[外電] Meet Petteri Koponen, the Mavericks' n

看板Mavericks作者 (Gary)時間9年前 (2015/05/26 15:03), 9年前編輯推噓25(25031)
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Meet Petteri Koponen, the Mavericks' new point guard from Finland 外電連結:http://goo.gl/pa1e82 In case you forgot -- and no one is blaming you if you did, since following international leagues isn't really a priority -- the Mavericks hold the rights to an international veteran point guard who was named to All-Eurocup First Team just a couple weeks ago after winning Eurocup championship with Russian club BC Khimki Moscow Region. He's Finland native Petteri Koponen. He's 6'4 and 27 years old, a 2007 first round draft pick whose player rights were dealt to the Mavericks from the Portland Trail Blazers back in 2011. And according to ESPN's Marc Stein, he wants to make his debut in the NBA in 2015. Since Finland isn't known to be a basketball hotbed and American fans don't know that much about Russian basketball, it might be helpful to take a peek at Koponen and see what he has done during these past a couple of years. Can he help the Mavericks in their current point guard turbulence? -- 小牛在2011年從拓荒者那邊得到芬蘭的PG, Petteri Koponen 他剛在歐洲拿到冠軍並入選第一隊(對歐洲聯賽不熟 這方面不太清楚要怎麼翻QQ) 27歲, 身高6'4, 雖然在美國不紅但作者一直有關注他 最近他又傳出想來nba打球的意願 所以作者想談談他能不能解決小牛現在PG位置的"混亂" -- Who was this Koponen guy again? In 2012, Koponen signed a three year deal with Moscow-based BC Khimi - one of top three clubs in Russia and former team of guys like Alexey Shved, Timofey Mozgov, Carlos Delfino and Jorge Garbajosa. The year of 2012-13 was a roller coaster of a season. While Koponen was named Euroleague player of the week once, he had tons of ups and downs as the rookie of Khimki's five-guard rotation under Lithuanian veteran coach Rimas Kurtinaitis. Summer of 2013 was more successful for Koponen, who lead underdog team Finland to fantastic performance in Eurobasket 2013 in Slovenia. Finland won five out of eight games -- including victories over Turkey (Ömer Asik, Hedo Türkoglu, Ersan Ilyasova), Sweden (Jonas Jerebko, Jeff Taylor), Russia (Alexey Shved), Greece (Vassilis Spanoulis) and Slovenia (Dragic brothers). In his best game of the tournament, Koponen destroyed Greece with 29 points. Koponen finished No. 1 in steals and No. 2 in assists in the tournament and Finland eventually was handed a wild card spot in FIBA World Cup 2014. -- 2012年,Koponen和Moscow-based BC Khimi簽了三年約, Moscow-based BC Khimi 是俄羅斯聯賽前三的隊伍,很多有名的球員待過 像是 Alexey Shved, Timofey Mozgov, Carlos Delfino and Jorge Garbajosa. 2012-13球季他過得並沒有很順遂, 要同時和四個球員競爭後衛的位置, 他曾經得過一次單周最佳球員 2013年暑假他代表芬蘭國家隊出戰歐錦賽,表現很好 芬蘭取得五勝三敗的戰績 贏了土耳其, 瑞典, 俄羅斯, 希臘, 斯洛維尼雅 Koponen在對希臘一戰表現最好,得到了29分 他同時是那年歐錦賽的抄截王, 助攻也排名第二 芬蘭也取得FIBA門票 -- In 2013/14, Koponen showed tremendous improvement in club play, averaging 13,7 points, 3,5 rebounds and 3,0 assists a game while playing both guard positions in deep, deep Khimki team. Even though Khimki managed to break all time winning streak records in both Eurocup and VTB League, eventual Eurocup champion Valencia ended their season prematurely in Eurocup quarterfinals and they didn't manage to get pass VTB League quarterfinals. Koponen led team Finland in the summer of 2014 to their first ever FIBA World Cup performance. While Finland was only able to win one out of five games, Koponen was clearly the engine as well as the most capable player in the team, finishing #1 in assists in tournament and showing his natural ability to score and create even against Team USA (in blowout loss, though). -- 13-14 球季,Koponen在sg/pg人員非常充足的球隊中依然取得了13.7分, 3.5籃板, 3.0助攻的好成績 14暑假他率領芬蘭首度參加FIBA,雖然芬蘭沒贏球,但Koponen是那年FIBA的助攻王 也是芬蘭隊很明顯的引擎&第一得分手 -- Fast forward to season 2014/15: After Croatian point guard Marko Popovic' injury, Koponen has spent his time 50/50 shuffling between shooting guard and point guard positions in Khimki rotation. The experiment has been a success: Koponen is currently averaging 15,1 points, 3,8 assists and 2,5 rebounds a game. Khimki won the Eurocup title in impressive fashion earning a spot in Euroleague in 2015/16 while Koponen was named to All Eurocup First Team and honored as the top sixth man in VTB League. In late March, Koponen signed a two-year contract with Khimki. His contract has a buyout section which permits him to leave Russia in summers 2015 and 2016, if he's offered an NBA contract. -- 14-15球季 教練嘗試讓Koponen打pg/sg雙挑,最後也得到了好的結果 他以平均 15.1分, 3.8助攻, 2.5籃板, 進入年度第一隊, 球隊也取得冠軍結束球季 他在三月與球隊續約兩年,但其中有允許他買斷合約尋求到nba發展的部分 -- Enough of this. Is he good enough to play rotation minutes in the NBA? What's more important: could he really help the Mavericks right now? 