[NDS ] DQ9 TT卡

看板Modchip作者 (我很單純)時間15年前 (2009/07/15 15:36), 編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
想請問一下 為什麼我到了跟光頭天使說完化以後 就白屏了... -- 你要的真相都在這!!!!! http://www.wretch.cc/blog/dondontabo -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/15 16:39, , 1F
07/15 16:39, 1F

07/15 16:40, , 2F
what is PATCH?
07/15 16:40, 2F

07/15 16:47, , 3F
a piece of material used to mend or cover a hole
07/15 16:47, 3F

07/15 16:47, , 4F
or a weak spot.
07/15 16:47, 4F

07/15 16:48, , 5F
Where can I got that?
07/15 16:48, 5F

07/15 16:52, , 6F
07/15 16:52, 6F

07/15 17:15, , 7F
What should I search for?PATCH?or?
07/15 17:15, 7F

07/15 17:27, , 8F
name + patch + DSTT or name + patch
07/15 17:27, 8F

07/15 17:49, , 9F
Let's Talk in English at Modchip!
07/15 17:49, 9F

07/15 17:52, , 10F
07/15 17:52, 10F

07/15 18:07, , 11F
Pretty cool , guys THX!!
07/15 18:07, 11F

07/15 22:36, , 12F
發生什麼事情 怎麼都英文O_o
07/15 22:36, 12F

07/15 22:57, , 13F
maybe their chinese IME was crashed
07/15 22:57, 13F

07/15 23:48, , 14F
Blue Blue Road!!!!
07/15 23:48, 14F

07/23 11:27, , 15F
Good job,team. (Patch, cover me!)
07/23 11:27, 15F

08/22 15:20, , 16F
My Name is Jack Huang
08/22 15:20, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1ANORejz (Modchip)