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看板Movie-Score作者 ( game changer)時間13年前 (2011/04/13 05:30), 編輯推噓5(508)
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一部配樂比電影精彩的電影 大家複習複習吧~ 原文: http://ppt.cc/a~99 Daft Punk Delivers an Orgasmic Performance - TRON Legacy ST Review Very few people know them as Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter, but to the rest of the world, they are known as Daft Punk. After Disney decided resurrecting TRON, they needed someone to handle the task of delivering a blockbuster score to accompany of a movie of the same magnitude and the Daft Punk was the only option that will fit the bill. The Parisian duo has not only delivered, but have exceeded many expectations in my opinion. The orchestral score itself is worthy of standing next to pieces by Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and John Williams respectively. To accomplish this feat, Daft Punk employed the use of an 85+ piece orchestra, which just happened to be the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo和Thomas Bangalter是誰?不重要。但你一定在夜店聽過 One More Time。迪士尼冒著把一部經典拍爛並且得到金酸梅的風險重拍電子爭霸戰, 然後找了Daft Punk來為續集跨刀。個人覺得在像Hans Zimmer啦Danny Elfman還有 John Williams這種大咖行程滿檔的時候,這兩個巴黎仔已經很對得起預算了。 他們怎麼用這種預算辦到的呢?我是說,他們怎麼辦到的呢?原來他們自掏腰包把整個 管絃樂團包了下來。(我也為你們掏了一把英雄淚...) On initially listening to the score, the songs“Disc Wars”and“C.L.U.”feel like they were tracks that Hans Zimmer forgot to use in The Dark Knight, as they have a fairly dark tone to them Songs like“Outlands”,“Adagio for TRON” and“Flynn Lives”really pushes the limits of the orchestra’s capabilities. Some of the tracks that blend electro-funk and orchestra are very reminiscent to what Wendy Carlos achieved in the original TRON film. You get the feeling of transitions between the human and digital worlds in songs like “Recognizer”, “Rinzler”and“The Son of Flynn.” The full digitally synthesized tracks like “Derezzed”, “End of Line”, and “The Game Has Changed” are throwbacks to exactly what Daft Punk is known for. 聽到像是"飛盤大作戰"之類的曲目時我以為黑暗騎士OST有更黑暗的版本,而像"離島" "慢吞吞創世""弗林沒死"這種曲目證明了Daft Punk將管絃團員們的肝操到了極限。 而其中有些混音的電子放克更讓我合理懷疑上一部創的配樂者雇用的根本是是同一群 阿公阿罵管絃樂團。(真是殘忍阿...)還有像是"電子貞節牌坊""電子忍者""小弗林" 這些曲子會讓你有種你不知身在何處的錯覺。(飄飄何所似,天地一沙鷗?)最後, "Derezzed"(so what's derezzed exactly?)"回到1991年香港之光"(抄上海灘賭聖?) "The Game Has Changer"等等完整載點已經...不,等等曲目總算回歸Daft Punk 最拿手的電子合成曲。 All in all, this is definitely one of the best soundtracks I have ever listened to. I believe that Daft Punk’s choice of not opting for a standard percussion set and going with a more tribal/primal sound similar to that of Japanese Kodo drummers made a huge difference for the better. I can honestly say that I like every song on the soundtrack. Some of the standouts I suggest checking out are “C.L.U.”, “End of Line”, “The Game Has Changed”, “ Recognizer”, “Outlands” and “Adagio for TRON.” To put it in perspective, I would say it is a combination of Star Wars mixed with some Dark Knight and Blade Runner, a bit of the Matrix, a touch of Inception and a hint of 2001: A Space Odyssey. If ever there was a soundtrack to own, this would be it. 總之,聽就對了啦。再特別提一下,[因為拿了稿費,]我必須誠摯的推薦像是"複製大叔" "回到1991年香港之光""The Game Has Changer""電子貞節牌坊"給各位。 為了多拿一些稿費,我決定把星際大戰黑暗騎士銀翼殺手駭客任務全面啟動2001太空漫遊 這些片名一口氣打出來。再說一次,載點站內信$隨意,不,請支持正版,PPS也請關掉 去百視達。謝謝。 其實這部電影還是好看啦~ 只是,只有我覺得那個白女很像利菁嗎... 想梗很累,if you do like this review, make some noise below~ ^_~ -- 復向東,見一商港,然商販皆金髮碧眼,料是海外來朝之英吉利商販集散所在, 舶來異寶眾多,正目眩神迷間,琴聲價響,佇聽之,或如山壑雅秀,或如水潭靜謐, 時悠遠輕揚,復而厚實凝重,令人神馳,急尋琴聲來處,見一英吉利女子正自奏藝販琴, 當下文思泉湧,兼有結識之意,於是突出人群,吟詩唱和:"商娥扶碧曲,秀謐悠而厚...", 詩未竟,曲驟斷,但見英女神色驚訝,連聲曰,正暗喜間,卻見數名英商巡官怒目而來, 倒拖吾身,飽以老拳。嗟乎,奈何蠻夷終究不識詩詞曲賦之美...。 ~摘自<<腦殘遊記>> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/13 08:17, , 1F
04/13 08:17, 1F

04/13 08:18, , 2F
04/13 08:18, 2F

04/13 09:53, , 3F
04/13 09:53, 3F

04/13 13:41, , 4F
04/13 13:41, 4F

04/13 20:37, , 5F
04/13 20:37, 5F

04/13 20:37, , 6F
04/13 20:37, 6F

04/13 20:37, , 7F
甚至其實有點喜歡這張 CD
04/13 20:37, 7F

04/14 09:24, , 8F
04/14 09:24, 8F

04/14 14:27, , 9F
我覺得這部片講述的道理還滿深遠的 沒那麼不堪啦
04/14 14:27, 9F

04/14 21:50, , 10F
配樂我覺得還不賴~ 劇情差強人意~
04/14 21:50, 10F

04/16 08:34, , 11F
04/16 08:34, 11F

04/16 08:35, , 12F
04/16 08:35, 12F

04/16 16:06, , 13F
結論:Why so serious XD
04/16 16:06, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1DfCI9oU (Movie-Score)