[情報] 悲慘世界豪華2CD版

看板Movie-Score作者 (我是小小華)時間11年前 (2013/02/16 11:30), 編輯推噓10(1002)
留言12則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/GT6hX An expanded, two-disc edition of the soundtrack to the film version of Les Miserables will be released next month. The complete Motion Picture Soundtrack will have 22 more tracks than the Highlights edition currently available. Available in both physical and digital formats, the full soundtrack will be available from Polydor from 18 March. The Highlights edition, which has 20 tracks in all, currently tops the UK album chart and is the fastest-selling album in the UK this year The new CD packaging will feature previously unseen photos from the film set as well as additional explanatory notes. 就說CD不要太早買囉!:):) -- And in the dark times, Will there be singing? There will be singing. About the dark times. --Bert Brecht soundtrack weekly http://blog.roodo.com/beaux_tw plurk page http://tinyurl.com/5ngxjd -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/16 11:32, , 1F
=w= 還好
02/16 11:32, 1F

02/16 16:44, , 2F
02/16 16:44, 2F

02/16 19:52, , 3F
煩欸~ 但還是會買><
02/16 19:52, 3F

02/17 01:12, , 4F
02/17 01:12, 4F

02/17 14:28, , 5F
02/17 14:28, 5F

02/18 10:34, , 6F
02/18 10:34, 6F

02/19 12:02, , 7F
02/19 12:02, 7F

02/20 14:38, , 8F
02/20 14:38, 8F

02/23 16:50, , 9F
02/23 16:50, 9F

02/24 12:06, , 10F
02/24 12:06, 10F

02/27 13:18, , 11F
這片藍光是DTS-HD 7.1可以還原成LPCM喔~
02/27 13:18, 11F

02/28 10:49, , 12F
所以說怎麼可能買DVD就好? 要也是買藍光XD
02/28 10:49, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1H7lrVyk (Movie-Score)