[轉錄][外絮] 山貓將交易S. Jackson或G. Wallace?

看板MiamiHeat作者 (mike)時間13年前 (2010/12/17 22:48), 編輯推噓26(26016)
留言42則, 20人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1D2qwr0w ] 作者: loed () 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 山貓將交易Stephen Jackson或Gerald Wallace? 時間: Fri Dec 17 19:51:14 2010 山貓將交易Stephen Jackson或Gerald Wallace? Bobcats moving Wallace or Jackson? By Mark J. Miller Things aren't exactly going the way of the Charlotte Bobcats so far this season. The team is 9-15 and near the bottom of the Southeast Division. Now the 'Cats want to change their luck a little. ESPN reports that Charlotte is looking into the trade value of its players, including Stephen Jackson and Gerald Wallace. Coach Larry Brown says his players are doing a lot of blaming others, such as the refs, right now. So two sources to ESPN say Brown and his colleagues are ready to change the Bobcats chemistry a little bit. One said "it would not surprise me at all" for Charlotte to move even its top players on the roster. ----------------------------------- Report: Bobcats shopping players http://goo.gl/zzyqp ATLANTA -- The Charlotte Bobcats have apparently seen enough. With the team mired in a disappointing 9-16 season -- which includes two losses by 30 points or more in the past six days -- management has begun to gauge the trade value of a number of its players, including Stephen Jackson and Gerald Wallace, two NBA sources confirmed to the Charlotte Observer Thursday. Coach Larry Brown, following his team's 33-point loss to the Memphis Grizzlies Wednesday, called his players out for an apparent lack of effort. "I had to get on them at halftime, beg them to play. That's not what I'm supposed to be doing,'' Brown told the Charlotte Observer. "No effort, no teamwork, guys don't run back. They blame it on the referees.'' As a result, Bobcats management is assessing its trade options. The two sources -- both executives with other NBA teams -- spoke on condition of anonymity to the newspaper because of the sensitivity of the subject. "It would not surprise me at all'' if the Bobcats move one of their top players, one source told the Observer. "I will say I think they're asking for a lot.'' Bobcats general manager Rod Higgins did not immediately return a phone message left by the Observer early Thursday evening. Trades have been common for the Bobcats since Brown was hired as coach in April 2008. Since then, the Bobcats have made nine trades involving 27 players. The only players who pre-date Brown's arrival are Wallace and center Nazr Mohammed. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/17 19:54,
12/17 19:54

12/17 19:56,
12/17 19:56
clkdtm32:轉錄至看板 Orl-Magic 12/17 19:56

12/17 20:01,
船長跟G蛙...看不懂山貓在搞啥= =
12/17 20:01

12/17 20:01,
一直重建嗎 乾脆墊底等拼看看狀元
12/17 20:01

12/17 20:03,
感覺他們會比較想丟船長 船長的約好像還有兩三年
12/17 20:03

12/17 20:03,
這兩隻搖擺人是聯盟頂級SF 身高資歷靈活性都是A級
12/17 20:03

12/17 20:05,
主因不在身手 而是心態問題和休息室氣氛
12/17 20:05

12/17 20:05,
12/17 20:05

12/17 20:06,
12/17 20:06

12/17 20:08,
12/17 20:08

12/17 20:09,
原來是靈活性 乍看以為是靈性= =
12/17 20:09

12/17 20:09,
12/17 20:09

12/17 20:21,
12/17 20:21

12/17 20:23,
態度大概是C級的吧= =
12/17 20:23

12/17 20:25,
12/17 20:25

12/17 20:25,
尼爾森+2000 <-> 船長+G蛙
12/17 20:25

12/17 20:27,
尼爾森+DH <-> 船長+G蛙(樓上吃人啊)
12/17 20:27

12/17 20:28,
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12/17 20:30,
12/17 20:30

12/17 20:31,
12/17 20:31

12/17 20:32,
山貓不太可能換PG吧 去年放掉肥頓就是為了奧古斯丁
12/17 20:32

12/17 20:33,
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12/17 20:35,
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12/17 20:38,
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12/17 20:39,
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12/17 20:39,
G蛙這麼好用不能換 建議丟船長 先發得分後衛換老喬
12/17 20:39

12/17 20:41,
兩千萬+ORTON+DUHON for 他們兩位
12/17 20:41

12/17 20:41,
湖人隊 香濃布朗 <==>Gerald Wallace
12/17 20:41

12/17 20:42,
12/17 20:42

12/17 20:42,
12/17 20:42

12/17 20:42,
湖人隊 L.Walton <==>S.JACKON
12/17 20:42

12/17 20:43,
湖人 R.Artest <==>船長+G蛙
12/17 20:43

12/17 20:44,
S.Vujacic 糟了~忘了已經轉隊了ˊˋ
12/17 20:44

12/17 20:46,
反正搶劫菜單一定有2000萬 殺殺和Luke
12/17 20:46

12/17 20:47,
布朗爺都壓不住了 還有哪個教練壓得住?
12/17 20:47

12/17 20:50,
Duhon+Orton+大范<==> 布朗爺
12/17 20:50

12/17 20:50,
請問可以用小歐換嗎 XD
12/17 20:50

12/17 20:51,
12/17 20:51

12/17 20:56,
布朗爺還蠻被高估的 連球員都壓不住
12/17 20:56

12/17 20:59,
12/17 20:59

12/17 21:02,
12/17 21:02
rosebulls:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 12/17 21:14

