[外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人五號 -- 班蛙

看板NBA作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/04/21 20:56), 編輯推噓6(602)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Pistons 標題: [外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人五號 -- 班蛙 時間: Fri Apr 21 13:56:20 2006 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_defense_bwallace.html -- 2005-06: Currently ranks 10th in the league in steals (1.79), ninth in the league in blocks (2.20) and fourth in rebounds (11.3) ... Has blocked more shots than the opposing team 22 times this season (the Pistons are 19-3 in those games) ... One of only five players in NBA history to have six consecutive seasons with 100 blocks and 100 steals ... Has grabbed 20 or more rebounds three times this season and 15 or more 17 times ... Has blocked five shots or more 11 times ... Three-time Defensive Player of the Year (2002, 2003, 2005) ... Four-time All-Defensive First Team member (2002-2005) '05-'06年球季表現: 本季單場平均抄截(1.79次)排在聯盟第10、平均阻攻(2.2)排在聯盟第9、平均籃板( 11.3個)則名列第四...本季有22場比賽所送出的火鍋數比對手整隊加起來還多(那幾場比賽 活塞戰績19勝3敗)...NBA史上唯五能連續六個球季都繳出至少至少100個阻攻及100次抄截 的球員之一...本季有17場比賽抓下至少15個籃板,而其中3場更是至少抓下20個...本季有 11場比賽至少送出5或更多客麻辣鍋...三度獲選為年度最佳防守球員('02、'03、'05年) ...連續四年入選年度最佳防守第一隊('02-'05年)。 -- Our take: Any conversation on Defensive Player of the Year has to begin with Detroit's Ben Wallace, seeking his fourth trophy in five years. Only Dikembe Mutombo is a four-time winner, but Wallace could join him this season. Starting alongside three other All-Stars and the long-armed Tayshaun Prince, Wallace's numbers have dipped to the lowest of his career in Motown. Cause for alarm? Nope. He still ranks fourth in the league in rebounds per game, ninth in blocks per game and 10th in steals per game. No other player in the league ranks in the top 10 of all three categories. -- Jeff Dengate 我們的看法: 任何關於年度最佳防守球員的談話都得從底特律活塞的班蛙,這位正在尋求五年內第 四度獲獎的球員說起。NBA史上只有木桶伯曾經四度獲此肯定,但也許班蛙在今年就可以追 平他的紀錄。和另外三位同為全明星球員和長臂小王子一同先發,今年班蛙的個人攻守數 據來到自他加入汽車城後的新低,這是一個警訊嗎?不,整個聯盟中只有他單場平均籃板( 第四)、阻攻(第九)及抄截(第十)等防守統計數據通通排在聯盟前十之內。 -- From the media: The Pistons' defense isn't quite as good as it's been in years past, and that's shown in slight dropoffs this season in Big Ben's denials (11.6 rebounds, 2.2 blocks). But only Mourning is close to Wallace when it comes to taking over a game when it counts, with intelligence and intimidation. -- Philadelphia Inquirer 媒體的看法: 活塞今年的防守和過去幾年相比似乎有些微變差的跡象,而那可以從班蛙的防守統計 數據(平均11.3個籃板及2.2次阻攻)看出一些端倪。不過在以深具籃球智慧和壓迫性的防守 主宰比賽勝負這一點,只有晨星Mourning一人稍可與班蛙比擬。 --節錄自費城日報官網運動專欄的文章 (網址如右所附:http://0rz.net/951gQ) -- A fan's take: Really, is there any debate here? Ben Wallace is defense. He is defense in its purest form. Who else in the league is powerful enough to guard Shaq one-on-one and slow him down, then is quick enough to harass point guards? NOBODY! Ben Wallace guards everyone on the floor and dominates the game by forcing his will on his opponents. Big Ben does this night in and night out, taking pride in his ability to be a disruptive force on defense. No one else can stake a claim to being able to lock their opponent down on such a consistent basis throughout the year but Ben. There is no question of his right to receive this award. -- Brandon - Lawrenceville, Georgia 球迷的看法: 真的阿,還需要什麼爭論嗎?班蛙就是防守的同義辭,他用最純粹的方式完美地詮釋 了何謂防守。聯盟中還有哪位球員可以跟大歐對插,在有效降低他的進攻效率同時還行有 餘力,有足夠的敏捷性可以威脅控衛?絕對沒有!班蛙有能力防守場上任何一個人,而且 以燃燒生命般的防守方式主宰了球賽的勝負。班蛙每一晚都這麼做,對於自己有能力造成 對手進攻受阻而感到自豪。除了班蛙,沒有任何一位球員敢大聲說自己有能力一整個球季 裡每一場比賽都能始終如一,把負責防守的對手鎖死。對於班蛙有權獲得這個獎項,還有 任何疑問嗎? --來自喬治亞州勞倫斯維爾市的球迷Brandon -- The Numbers:(本季個人攻守數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2005-06 81 35.3 7.3 11.3 1.9 1.79 2.20 .513 .000 .412 -- Defensive Player of the Year - The Candidates: 本季年度最佳防守球員候選人: Bruce Bowen - San Antonio Spurs Marcus Camby - Denver Nuggets Andrei Kirilenko - Utah Jazz Shawn Marion - Phoenix Suns Ben Wallace - Detroit Pistons Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats -- Others worth consideration: 本季其他防守表現出色的球員還有: Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Tim Duncan, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Brevin Knight -- 順道附上班蛙的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/ben_wallace/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/21 14:11,
04/21 14:11

04/21 14:33,
對班蛙封三分球的印象太深刻了 ~~
04/21 14:33

04/21 14:47,
感謝指正 口雷大 :)
04/21 14:47

04/21 18:12,
04/21 18:12

04/21 20:10,
可以請問一下沒有Mourning有什麼特別涵義嗎? 請賜教
04/21 20:10

04/21 20:48,
04/21 20:48

04/21 20:49,
04/21 20:49
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/21 21:04, , 1F
04/21 21:04, 1F

04/21 21:06, , 2F
"有能力防守場上任何一個人" 這就誇張了一點 XD
04/21 21:06, 2F

04/21 21:06, , 3F
04/21 21:06, 3F

04/21 21:09, , 4F
Keepgoing我幫你改好了 :)
04/21 21:09, 4F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (04/21 21:09)

04/21 21:21, , 5F
Thanks ^^
04/21 21:21, 5F

04/21 22:24, , 6F
投我 投我 投我 投我 投我 投我 投我 投我 投我 投我
04/21 22:24, 6F

04/21 22:52, , 7F
04/21 22:52, 7F

04/22 02:20, , 8F
班蛙第一 一夫當關 萬夫莫敵
04/22 02:20, 8F
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