[外電] 30 teams in 30 days - Heat

看板MiamiHeat作者 (sad)時間18年前 (2006/09/15 09:59), 編輯推噓8(808)
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30 teams in 30 days - Heat Tim Chisholm Miami Heat To be completely honest, I still don't understand how they won it all last year. 老實說,我到現在還搞不清楚他們去年是怎麼贏得總冠軍的。 Their team was playing well, but inconsistently. Dwyane Wade represented the only real threat that showed up for each and every game, and yet when it all counted they rallied together and won a Championship for head coach Pat Riley. 他們全隊表現得不錯,但是並不穩定。Wade是球隊中唯一能持續擁有有威脅性的球員。 只能說他們是靠著球員間的相互支援,最後才能為Riley教練留下總冠軍。 But since I didn't know how they were going to do it the first time, I certainly don't know how they are going to do it again this time. 因此既然我搞不懂他們去年是怎麼辦到的, 於是我也完全無法預測今年他們是否能夠再來一次。 Granted, Detroit looks a little limper than the team that bulldozed through the regular season last year, and Indiana isn't even a lock for the playoffs, so that's two big hurdles that may have taken themselves out of the running to knock Miami off its course. 儘管如此,去年季後賽的活塞已經沒有像例行賽那樣摧枯拉朽般的表現, 而溜馬,可能連是否能進入季後賽都有問題, 看來這兩支球隊由於自身的問題已經難以威脅到熱火。 Cleveland still doesn't have a team built to help LeBron, so they're still a year or two away from being considered contenders, and the Bulls, for all of their defensive prowess, still can't score any more consistently now than when the Heat knocked them out of the first round in April. 騎士隊的隊形仍然無法給予LeBron有力的支援, 在未來一兩年內他們還不具有爭霸的本錢。 而公牛隊儘管防守有了很大的改善, 但仍然缺乏得分能力,就跟四月份他們在第一輪被熱火淘汰時一樣。 So, perhaps Miami is destined to land it self in the Finals again simply because of the lack of imposing forces along the way. What they'll have to face from the West could have a lot to say about whether or not they repeat, but anyone who tries to predict the NBA Finals a month before the season starts is just asking for trouble. 因此,熱火再次打進總冠軍賽是可以期待的, 原因很簡單;因為在東區缺乏足以威脅到他們的對手。 而他們將面對的西區球隊,不管是小牛還是其他隊伍,可就沒那麼簡單了。 不過現在先不講這個,因為開賽前一個月就討論總冠軍賽, 那只是在自找麻煩而已。 The biggest challenge facing this team is essentially trying to halt the aging process. The bulk of the Heat roster is winding down their careers rather than ramping them up. Shaq looked entirely mortal in the playoffs last year, and for the first time needed to be carried to the Championship rather than doing the carrying himself. Alonzo Mourning had a fantastic year, but gone is the motivation to win one before he calls it quits. Ditto Gary Payton. Their backup shooting guard position is somewhat up in the air, with Derek Anderson looking for a buyout, leaving only a collection of untested youngsters to spell Dwyane Wade throughout the year, and make no mistake, since he hasn't stopped playing basketball since last summer, and he will need all the rest he can get this winter to stay effective down the stretch. 這支球隊面對的最大挑戰是;如何抗拒歲月的催人老。 熱火的球員名單中大部分的人都已經過了球員生涯的顛峰。 去年的Shaq看起來已經完全像是一個凡人了, 生涯中首次靠著隊友贏得總冠軍而不是帶領隊友奪冠。 Mourning的上個球季好得令人難以置信, 但是退休前贏得一座總冠軍的願望曾是他拼戰的動力來源, 而如今已經消失,就像Payton一樣。 Derek Anderson離開後,熱火的替補得分後衛位置懸空, 今年只有一批沒上過場的毛頭小子來填補Wade不在場上的時間。 而Wade,由於今年夏天不停的比賽, 接下來的冬天他將需要許多的休息時間才能保持高檔的績效。 