[外電] Nick Calathes 今夏將參加小牛夏季聯盟

看板Mavericks作者時間12年前 (2012/05/12 14:52), 編輯推噓14(14019)
留言33則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
When we reached to the point to talk about the owners, of course we didn’t lose the opportunity to ask about Mark Cuban. “He is a basketball fanatic, as every owner should be. He is like the owners, in Greece, like Giannakopoulos brothers and Aggelopoulos brothers, who want to win in every game and they support the teams, always –at home court and away games. As our coach once said “my job is easy, cause the owner is always behind our bench and our players have no other choice than… to play good””. And no, we don’t remember any other owner sitting behind the bench, at the NBA. Finally, Mavs have Nick Calathes’ rights for the NBA “and we would love to see him, when his contract with Panathinaikos is over. That’s when he will be able to come to our summer league and we will have the opportunity to see him playing, over there. I believe he can adapt to our system. He is a good player, from who you don’t expect to score a lot of points, but you can be sure he will take care all the other things, always for the best interest of your team. He plays for the team and he does everything for his team to win” . Calathes contract with Panathinaikos expires this summer… http://www.eurohoops.net/2012/05/dunks/4415 Nick Calathes 在歐洲球隊的合約已經結束 小牛擁有他的簽約權 將邀請他打夏季聯賽 Nick Calathes, 今年23歲的PG 看wiki的介紹有6-6? 如果是真的以PG來說這算很高的身高 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Calathes wiki內也有他在大學時期的成績還有希臘國家隊時期的數據 不知道有沒有人對他很熟的? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/12 15:47, , 1F
05/12 15:47, 1F

05/12 15:48, , 2F
05/12 15:48, 2F

05/12 15:49, , 3F
05/12 15:49, 3F

05/12 15:53, , 4F
換掉波霸 簽這位吧!
05/12 15:53, 4F

05/12 16:03, , 5F
05/12 16:03, 5F

05/12 16:37, , 6F
小牛好像還有一位冰島後衛的簽約權 體能更為勁爆
05/12 16:37, 6F

05/12 16:52, , 7F
05/12 16:52, 7F

05/12 18:18, , 8F
Petteri Koponen~
05/12 18:18, 8F

05/12 23:27, , 9F
數年前老闆跟小尼卡帥稱讚有佳 我也很想看
05/12 23:27, 9F

05/12 23:55, , 10F
Nick Calathes應該是6-5 算純PG找來幫Dirk餵球應不錯
05/12 23:55, 10F

05/13 00:59, , 11F
05/13 00:59, 11F

05/13 20:33, , 12F
05/13 20:33, 12F

05/15 16:49, , 13F
Very Good Job 他才不是什麼第三PG 是下一個歐洲頂尖
05/15 16:49, 13F

05/15 16:50, , 14F
控球 打法是超齡的老練 防守端雖然缺乏身體素質
05/15 16:50, 14F

05/15 16:50, , 15F
但垃圾步很賤很賊 傳球視野和節奏掌握非常好 已經是
05/15 16:50, 15F

05/15 16:50, , 16F
05/15 16:50, 16F

05/15 16:51, , 17F
不過除非出到3年以上保障約 他應該還是會留在希臘
05/15 16:51, 17F

05/15 16:52, , 18F
05/15 16:52, 18F

05/15 16:52, , 19F
05/15 16:52, 19F

05/15 16:54, , 20F
05/15 16:54, 20F

05/15 17:00, , 21F
05/15 17:00, 21F

05/15 17:00, , 22F
05/15 17:00, 22F

05/15 17:01, , 23F
05/15 17:01, 23F

05/15 17:01, , 24F
線這些他應該沒有太多問題 但更進一步能打多好就要看
05/15 17:01, 24F

05/15 17:01, , 25F
球隊怎麼用 他是火箭Parsons的大學同學 比起一般菜
05/15 17:01, 25F

05/15 17:02, , 26F
鳥 他的經驗是好很多很多
05/15 17:02, 26F

05/15 17:57, , 27F
推hunight大 等好久了說 XD
05/15 17:57, 27F

05/15 19:22, , 28F
05/15 19:22, 28F

05/15 19:28, , 29F
05/15 19:28, 29F

05/15 20:13, , 30F
去年看芬蘭 直覺Koponen不太適合NBA 除非能進化成
05/15 20:13, 30F

05/15 20:14, , 31F
Dragic那樣 現在各方面都差一些 而且需要聯防來cover
05/15 20:14, 31F

05/15 20:14, , 32F
05/15 20:14, 32F

05/17 13:45, , 33F
推神人hunight 感謝仔細的講解
05/17 13:45, 33F
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