[外電] Fatigue was issue for Roddy Beaubois

看板Mavericks作者 (bone bone)時間13年前 (2011/02/23 17:04), 編輯推噓2(202)
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Fatigue was issue for Roddy Beaubois 體能對波霸是個問題 While Dirk Nowitzki was taking in an All-Star party in L.A., and other Dallas Mavericks teammates were spread across the country enjoying a weekend off, Roddy Beaubois was at the American Airlines Center running, shooting, cutting, running, shooting, running and running. 當Dirk在L.A.打明星賽 其他隊友在渡假時 波霸待在美國航空中心不斷的練習投籃、切入 一直跑阿跑~ "It was very tough, I think everybody saw it," Beaubois said of his back-to-back season debut last week. "I didn’t realize it was going to be that tough, but I really felt it. I have to keep pushing myself. In a couple of games I think I am going to be ready." 波霸說:"我想大家都看得出來B2B的比賽現在對我來說太累人了~      我不知道這練習的強度夠不夠,但我覺得我有變強~      我將繼續的鞭策自己,好足以應付B2B的賽程~" Beaubois played a total of 40 minutes, 21 the first night and 19 the second. He was crisper in Wednesday's home debut with 13 points and six assists. Coming back the next night, and with J.J. Barea sidelined with a bad cold, Beaubois was forced into another 19 minutes that proved too taxing. He finished with nine points, two assists and five fouls. He picked up three fouls in a quick span of the fourth quarter. 波霸再回來的兩場比賽共打了40分鐘 第一場他上了21分鐘 拿到13分跟6次助攻 但第二場JJB因為感冒沒辦法上場所以波霸的負擔更重了~ 他上了19分鐘 拿到9分跟兩次助攻 還有5次犯規... 他在第四節迅速的犯了三次規... "For sure, it was the fatigue," Beaubois said of the fouls. "I was really tired. I need a couple games." 波霸談到那些犯規:"很明顯的是體能下滑了~我真的很疲憊..." One teammate in particular was quite pleased with the early returns on Beaubois, the second-year, lightning-quick guard who turns 23 on Thursday. "For Roddy, the sky’s the limit," Nowitzki said. "He’s got to keep on working. Once he’s healthy I think he’s exactly what we need: an explosive guy who can get the ball in the paint off the dribble, which is sometimes what we lack." 有個隊友對他的提前歸隊感到十分開心 Dirk說:"對波霸來說,天空才是他的極限。      如果是健康的波霸,我想他會是我們所需要的,      他是個能夠用運球切入來取分的球員,這是我們所缺乏的~" http://0rz.tw/3PWuR -- #1CCN6ZxG (Gossiping) R: [新聞] 北韓公開槍斃3名逃離女子 sagarain:少女時代卸妝北韓特務連人都找不到 07/05 13:47 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/23 19:08, , 1F
02/23 19:08, 1F

02/23 19:10, , 2F
02/23 19:10, 2F

02/23 19:18, , 3F
其實那是說運球運很高 不小心就會進這樣
02/23 19:18, 3F

02/23 19:59, , 4F
應該是說持球切入禁區吧...- -
02/23 19:59, 4F
※ 編輯: LKN555 來自: (02/23 20:24)
文章代碼(AID): #1DPCsorZ (Mavericks)