所以他到底適不適合小牛呢? While I was sure already in 2011 that Koponen could be a part of an NBA team rotation, these last two years have convinced me that he could even be a very capable second point guard for a playoff team. Here's the deal: time and time again, Koponen proves that he will swim when thrown in the cold water. -- 作者很早就在觀察他了,他在2011年就確定他能達到nba的高度, 而現在作者認為他很適合成為季後賽球隊的替補控球 作者表示,每次Koponen遇到困境,他都能找到方法讓自己更好 -- Just three years ago in Khimki, he has been forced to develop into a shooting guard, a position he was far from comfortable with. He has responded extremely well, improving his catch-and-shoot and off-ball skills. Then again, during this season, the team needed Koponen back at a point guard and as a result, they received a career year from him. Meanwhile, Koponen is by far the best player of Team Finland (despite Erik Murphy being probably the most recognizable for U.S. audience). Everything runs through Koponen and national team head coach Henrik Dettmann gives Koponen tons of liberties to call the offensive plays. -- 三年前他被球隊要求從pg改打sg, 他最後練出了C&S和空手跑位的能力 而上個球季,他被要求回去打pg, 最後他打出了生涯年。 他也是芬蘭國家對目前最好的球員,芬蘭國家隊教練已經給予他在場上指揮進攻的自由 -- Team Finland needs the ball in Koponen's hands because of his world-class ability to handle the ball and create shots for himself and his teammates. And it can't be mentioned enough that every other national team knows for sure that Koponen is Team Finland's engine. Koponen is burdened with tons of pressure, he's constantly double-teamed, trapped, harassed and roughed-up, but he's always able to deliver. In both national team and club play, Koponen plays against Euroleague and NBA caliber players almost weekly. Naturally, the speed and physicality of NBA play would be something that would take some time to cope with and it is true that he would struggle against enforcer type of defensive players such as Chris Paul or Patrick Beverley, but in that case, he wouldn't differ from majority of NBA point guards. -- 芬蘭國家隊非常依賴他高水準的控球能力和發動進攻的能力,對手也都知道這件事情 他打國際賽時時常遭遇包夾, 但他都能想辦法把球分出去 他可能需要適應nba更快速和對抗性更高的球風,而且他碰到像是Chris Paul or Patrick Beverley的防守可能會吃鱉,但大多數nba的pg碰到CP3和小貝也都不好過 -- If you watched his YouTube clips, you already got a glimpse of his playing style. He is a natural scoring point guard who can both blow past his opponent and sink jumpers from all over terrific accuracy. Those YouTube clips can be deceiving, though, because in national team, he's the #1 scoring option. If he played with Mavs, his main focus would be to run the plays and distribute for guys such as Dirk and Parsons -- then again, his man couldn't let him unguarded because of his ball-handling skills, speed and shot, so he'd work well in pace and space offense. -- 他擅長突破和從各個不同角度拔起跳投,而且很準 不過他在國家隊是進攻的第一選擇,如果他在小牛打球,他的工作會是執行戰術並且 把球交給Dirk或CP25, 他的速度、運球能力、和投籃能力會讓防守者不能放掉他 所以快速地開放球風會很適合他 -- Defensively, he'd fit in. When he first moved from Finland to Italy in 2008, he had to earn his minutes playing tough on-ball defense and he's known as a pesky guy who's strong, fast and witty enough to control opposing 1's and 2's. Naturally, no one can expect him to harness Stephen Curry or Derrick Rose, but even in Team USA's FIBA World Cup blowout victory over Team Finland, Koponen was pretty much the only Finn who was able to hang with NBA players defensively. -- 2008年他到義大利打球,他強悍的一對一防守讓他取得了更多上場時間 他一直都被視為麻煩的防守者,對抗性、速度、和觀察比賽的能力讓他能夠守pg, sg 雖然他可能沒辦法鎖住像是Curry, Rose 這樣的球員, 但他已經是芬蘭國家隊中唯一 在FIBA能夠在防守端與美國國家隊抗衡的球員 -- 原文太長了=口= 後面作者有描述了一下他的缺點 他在籃下的對抗性,買飯能力不夠,他不喜歡切到籃下,也習慣性地避免碰撞 籃下的floater, 上籃的finish技巧都不夠成熟 然後進攻端他會是卡帥很愛的"瑞士刀型球員",同時不會腦衝、也不會一意孤行 而是戰術執行力高,聽教練指示的球員,同時又具備自走砲的能力 防守端,他閱讀比賽、和隊友溝通的能力都很好,會是很好的側翼協防球員 同時一對一防守也很好 芬蘭國家隊的球風是仰賴快速的執行戰術和中長距離投射 這個戰術理念和卡帥相去不遠,而koponen很適合有明確的戰術的季後賽球隊 他的效率在這樣的球隊更能彰顯 最後作者舉了其他歐洲球員的例子 像是Dragic, Dellavedova, Mills, Prigioni 然後說小牛找他不會有損失,同時也給了他一個能征戰NBA的機會 ------------- 雖然還沒來NBA打過,但今年自由市場pg人選少的情況下, 小牛會不會賭賭看呢?如果他真的想來nba,小牛就會是他第一個選擇 除非他被交易掉? 作者也有強調他對Koponen情有獨鍾,所以大家讀他的評價時可能可以再保守一點XD 雖然我們缺的是先發,但個人覺得如果防守好&投籃夠準的話似乎值得一試~ 第一次翻譯外電~有任何建議請多指教!^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1432623829.A.00E.html ※ 編輯: febulous2011 (, 05/26/2015 15:05:27