The mission this year has to be two-fold for the Heat: First, they have to get all their ducks in a row as they try to become the first team to repeat as Champs since Shaq did it twice in LA. But second, and in my opinion just as important, they have to start the transition towards youth on this team. There is no reason why this team should experience a lull in winning when Shaq and company retires, and that transition begins today. 熱火隊新球季的任務有兩個;首先為了達成連霸, 這個自從Shaq在湖人完成了兩次之後還沒有其他球隊達到的目標, 他們必須好好組織這個球隊。 第二個,我認為跟前一個同樣重要的任務是; 他們必須開始把球隊年輕化。 當Shaq與其他隊友逐漸退休之後,球隊勢必無法靠當前的陣容繼續贏球 年輕化的工作必須現在就開始進行。 Wayne Simien, Dorell Wright and Jason Kapono need some time on the floor this year as the Heat try to prime them for the transition to regular minutes, if they demonstrate a reason to get them. Riley has to decide on the future of Posey and Walker, and whether or not both fit into the long term plans for this team, or if one can be used as trade bait to nab a piece or two for depth. But the biggest question going forward has got to be what to do about the Big Fella. Wayne Simien、Dorell Wright 以及Jason Kapono今年將需要更多正規時間的上場機會。 如果他們能夠在新球季中證明自己的能力, Riley就可得好好計劃一下Posey和Walker的未來了, 不管在未來的規劃中兩個人都會留下,或是交易其中一人, 最大的問題來自於禁區那隻大個兒。 Any team Shaq has played on and then left has been torn apart by his absence. He is such a unique player that trying to compensate for his absence is nearly impossible, no matter how battered down his body has become. He is the kind of player who truly demonstrates how valuable he is to a team when he's not there. It's only then that teams seem to genuinely grasp how much he did for them. 任何一支曾經擁有Shaq的球隊都感受過他的缺席對球隊帶來的傷害。 他是一個如此獨一無二的球員,以致於要填補他留下的空缺幾乎是不可能的任務。 不管他的體能如何的下滑,他就是那種當他不在隊上時, 他對球隊重要性就表露無遺的那種球員。 The Heat have a decided advantage over Orlando and Los Angeles, however. In Miami, everyone knows he's only got a couple years left in the tank, and that he plans to finish his career in Miami. There will be no surprises when Shaq doesn't return for training camp. Miami has an opportunity to figure out a battle plan for dealing with life after Shaq while still having Shaq on the roster. They have to figure out what direction they want to go in, perhaps playing small ball, when Shaq isn't on the floor. 比起奧蘭多以及洛杉磯,熱火有一個決定性的優勢。 所有人都知道Shaq這輛坦克只剩幾年可以橫衝直撞了, 他也已經計畫將在邁阿密退休,熱火不用煩惱他會突然消失。 因此熱火可以趁現在規劃一下Shaq不在球隊之後要怎麼打, 或許可以改打小球戰術。 Obviously this plan can't include Alonzo either, and since both will need plenty of rest to keep them fresh for the playoffs, the Heat are going to have to find something to do when both of them are out of the game. Might as well use that time as productively as possible, I say. 很顯然新的戰術也不會把Alonzo包含在內, 既然這兩個人都需要大量休息時間以確保他們到季後賽仍然能夠活蹦亂跳, 我認為熱火應該利用這兩名球員都不在場的時間,好好做點事情。 Clearly this isn't a team who has to worry yet about losing O'Neal right away, but it's never too soon to have a plan for the future. In the meantime, they'll look to build on the cohesion they achieved during last year's playoffs and bring it into training camp, their first with Riley, and beginning their run to repeat with some positive momentum. They might as well try and steal one more title while they still can because they sure aren't getting any younger. 