[新聞] 艾布蘭裝甲在烏克蘭失效

看板Military作者 (小漪)時間3月前 (2024/05/30 11:56), 編輯推噓19(19018)
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原文來源: https://www.newsweek.com/us-abrams-tanks-amor-failing-ukraine-1905927 原文摘要: Published May 29, 2024 at 12:41 PM EDT Updated May 29, 2024 at 7:35 PM EDT Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, U.S-supplied Abrams tanks' armor is failing as a series of weaknesses were found, according to Ukrainian crews working on the tanks who spoke to CNN. The U.S. has supplied Ukraine with Abrams tanks, specifically the M1A1 models, as part of its military aid to support Kyiv's efforts against Russian forces. The delivery of the tanks was initially announced in January 2023, with each tank costing about $10 million. 據接受美國有線電視新聞網採訪的烏克蘭坦克工作人員稱,在正在進行的俄羅斯-烏克蘭 戰爭中,美國提供的艾布蘭戰車的裝甲因發現一系列弱點而失效。 美國向烏克蘭提供了M1A1戰車,作為支持基輔對抗俄羅斯軍隊的軍事援助的一部分。這些 戰車最初於 2023 年 1 月宣布交付,每輛戰車耗資約 1000 萬美元。 According to President Joe Biden's announcement about the armored vehicles, the tanks are known for their advanced capabilities that require significant logistical support and maintenance, which the U.S. has committed to providing. However, the tanks have faced significant challenges on the battlefield, primarily due to Russian drone warfare tactics. The drones have made it increasingly difficult for the tanks to operate without being detected and targeted, leading to the withdrawal of the hardware from the front lines to prevent further losses. According to The Associated Press, five of the 31 American Abrams sent to Ukraine since January 2023 have already been lost to Russian action. On Wednesday, according to CNN, Ukrainian crews who trained in Germany reiterated the difficulties and said the vehicles lacked armor that could stop modern weapons. 根據喬·拜登總統關於裝甲車的聲明,這些坦克以其先進的能力而聞名,需要大量的後勤 支援和維護,而美國已承諾提供這些支援和維護。 然而,這些坦克在戰場上面臨重大挑戰,這主要是由於俄羅斯的無人機作戰策略。無人機 使坦克在不被發現和瞄準的情況下行動變得越來越困難,導致坦克從前線撤出,以防止進 一步的損失。 根據美聯社報道,自 2023 年 1 月以來派往烏克蘭的 31 輛美國艾布蘭戰車中,有5 輛已 在行動中損失。 週三,根據美國有線電視新聞網報道,在德國接受訓練的烏克蘭機組人員重申了這些困難 ,並表示這些車輛缺乏可以阻止現代武器的裝甲。 "Its armor is not sufficient for this moment," said one crew member with the call sign Joker. "It doesn't protect the crew. For real, today this is the war of drones. So now, when the tank rolls out, they always try to hit them." "Without defense, the crew doesn't survive at the battlefield," another crew member, Dnipro, told CNN, adding they are the "number one target." According to officials in the 47th Mechanized Brigade, all 31 Abrams deployed to Ukraine are engaged near the front line in the east. This comes after U.S. officials said in April that the Abrams were being withdrawn from the front line due to the threat of Russian attack drones. However, according to the 47th some were still in action. Moscow has repeatedly vowed to destroy advanced Western weapons systems sent to Ukraine, claiming that aid from the U.S. and its allies will only prolong— not help win—Kyiv's war against Russia. Last September, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters at a press briefing, "There is no panacea, no single weapon that can change the balance of power on the battlefield." 「目前它的裝甲還不夠,」一名呼號為「小丑」的車組人員說道。 “它不能保護車組人 員。實際上,今天這是無人機的戰爭。所以現在,當坦克推出時,他們總是試圖擊中它們 。” 另一位乘員第聶伯羅告訴美國有線電視新聞網,“如果沒有防禦,乘員就無法在戰場上生 存”,並補充說他們是“頭號目標”。 據第47機械化旅官員稱,部署到烏克蘭的所有31輛艾布蘭均在東部前線附近作戰。 此前,美國官員四月表示,由於俄羅斯攻擊無人機的威脅,艾布蘭戰車正從前線撤出。然 而,據47旅報道,有些人仍在行動。 莫斯科一再發誓要摧毀運往烏克蘭的先進西方武器系統,聲稱美國及其盟國的援助只會延 長基輔對俄羅斯的戰爭,而無助於贏得戰爭。 去年9月,克里姆林宮發言人德米特里·佩斯科夫在新聞發布會上告訴記者,“沒有任何 靈丹妙藥,沒有任何一種武器可以改變戰場上的力量平衡。” 心得感想: https://i.imgur.com/Wzfe0WU.jpeg
艾布蘭的裝甲面對無人機是不足的,烏克蘭已經開始裝爆反和鳥籠 未知M1A2T是否會跟進 TUSK對FPV會有多大效力? 當然如果M60A3T也加裝鳥籠會更好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1717041388.A.D8A.html

05/30 11:59, 3月前 , 1F
05/30 11:59, 1F

05/30 12:00, 3月前 , 2F
05/30 12:00, 2F

05/30 12:02, 3月前 , 3F
發動機 電系不改 除了鳥籠都別太期待
05/30 12:02, 3F

05/30 12:02, 3月前 , 4F
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05/30 12:13, 3月前 , 8F
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05/30 12:25, 3月前 , 9F
那時代全部坦克都一樣吧 裝甲只有在正面
05/30 12:25, 9F

05/30 12:25, 3月前 , 10F
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05/30 12:30, 3月前 , 11F
05/30 12:30, 11F

05/30 12:30, 3月前 , 12F
現在服役中的所有坦克都這樣不是嗎? 講的好像有啥
05/30 12:30, 12F

05/30 12:30, 3月前 , 13F
05/30 12:30, 13F

05/30 12:40, 3月前 , 14F
據說是13/31 已摧毀 裡面不知道可以修復幾台
05/30 12:40, 14F

05/30 12:44, 3月前 , 15F
05/30 12:44, 15F

05/30 12:44, 3月前 , 16F
也只能裝烤肉架吧... 大無人機時代
05/30 12:44, 16F

05/30 12:51, 3月前 , 17F
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05/30 12:57, 3月前 , 19F
確實 表現不如M2
05/30 12:57, 19F

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05/30 14:00, 3月前 , 22F
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05/30 14:03, 3月前 , 23F
不可能 絕對不可能 我看戰報烏軍都狂打俄軍欸
05/30 14:03, 23F

05/30 14:08, 3月前 , 24F
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05/30 14:23, 3月前 , 27F
05/30 14:23, 27F

05/30 14:23, 3月前 , 28F
我也是在想 newsweek 講這個不知道可信度如何. XD
05/30 14:23, 28F

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05/30 16:07, 3月前 , 33F
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05/30 20:39, 3月前 , 34F
問題是 M1豹二之外烏也沒不會被開罐頭的直射武器了
05/30 20:39, 34F

05/31 16:30, 3月前 , 35F
烏軍狂打俄軍 跟M1坦克無法應付無人機 這兩件事情
05/31 16:30, 35F

05/31 16:31, 3月前 , 36F
有互斥嗎? 啊 可能有人連互斥都看不懂啥意思
05/31 16:31, 36F

07/09 21:21, 2月前 , 37F
07/09 21:21, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1cL_ZisA (Military)