[外電] west的歸期還沒有確定

看板Mavericks作者 (feafow5221)時間12年前 (2012/03/19 20:27), 編輯推噓14(1406)
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Delonte West still doesn't have target date for return west還沒有個確切的歸隊時間 DALLAS -- Delonte West can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but he still doesn’t have a target date for his return from a gruesomely fractured right ring finger. west的治療已經看到一現曙光,但是他依然沒有個確切的歸隊時間。 在賽季中,WEST的右手無名指遭受到了令人害怕的骨折 West got the pins removed from the surgically repaired finger Friday. He’ll have another X-ray early this week and hopes that shows significant enough bone growth for him to return to practice. WEST在這個星期五會取出動手術的鋼釘,然後這個禮拜他會去接受x光的檢查,並希望他 的傷口已經長出強壯的骨頭,以便可以讓他重新投入訓練。 I’ll probably have a solid week of on-court conditioning and ball movement and moving this hand and see where we stand,” said West, who has been out since Feb. 15. “I’m not sure about my ability to get back just yet, but if it was up to me, I’d be trying to suit up tonight.” 「我大概可以有個充實的週末來了解球場上的情形、運運球還有動動這隻手」(感覺像是 活動受過傷的手來看看情形如何吧 應該......) 自從二月十五號受傷後,west就沒有再上過場了。 「我不確定我的能力是不是已經足夠可以回來了,但如果我能做決定,我會盡我的全 力整裝以待」 The fingers in West’s right hand, which had been in a cast for a month, are extremely stiff. He hopes that stiffness subsides in a matter of days. WEST的右手已經整整包了石膏一個月了,這一個月簡直就是非常的不自在。他希望這種不 舒服的感覺可以趕快消退 West averaged 8.3 points and 3.4 assists in 22.7 minutes during 29 games before he was injured. He plays both guard spots and provides a defensive tenaciousness that the Mavs have missed. 在WEST受傷前,他在29場比賽中,平均每場可以拿下8.3分和3.4個助攻,而這是 在22.7分鐘出場時間的情況下 WEST可以打控球或得分兩個位子,而且他還可以提供頑強的防守 這正是目前小牛隊缺少的 Rodrigue Beaubois has excelled in his expanded role recently, so coach Rick Carlisle could have some difficult decisions to make about the rotation when West returns. That’s a problem the Mavs look forward to having. 波霸最近在他的球隊替他的"定位"打的挺令人驚艷,因此金凱瑞可能會有困難的決定 當WEST回來的時候,該怎麼決定輪替時間還有順序 這是小牛將會面臨的問題(咦 會有嘛 後衛明明就不夠用= =) 外電來源:http://ppt.cc/3z!Y 如果板友不太喜歡_____這個稱號 會修改掉的 然後翻譯有錯誤的話請各位大大指正 WEST快點回來吧 這樣我們五(ㄘㄢˊ)星(ㄆㄛˋ)的後場才能夠紓緩些阿YA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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要怎麼修改外面的標題阿QQ ※ 編輯: feafow5221 來自: (03/19 20:30)

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去年是巴特勒今年是魏斯特嗎? 拜託不要ˊˋ
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如果一個好用的變傷兵 可以換一座總冠軍當祭品
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請問樓樓上要不要 QQ 囧
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回來吧~~ 我們一直在等阿~~~ (唱)
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07年我開始兼看騎士比賽 就覺得小西是個很棒的球員!
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http://twitpic.com/8yp3af 有WEST練球的照片~敬業!!
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文章代碼(AID): #1FPoOzLq (Mavericks)