儘管熱火不用現在就開始煩惱失去O'neal的事情,但是規劃未來永遠不嫌早。 他們首先應該在今年第一次由Riley帶領的訓練營期間, 培養球隊內部的凝聚力,就像去年季後賽一樣,並且打出氣勢。 趁著還能打的時候再努力奪下一座總冠軍, 因為他們大多數人都已經不再年輕了。 PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP 可能先發陣容 PG - Jason Williams He has sort of become a non-entity in the league the last couple of years, hasn't he? After all the hype in Sacramento coming in, he's sort of just gone about quietly rounding out his game and becoming an above-average point guard, in the mold of a Travis Best or a Kenny Anderson. He's able to run a team, and score when needed, but he isn't going to nab you any wins himself with his playmaking. Most of that responsibility falls on the shoulders of his backcourt mate anyway. Williams has managed to actually fit very nicely into a productive NBA player mold; not too flashy, not too loud, not too anything. He represents hope for all of those playground-schooled guards (Sebastian Telfair, Nate Robinson, etc) who prefer style to substance that there is a chance they can make themselves dependable even without the turnover-prone highlight reels. Here's hoping. 這幾年他在聯盟中可說差不多快要消失不見了,不是嗎? 走過在國王隊中被大肆宣傳的時期, 現在已經變成一名平均水準以上的控球後衛,就像Travis Best與Kenny Anderson那樣。 他可以帶領球隊,並且在需要得時候供應分數, 但是他無法獨自靠他的身手來獲得勝利。 這個任務大多數是交給他在後場的另一名隊友。 現在的Williams已經被培養成為非常能配合球隊並且有貢獻的球員。 不會太炫麗,不吵不鬧,在各方面都不會太突出。 成為所有街頭籃球出身的後衛的典範(Sebastian Telfair、Nate Robinson之流), 不靠華麗的跨下運球而成為可以倚靠的球員。 SG - Dwyane Wade Wade is probably the best guard in the game today. He can do it all and does do it all and is one of the only guards in the history of the NBA who has propelled his team to an NBA Championship. Yes, he had Shaq on his roster, which helped immensely, but it was Wade that brought home the bacon last June, and while this could spawn another age of building teams around athletic guards, even though it's only resulted in a Championship team once in NBA history with the Bulls (this Heat team was rebuilt around Shaq, remember), Wade can hardly be faulted. If the league wants to go on another wild goose chase, they can go right ahead because it clears the path for more titles for Wade. Wade幾乎可說是當今最佳的後衛,他有能力隻手稱天,而且也這個做了。 他是NBA史上少數能夠帶領球隊奪下總冠軍的後衛之一。 是的,Shaq以及其他隊友都給予他很大的幫助。 但是在六月把...培..根...帶回家的人是Wade。 這很可能引發另外一波以後衛為中心來打造球隊的風潮, 儘管在NBA史上只有公牛隊曾經以此奪得冠軍。 (記得當初熱火是以Shaq為中心打造的球隊) Wade已經是難以挑剔了, 如果聯盟當局想引發另一股造神運動的話儘管去做吧。 這將會讓Wade獲得更多的頭銜。 (呃...這樣子好嗎?) SF - Antoine Walker Even though everyone was insisting he'd be a sixth-man last year, and he even started the season in that role, by the time the playoffs rolled around, Walker was firmly planted in the starting five. His talents are too enticing, even if he rarely makes use of most of them. Everyone knows the book on Walker by now, all his faults overriding all his potential, but even so when you play on a winning team, it just doesn't seem as important. Riley knew what he was getting with Walker, and he used him as well as anyone ever has. Is he a perfect player? No, not even close. But anyone who expects him to change his game in year ten might be even more misguided than he is. 