05/26 15:16, , 1F
推翻譯 看了一下他的highlight 身高夠且頗有自走砲
05/26 15:16, 1F

05/26 15:16, , 2F
的感覺 也挺帥的(誤
05/26 15:16, 2F

05/26 15:18, , 3F
今年的合約有買斷權 邀請來打看看夏季聯盟在決定要
05/26 15:18, 3F

05/26 15:19, , 4F
05/26 15:19, 4F

05/26 15:35, , 5F
05/26 15:35, 5F

05/26 15:35, , 6F
05/26 15:35, 6F

05/26 16:07, , 7F
05/26 16:07, 7F

05/26 16:13, , 8F
05/26 16:13, 8F

05/26 17:16, , 9F
這個形容 感覺很強 XDDD
05/26 17:16, 9F

05/26 17:19, , 10F
與其簽Lin大不如簽他 畢竟也比較省錢 而且6呎4真讚
05/26 17:19, 10F

05/26 17:19, , 11F
05/26 17:19, 11F
其實就連自己承認是他的球迷的作者,都只有保守的說他適合打替補XD 不過我還是覺得真的至少要找他來夏季聯盟打打看吧!身高擺在那 體能乍看之下至少不會輸大多的後衛 至於技巧什麼的就要看他進來怎麼磨了~ ※ 編輯: febulous2011 (, 05/26/2015 17:32:13

