[出售] 鋼琴琴譜(原典版&黃皮書)

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各位老師們好: 由於購買過多的琴譜(全新),故想以定價的7折售出(運費另計),多是一些全音的原典版 和黃皮書,歡迎有興趣的朋友參考以下網址書單(內有價格,謝謝! 琴譜皆保存良好,請不用擔心! https://goo.gl/IlxiAy 大致上有以下: Mozart Piano Sonatas I Mozart Piano Sonatas II Mendelssohn Children's Pieces Op.72 Mendelssohn Song Without Words Beethoven Piano Sonatas I Beethoven Piano Sonatas II Beethoven Variations I Beethoven Variations II Schubert Piano Sonatas I Schubert Piano Sonatas II Schubert Piano Sonatas III Schumann Piano Works II J.S. Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier I J.S. Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier II J.S. Bach English Suites J.S. Bach Little Preludes, Fughettas J.S. Bach Inventions, Sinfonia J.S. Bach French Suites Brahms Hungarian Dance Brahms Piano Pieces Brahms Sonatas, Scherzo and Ballads Brahms Walzer Op.39 Chopin Ballade Chopin Etudes Chopin Impromptus Chopin Mazurkas Chopin Nocturnes Chopin Polonaises Chopin Preludes Chopin Scherzos Chopin Waltzes.....等等 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Musicteach/M.1453289445.A.D9A.html
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