12/17 21:15,
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12/17 21:34,
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12/17 21:40,
12/17 21:40

12/17 21:42,
G挖低薪加盟熱火吧 填補哈斯藍的空缺
12/17 21:42

12/17 22:06,
12/17 22:06

12/17 22:15,
12/17 22:15
stevenlovego:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 12/17 22:15

12/17 22:48,
12/17 22:48
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/17 22:51, , 1F
12/17 22:51, 1F

12/17 22:52, , 2F
12/17 22:52, 2F

12/17 22:53, , 3F
12/17 22:53, 3F

12/17 22:56, , 4F
G哇不是說是窮人版LBJ嗎 那LBJ要擺哪 囧
12/17 22:56, 4F

12/17 23:10, , 5F
屌爺對我們陣型有幫助嗎 雖然它們沒有要賣 我們也沒得換
12/17 23:10, 5F

12/17 23:17, , 6F
12/17 23:17, 6F

12/17 23:19, , 7F
G哇比較有吧 至少有防守 當個WADE替補是不錯的選擇
12/17 23:19, 7F

12/17 23:22, , 8F
G挖是小前吧...要也是LBJ替補 船長才是Wade替補
12/17 23:22, 8F

12/17 23:22, , 9F
沒人可交易 都甭想
12/17 23:22, 9F

12/17 23:39, , 10F
基本上現在2.3的替補 等MM回來了 輪替也差不多了
12/17 23:39, 10F

12/17 23:39, , 11F
就算有薪資空間 要補人 也是先補未來禁區
12/17 23:39, 11F

12/17 23:47, , 12F
感覺熱火也不太需要 簽個肉柱咖實在
12/17 23:47, 12F

12/17 23:59, , 13F
誇米是不是在山貓阿 換這個比較實在啦
12/17 23:59, 13F

12/18 00:05, , 14F
我是想說MM可以當LBJ替補 G哇拿來鎖對方後衛跟小前不錯啊XD
12/18 00:05, 14F

12/18 00:07, , 15F
只有這兩隻可以選啊 內線還是砍大貓或JA把屁人擺上來比較好
12/18 00:07, 15F

12/18 00:13, , 16F
聽說樓上也用SOD看比賽耶 好巧
12/18 00:13, 16F

12/18 00:16, , 17F
12/18 00:16, 17F

12/18 00:24, , 18F
樓上兩位確定是在看比賽嗎? XD
12/18 00:24, 18F

12/18 00:27, , 19F
tokyohot太寫實不太好 常常會把球員醜陋的那一面展露出來
12/18 00:27, 19F

12/18 00:37, , 20F
不可能 儘管這2隻物超所值 但根本不是熱火的洞 且對熱火
12/18 00:37, 20F

12/18 00:37, , 21F
還是很貴 而且 目前熱火最慘的是 沒有任何值錢的交易籌
12/18 00:37, 21F

12/18 00:38, , 22F
12/18 00:38, 22F

12/18 00:55, , 23F
12/18 00:55, 23F

12/18 00:57, , 24F
12/18 00:57, 24F

12/18 01:08, , 25F
12/18 01:08, 25F

12/18 01:16, , 26F
12/18 01:16, 26F

12/18 01:34, , 27F
12/18 01:34, 27F

12/18 01:35, , 28F
J.Howard+E.House+U.Haslem 可以換回S.Jackson
12/18 01:35, 28F

12/18 01:36, , 29F
12/18 01:36, 29F

12/18 01:37, , 30F
12/18 01:37, 30F

12/18 01:37, , 31F
這樣根本動搖一半人去換一個二號替補+ =
12/18 01:37, 31F

12/18 01:37, , 32F
12/18 01:37, 32F

12/18 01:38, , 33F
12/18 01:38, 33F

12/18 01:40, , 34F
為什麼沒把蛋皮交易出去呢? 因為時間還不夠= =
12/18 01:40, 34F

12/18 01:49, , 35F
不可能可以這樣換啦= = roster至少要有12個人
12/18 01:49, 35F

12/18 03:19, , 36F
MOJS你上面列的一堆人都是拿底薪 交易只能拿來當47.4萬算
12/18 03:19, 36F

12/18 03:20, , 37F
老將拿到的底薪雖然較高 但交易就只能當底薪的base計算
12/18 03:20, 37F

12/18 03:22, , 38F
發現你好像已經當47.4萬計算了 當我沒說=.=
12/18 03:22, 38F

12/18 10:38, , 39F
12/18 10:38, 39F

12/18 12:18, , 40F
薪資高,而且他去年季後賽被魔術尼二神打假的= =
12/18 12:18, 40F

12/10 18:10, 5年前 , 41F
屌爺對我們陣型有幫助嗎 https://daxiv.com
12/10 18:10, 41F

04/19 17:53, 5年前 , 42F
G哇不是說是窮人版LB http://yaxiv.com
04/19 17:53, 42F
文章代碼(AID): #1D2tX6uz (MiamiHeat)