[PSP ] 5/1 凌晨消息關於HEN上的模擬器

看板Modchip作者 (孤鳥)時間15年前 (2009/05/01 03:36), 編輯推噓23(23019)
留言42則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Quote: Originally Posted by buhuhu Hello all. This my first post here, so I felt uncessary make a new threat (or maybe could get flamed :P), I read the HEN but I got one doubt stil, I know it wont suport ISO and so, wich it fine by me, if I want play PSX I would play on the console itself, my question is just, does this HEN enable the old GBA Emulator?, I mean, I enjoy some PSP games, and ocasioanly I like play some GBA games on it for chill (so i only carry one console at time :P), is realy my only question Thank you. Yes, emulators will work (GBA, SNES, NES, etc, etc) fine just as they do on current 5.00 M33 custom firmwares. 是的,模拟器(GBA, SNES, NES, etc, etc) 会就像在5.00 M33自制系统上一样工作的很 好 Quote: Originally Posted by Jolan It should.See, Homebrews use different core versions and the latest PSP series only support 4.xx+, meaning there might be a need for them to be updated. Not true. The latest custom firmware is 5.00 M33, hence it's using the 5.xx kernel. Most of everything that works on 5.00 M33 should theoretically work on this HEN since they essentially use the same kernels. 几乎所有能在5.00 M33 上工作的自制程序理论上都能在这个HEN上运行,因为他们基本上 是使用相同的内核 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/01 03:37, , 1F
簡單的說 就算沒有ISO LOADER也可以先玩PS模擬器之類的
05/01 03:37, 1F

05/01 03:39, , 2F
模擬器可以那其他的?? 例如金先生之類的??
05/01 03:39, 2F

05/01 03:57, , 3F
05/01 03:57, 3F

05/01 07:05, , 4F
05/01 07:05, 4F

05/01 07:29, , 5F
05/01 07:29, 5F

05/01 08:42, , 6F
05/01 08:42, 6F

05/01 09:35, , 7F
05/01 09:35, 7F

05/01 09:46, , 8F
05/01 09:46, 8F

05/01 09:47, , 9F
本版第6119篇 XD
05/01 09:47, 9F

05/01 09:50, , 10F
05/01 09:50, 10F

05/01 10:07, , 11F
05/01 10:07, 11F

05/01 10:40, , 12F
是"homebrew" 都可以.. 他沒說plugin可以..
05/01 10:40, 12F

05/01 10:41, , 13F
所以pops, cheat那些plugin 還是要看它支不支援
05/01 10:41, 13F

05/01 10:41, , 14F
pops就不用想了 作者說過不會支援 (native)
05/01 10:41, 14F

05/01 10:46, , 15F
樓上...native跟negative 好像差很多耶
05/01 10:46, 15F

05/01 10:47, , 16F
native是說它原生不支援.. 我不知道你說negative是指什麼
05/01 10:47, 16F

05/01 10:48, , 17F
噢 我沒看原文 看你寫不會支援後面接了個原生
05/01 10:48, 17F

05/01 10:48, , 18F
05/01 10:48, 18F

05/01 10:49, , 19F
05/01 10:49, 19F

05/01 10:51, , 20F
05/01 10:51, 20F

05/01 11:06, , 21F
05/01 11:06, 21F

05/01 11:08, , 22F
05/01 11:08, 22F

05/01 11:47, , 23F
05/01 11:47, 23F

05/01 15:31, , 24F
05/01 15:31, 24F

05/01 16:42, , 25F
籃球太嚴苛 我要求吞棒球就好
05/01 16:42, 25F

05/01 17:58, , 26F
∕  Modchip  ∕ ﹨
05/01 17:58, 26F

05/01 17:58, , 27F
05/01 17:58, 27F

05/01 17:58, , 28F
◢██◣ ╭──╮ ∥ ∥
05/01 17:58, 28F

05/01 17:58, , 29F
█ ◥▌╭ 鄉 │ ∥ ∥
05/01 17:58, 29F

05/01 17:58, , 30F
◤□︵□▌ │民快│ ∥-──────-∥
05/01 17:58, 30F

05/01 17:58, , 31F
╲ ▽╱ │們來│ ∕_______________∕\
05/01 17:58, 31F

05/01 17:58, , 32F
◢ ̄︺ ̄◤ │,買│ ▎籃球架  50▕▕
05/01 17:58, 32F

05/01 17:58, , 33F
| | │ 喔│ ▎還是籃球架 50▕▕
05/01 17:58, 33F

05/01 17:58, , 34F
◤ ̄◥ │ !│ ▎興奮的 ˙ 50▕▕
05/01 17:58, 34F

05/01 17:58, , 35F
│  │ █████████╱
05/01 17:58, 35F

05/01 17:58, , 36F
╰──╯ ◎ ◎
05/01 17:58, 36F

05/01 21:55, , 37F
為甚麼我不敢出現? 能跑isoloader再說啦
05/01 21:55, 37F

05/01 22:22, , 38F
05/01 22:22, 38F

05/01 22:23, , 39F
05/01 22:23, 39F

05/01 22:47, , 40F
既然你都幫我想到了 那我就用這個藉口吧XD
05/01 22:47, 40F

05/01 22:48, , 41F
05/01 22:48, 41F

05/01 23:26, , 42F
isoloader 不是唯一,也不是必要,但一定會有。
05/01 23:26, 42F
文章代碼(AID): #19-VtAbV (Modchip)