儘管每個人都認為去年的他是第六人,儘管他上一季剛開始是扮演第六人的角色。 他在季後賽還是站穩了先發的地位。 他的才華太引人注目了,即使他不常把他們完全發揮出來。 大家都瞭解Walker這個人,他的一些小毛病遮蓋了於他的潛力。 Riley知道如何對待Walker,並且將他運用得比誰都好。 他算是個完美的球員嗎? 差得遠咧。 但是期望他在第10年還能改變球風的人,恐怕錯得比他還離譜。 PF - Udonis Haslem The unsung hero of this starting five. So few teams realize how important it is not to start your five best players, but your five most consistent. Pat Riley knows exactly what he can expect from Udonis each and every game, and that is why he is just as entrenched in this starting five as Wade and O'Neal. Haslem is aggressive, rarely injured, he goes after loose balls and he can score that high-post jumper than keeps defenses from sagging in the paint and bothering O'Neal. He might not have the sexiest game on the team, but he's just as responsible for their title as any member of '15-Strong'. 他是這個先發五虎中的無名英雄, 先發五人應該是你搭配的最好的五個球員,而不是你最佳的五名球員。 但是很少有球隊瞭解到這點的重要性。 Riley完全清楚Udonis每場能提供的表現, 這也就是他能夠與Wade、Oneal並列先發明單的原因。 Haslem打球有侵略性,鮮少受傷,積極爭球 並且擅長在高位跳投而不是到禁區去妨礙O'neal的進攻。 他雖然不是場上最炫的球員,但是身為"15-Strong"中的一員卻是實至名歸。 C - Shaquille O'Neal One hopes Shaq knows when to call it quits. It's not because he is in any kind of danger of sullying his legacy; he's one of the greatest of all time and no one can take that away from him. It's just that at the same time it can be so uncomfortable watching a once great player struggle to play the game that once came so naturally to them that they dominated the sport as a whole. Watching Barkley with Rockets or Hakeem with the Raptors or Ewing with the Magic was just the last way anyone wanted to remember those players. At the same time, none of their legacies took much of a hit, but it would have been nice to avoid those sights all the same. It's up to Shaq to decide when he is done with the game he loves, but for selfish reasons I hope it isn't when he starts holding his team back trying to be the player he used to be instead of accepting the player that he is. 個人希望Shaq,能夠知所進退。 並不是因為他晚年的表現有損他傳奇的籃球生涯。 不可否認,他是有史以來最偉大的球員之一。 只是看這昔日主宰一切的球員如今在籃下辛苦奮戰的情景令人不忍。 看看在火箭時的Barkley,在暴龍時的Olajuwon以及在魔術時的Ewing。 這是每個人最不想回想這些球員的方式,如果能避免的話是那真是再好不過。 只有Shaq自己才能決定該何時結束他所鍾愛的球賽。 但是出於自私的理由,我希望他能夠了解現況, 不要等到他開始拖累球隊時還認為自己是年輕時的自己。 -- 廢話一;忘了補上出處http://tsn.ca/nba/news_story/?ID=176819&hubname=nba 廢話二;有了冠軍戒指會失去動力? No no no no no 那可不是我認識的大師兄 廢話三:這篇讓我們見識到外電也是有在討戰的 廢話四;本日英文新知;get your ducks in a row 像母鴨帶小鴨排排站一樣有秩序的組織事務 廢話五;這篇好長,我後悔了T_T 廢話六;忘了補上"有錯請指正" 廢話七;修到推文了,對不起 廢話八;剛剛看到其實對岸已經翻好了耶,哈哈哈...(淚) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: eowa 來自: (09/15 13:11)

09/15 16:06, , 1F
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09/15 20:04, , 4F
09/15 20:04, 4F

09/15 22:04, , 5F
JW那段尾的turnover prone 不是跨下運球...
09/15 22:04, 5F

09/15 22:13, , 6F
是 "容易失誤"的意思
09/15 22:13, 6F

09/16 06:32, , 7F
啊 謝謝樓上 看成crossover了 XD
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09/18 00:08, , 14F
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09/20 09:48, , 15F
bring home the bacon 的含義為"養活家庭,凱旋而歸"
09/20 09:48, 15F

09/20 09:49, , 16F
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