05/26 18:08, , 12F
05/26 18:08, 12F

05/26 18:28, , 13F
05/26 18:28, 13F

05/26 18:29, , 14F
05/26 18:29, 14F

05/26 18:29, , 15F
外線準 組織不錯 但防守差...
05/26 18:29, 15F

05/26 18:30, , 16F
05/26 18:30, 16F

05/26 20:40, , 17F
05/26 20:40, 17F

05/26 21:39, , 18F
自走砲 但我覺得他投籃選擇普普 都還沒擺脫就投
05/26 21:39, 18F

05/26 21:40, , 19F
加上他攻擊多半是原地盤球就投 似乎蠻好預測的
05/26 21:40, 19F

05/26 21:42, , 20F
catch & shoot以及控球 沒剪 所以也不知道能力如何
05/26 21:42, 20F

05/26 21:44, , 21F
要來小牛的PG 上述兩個能力要有 防守也要好
05/26 21:44, 21F

05/26 22:18, , 22F
05/26 22:18, 22F

05/26 22:18, , 23F
應該是幾乎沒有 就連抓雞雞防守也不見長
05/26 22:18, 23F

05/26 22:40, , 24F
05/26 22:40, 24F

05/26 23:55, , 25F
這隻也放養了好幾年 現在也27歲了...
05/26 23:55, 25F

05/27 07:06, , 26F
有能力這麼好的控衛也不便宜吧= =
05/27 07:06, 26F

05/27 08:26, , 27F
05/27 08:26, 27F

05/27 16:30, , 28F
05/27 16:30, 28F

05/28 00:21, , 29F
05/28 00:21, 29F

05/28 10:42, , 30F
05/28 10:42, 30F

05/28 11:02, , 31F
05/28 11:02, 31F

05/28 11:59, , 32F
亂入一下 今天K湯被這一發讓我想到暴力鴨那發....
05/28 11:59, 32F

05/28 14:56, , 33F
差多了 那一肘根本往死裡打
05/28 14:56, 33F

05/29 00:50, , 34F
05/29 00:50, 34F

05/29 20:53, , 35F
05/29 20:53, 35F

05/30 23:17, , 36F
05/30 23:17, 36F

05/31 11:24, , 37F
好久了 有種開時空膠囊的概念
05/31 11:24, 37F

06/02 19:06, , 38F
那乾脆簽CJ算了有實績 開>4.5M馬刺應該留不住
06/02 19:06, 38F

06/02 19:06, , 39F
其實馬刺迷都不覺得有那麼高 可是他打法應該很match
06/02 19:06, 39F

06/02 19:07, , 40F
公主 主打無球跟防守好 外線不穩也好固軟豆
06/02 19:07, 40F

06/02 19:07, , 41F
軟豆傷後切入爆發力也消失了 這之切入不會輸JJB
06/02 19:07, 41F

06/02 19:09, , 42F
看看span當年在火箭被羞辱的一季 嘖嘖
06/02 19:09, 42F
CJ不錯 4,5M已經算溢價了應該搶的到 他的問題是貧攻 跟Rondo的情況不全然一樣 防守端他應該比這季在小牛的Rondo好上不少 配上Ellis算是很好的搭配 不過兩個人都不夠高 碰到Harden, K湯這類型的高大SG會蠻辛苦 進攻端他個人的能力應該是比今年的Rondo還差 好處是他並不會太搶球權 缺點是他組織能力還待開發 但他是個以團隊為重的球員 可能視野什麼的不能進步太多 但好好培養應該是能夠勝任"幫Ellis分擔組織進攻"的工作 中距離算是穩定 三分球命中率很漂亮但一場出手不到一顆 (但值得注意的是他三分球命中率是從兩成左右每年非常穩定的成長到高於聯盟平均值) 進攻上他最突出的還是切入的能力 但我不認為他目前切入能力能跟JJB比啦XD 他切入能跟JJb差不多相信季後賽到最後也不會上不了場了XD 我個人算蠻喜歡他的 他的打法和態度都很棒 可能沒辦法長成全明星但我也覺得他值得培養 以上是我個人對CJ的觀察 因為畢竟還是小牛迷 別隊的球員觀察沒那麼深入 有錯歡迎指正^^ ※ 編輯: febulous2011 (, 06/02/2015 22:10:48

06/02 22:08, , 43F
CJ 5M應該很難搶到手
06/02 22:08, 43F

06/02 22:12, , 44F
CJ 5M報給馬刺他們幾乎不會跟了 唯一的疑慮是有別隊
06/02 22:12, 44F

06/02 22:13, , 45F
報更高的 或是Mills被交易
06/02 22:13, 45F

06/02 22:13, , 46F
馬刺迷都很愛他 也不少人支持交易掉Mills留CJ...
06/02 22:13, 46F

06/02 22:14, , 47F
Ginobili不退休的話 馬刺後場排在CJ前面的就有TP,
06/02 22:14, 47F

06/02 22:14, , 48F
馬刺不得不放生他 由於馬刺出品 口碑良好 一堆人搶
06/02 22:14, 48F

06/02 22:15, , 49F
Manu, Mills
06/02 22:15, 49F

06/02 22:15, , 50F
尼克 火箭是我們的主要對手
06/02 22:15, 50F

06/02 22:16, , 51F
06/02 22:16, 51F

06/02 22:16, , 52F
他也會考慮先發位置 上場時間的問題 5M足以讓馬刺不
06/02 22:16, 52F

06/02 22:16, , 53F
跟進合約 剩下的就是他自己的選擇了
06/02 22:16, 53F

06/02 22:17, , 54F
尼克去年就想要Mills了 不巧暑假他肩傷休戰七個月
06/02 22:17, 54F

06/02 22:18, , 55F
06/02 22:18, 55F

06/02 22:21, , 56F
除非76人不選Mudiay讓給尼克 值得一開的福袋搶著要
06/02 22:21, 56F
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