[外電] 年度球隊最佳第六人候選人五號 -- 走路人

看板MiamiHeat作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/04/24 15:57), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_sixth_walker.html -- 2005-06: Leads the team in three-pointers made (133) ... Ranks fourth on the team in scoring (12.2), fifth in rebounds (5.2) and fifth in assists (2.0) ... Scored in double-figures 54 times this season ... Scored 20-plus points nine times ... Recorded four double-doubles ... Recorded five or more assists seven times ... Scored 32 points, grabbed eight boards and dished out five assists in a win over Toronto 4/11 ... Scored 25 points and grabbed 16 boards in the first game of the season, 11/2 at Memphis ... Is the only Heat player to have played in all 81 games so far. '05-'06年球季表現: 三分球命中數(137個)居全隊之冠...單場平均得分(12.2分)、籃板(5.1個)、助攻(2.0 個)分別排在球隊第四、第五、第五...本季有55場比賽得分達到雙位數以上...有9場比賽 得到至少20分...有4場比賽有單場兩個雙位數的表現...有7場比賽傳出至少5次助攻...在 球隊4/11擊敗多倫多暴龍那場比賽得到32分,抓下8個籃板並送出5次助攻...11/2到孟斐斯 作客的球季開幕戰攻下球隊最高的25分、16籃板...是熱火陣中唯一一位82場比賽全勤的球 員。 -- Our take: When he and Celtics coach Red Auerbach invented the concept of sixth man in the late '50s, Frank Ramsey set in stone the role sixth men still fill today: instant offense through many shots. 我們的看法: 當F.Ramsey和塞爾提克的紅頭教練於'50年代末期定義球隊第六人所需具備的條件時, 他提出了一個到今天都還能適用的看法:立即的得分,大量的出手。 Which brings us to Miami's Antoine Walker as a sixth man. Why didn't anyone think of this before? 為什麼我們會提名邁阿密熱火的走路人角逐年度球隊最佳第六人這個獎項?為什麼之 前都沒人這麼想? A career 19.0 points-per-game scorer, unapologetic gunner and a starter in every NBA game in which he ever played until this season, Walker fills the sixth man role perfectly for the Heat. With two go-to guys in the starting lineup (Dwyane Wade and Shaquille O'Neal), Walker keeps the pressure on when he enters the game with his 12.2 points and 5.2 boards per game. He also proves to be a nice outside complement to Shaq in the paint and the slashing Wade. 身為一個生涯平均得分高達19分的得分能手,一個出手毫不猶豫的爛仗王,一個在本 季前所待過球隊中幾乎都擔任先發工作的球員,走路人完美地扮演了熱火陣中球隊第六人 的腳色。球隊陣容中有兩個足以一肩扛起球隊成敗重任的超級巨星(典韋跟大歐),走路人 仍能以他平均每場獲得12.2分、5.2籃板的成績帶給對手威脅,他也證明了自己可以成為主 打禁區的大歐及主要以切入為得分方式的典韋合作良好的外線砲台。 While some would argue that Walker's more instant shooting than instant offense , you can't score if you don't shoot. It's nice to see Walker keeping the tradition alive. -- Rob Peterson 儘管有些人會質疑走路人的出手過快,認為他有濫投的嫌疑,但如果不出手,哪來的 得分?很高興看到走路人的表現能讓傳統繼續延續下去。 --R.Peterson -- From the coach: If he's put in that role every single night, he'd average 20 points per game. You sort of forget a little bit how good he can be when he gets a number of good opportunities ... I don't think there's any doubt what kind of skill level he has. -- Pat Riley, after Walker scored 32 points against Toronto on 4/11. 教練的看法: 如果把他擺在先發名單當中,他每場比賽可以給你拿下20分,你們似乎有點健忘,如 果有好的表現機會,他的表現絕對不只這樣啊...我認為他已經具備了任何在這個聯盟生存 所需的籃球技巧。 --節錄自油頭教練在4/11走路人面對暴龍拿下32分那場比賽後所發表的評論 -- A fan's take: 'Toine, a lifetime starter, has accepted his role and has delivered well. He has made numerous big shots and has had a good amount of double-digit scoring fourth quarters. His 32 point, eight rebound, five assist game should seal the deal on the award, considering all the players who were out. -- Sam - West Hartford, Conn. 球迷的看法: 走路人職業生涯一路走來都擔任先發重任,但他本季心甘情願接受球隊賦予的任務, 而且表現良好。他投進許多關鍵一擊,而且有很多次第四節得分達到雙位數的紀錄。對暴 龍那場比賽32分、8籃板、5助攻的表現應該足以說明他為什麼應該獲得這個獎項,其他競 爭對手可以直接淘汰出局期待下個球季再挑戰了。 --來自康乃迪克州西哈特福特的球迷Sam -- The Numbers:(本季個人攻守數據) G GS MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2005-06 82 19 26.8 12.2 5.1 2.0 0.57 0.37 .435 .358 .628 -- Sixth Man Award - The Candidates: 本季球隊最佳第六人候選人: Speedy Claxton - New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets Derek Fisher - Golden State Warriors Mike Miller - Memphis Grizzlies Jerry Stackhouse - Dallas Mavericks Antoine Walker - Miami Heat -- Others worth consideration: 本季主要擔任球隊第六人表現優異的球員還有: Earl Boykins, Channing Frye, Devin Harris, Eddie House, Bobby Jackson, Fred Jones, Alonzo Mourning, Ronald Murray, Charlie Villanueva, Maurice Williams -- 譯按:上述一些數據及描述和原本外電所寫有些出入,因為我用截至目前為止NBA官網最近 一次更新後的數據下去寫。 順道附上走路人的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/antoine_walker/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 18:23, , 1F
典韋= =
04/24 18:23, 1F

04/24 18:25, , 2F
04/24 18:25, 2F

04/24 18:36, , 3F
04/24 18:36, 3F

04/24 19:15, , 4F
最下面那個sam 一定是走路人迷 XD
04/24 19:15, 4F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (04/24 19:53)
文章代碼(AID): #14J8JH-g (MiamiHeat)