Von Wafer yet? What's the update on Von Wafer? Is Von Wafer coming? 小牛簽Wafer了嗎?進度如何啊? Wafer會來嗎? Hold tight, Dallas. Von Wafer has landed. Wafer降臨達拉斯。 Never mind that the person who benefited most from the signing, outside Von Wafer's dependents, was Matt Carroll, who gained a teammate who hadn't seen pictures of Carroll's new baby yet. Suffice to say, whatever the Mavs' hopes of prolonging their season, they're probably not riding on a 10-day contract. 機哩瓜拉講一堆我只想說小牛想要要走更遠,那可能不會只簽10天。 But, hey, there's nothing like the prospects of a personnel move to fire up the ol' fan base. For example: The locals are still hung over from the deal with the Wizards, which officially goes down as the first time in civic history that we got more from Washington than we sent. In fact, the returns were so great, the Mavs can't even decide who was the lynchpin in the deal. Donnie Nelson says Caron Butler. Mark Cuban says Brendan Haywood. 這筆交易的效益是如此巨大,我們得到的比我們送出去的多,小牛隊甚至不能決定誰是這 交易中的關鍵人物,Donnie Nelson說是Caron Butler,庫班則說是Brendan Haywood。 The House of David votes for DeShawn Stevenson. 總管David認為是DeShawn Stevenson。 Speaking of beards: In research for this column – I had to look up how to spell "DeShawn" – I came across evidence that Stevenson and Drew Gooden once wagered who could grow a beard the longest. And now they've been traded for each other. Kind of eerie. And here's the really weird part: Butler says he can't grow a beard at all. Claims he had it "lasered" off. Right. 提到鬍子哥我就想到他還和Drew Gooden比在一段時間內誰的鬍子長常比較多。 Anyway, you can only imagine what Wizards fans must have been thinking if they watched the new-look Mavs beat the Lakers the other night. It's like breaking up with your girlfriend and she goes out and wins a Miss America title. 你可以想像當巫師迷看著全新的小牛Beat LA的那個夜晚,那滋味就像你跟你女友 分手之後,她得了全美小姐的頭銜那樣(囧)。 Meanwhile, the only thing Josh Howard's new teammates can expect from him now is an invitation to his birthday party, and Gooden's a Clipper. Either his 10th or 11th team, depending on whether you count the Wizards. He's been a member of more organizations than a roomful of Rotarians. 在此同時,小豪的新隊友(巫師)唯一能期待的就只剩被小豪邀請去他的生日派對,至於 Gooden呢,換隊換很大。 中間穿插一封信不重要,跳過 Welcome to Dallas, Von Wafer. Here's hoping it lasts. 歡迎來到達拉斯,Von Wafer http://0rz.tw/ZqCoL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wowray 來自: (02/27 13:25)

02/27 13:26, , 1F
02/27 13:26, 1F

02/27 13:27, , 2F
他是酸巫師吧 他暗指巫師能做的就是參加派對 應該吧
02/27 13:27, 2F

02/27 13:27, , 3F
好酸= =
02/27 13:27, 3F

02/27 13:28, , 4F
02/27 13:28, 4F

02/27 13:29, , 5F
是喔 真囧
02/27 13:29, 5F

02/27 13:30, , 6F
02/27 13:30, 6F

02/27 13:31, , 7F
反正巫師為了清薪資 這季大放送了
02/27 13:31, 7F

02/27 13:32, , 8F
爵士快輸了 排名要變動囉!
02/27 13:32, 8F

02/27 13:39, , 9F
是在酸沒錯 酸超大 XDrz 受傷了就只能落人口實 orz
02/27 13:39, 9F

02/27 13:40, , 10F
那把小豪買斷 送回來吧!!.....................(XD
02/27 13:40, 10F

02/27 13:49, , 11F
超酸的 XDD
02/27 13:49, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1BYAmq0Z (Mavericks)