[外絮] Cuban:東區的情況會讓西區獲得更好的選秀已回收

看板NBA作者 (K少)時間10年前 (2013/12/06 21:28), 編輯推噓35(36137)
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Cuban:東區的情況會讓西區獲得更好的選秀 達拉斯早報 http://ppt.cc/IaZX 虎撲翻譯 http://bbs.hupu.com/7158179.html 小牛老闆馬克-庫班表示,雖然東部聯盟的球隊戰績比較差,但是這意味著最終西部的球 隊會最終得到更好的選秀順位。 「雖然戰績不是很平衡,但是這意味著東部的更差的球隊會進入季後賽,這會影響到他們 在選秀中的位置,這意味著西部的稍微好點的球隊會在選秀中得到更好的球員,因為明年 的選秀很有深度,這種‘意料之外的後果定律’就起作用了。” 「很多東部球隊沒有在場上打出他們最好的水準,他們會贏得他們相互之間的那些比賽, 他們會得到更好一點的戰績,然後打進季後賽,這意味著他們最後得不到樂透順位的選秀 權,所以這最終會傷害到他們自己。” 當庫班被問到,是否東部有很多球隊在擺爛的時候,庫班表示,東部只有兩支球隊的勝率 超過了50%,這說明了一切。 「我不知道誰在擺爛,誰又沒有擺爛,因為東部只有兩支球隊的勝率超過了50%,這說明 了一切,所以他們是不是故意的就不重要了。” 庫班表示,這樣的事情會陷入到惡性循環之中,雖然熱火已經連續兩次贏得了總冠軍,但 是西強東弱已經超過了10年了。 Mark Cuban: Glut of bad Eastern Conference teams might mean better draft picks for Dallas Mavericks, Western NEW ORLEANS – Mark Cuban isn’t quite ready to petition the NBA for a move to the Eastern Conference, but he’s fully prepared for the dominance of the Western Conference to continue. He blames something called “the law of unintended consequences.” Regarding the fact that only two of the 15 teams in the East had winning records entering play Wednesday, Cuban said it will lead to another interesting bit of fallout. “As unbalanced as it seems, it means that worse teams will make the playoffs in the East, which hurts their draft position, which means that better teams in the West will get better players out of the draft since this is a good draft,” Cuban said. “So the law of unintended consequences comes into play. “So many teams in the East weren’t really out there to be the best possible. They’ll win games against each other, have better records, get into the playoffs, which means they won’t be in the lottery, so they’ll end up hurting [themselves].” Asked if that meant there were too many teams in the East that have tried to tank this season for better drafting position, Cuban said: “I don’t know who ’s tanking or who’s not tanking. They only have two teams above .500, and that says it all. Whether it’s intentional or not doesn’t really matter.” Cuban believes these things tend to run in cycles, but it seems like the East has been the inferior conference top to bottom for more than a decade, even though Miami has won the NBA title two years running. With rivalries being a key part to the league, Cuban can’t see teams shuttling to different conferences in an effort to level things out or the NBA going to the sort of schedule where everybody plays a relatively equal amount of games against each team, regardless of conference. “When we play at Houston, there are Mav fans,” Cuban said. “When we play in San Antonio, there are Mav fans. It makes a difference when there’s a rivalry. “If we did [go to the East], that would be the minute everybody would be [better]. We’ve had a thrilling rivalry with the Wizards.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/06 21:29, , 1F
12/06 21:29, 1F

12/06 21:29, , 2F
12/06 21:29, 2F

12/06 21:30, , 3F
12/06 21:30, 3F

12/06 21:32, , 4F
意思是西部更強的球隊會拿到選秀 西強東弱永遠沒解
12/06 21:32, 4F

12/06 21:33, , 5F
12/06 21:33, 5F

12/06 21:33, , 6F
12/06 21:33, 6F

12/06 21:33, , 7F
CUBAN的意思是 西區勝率五成以上卻進不了的球隊 還是
12/06 21:33, 7F

12/06 21:33, , 8F
西區5成只能10名外 拿到的選秀簽順位當然比較高
12/06 21:33, 8F

12/06 21:33, , 9F
可以拿樂透簽來補強 反觀東區不到五成的卻還是進季後
12/06 21:33, 9F

12/06 21:34, , 10F
賽 只能拿後面的籤 又是選秀大年 西強東弱會更明顯
12/06 21:34, 10F

12/06 21:35, , 11F
這樣大西洋組龍頭很像比較衰? XD
12/06 21:35, 11F

12/06 21:37, , 12F
12/06 21:37, 12F

12/06 21:39, , 13F
12/06 21:39, 13F

12/06 21:40, , 14F
12/06 21:40, 14F

12/06 21:40, , 15F
樓上 好表 XDD
12/06 21:40, 15F

12/06 21:40, , 16F
12/06 21:40, 16F

12/06 21:58, , 17F
沒啊 Standings一直都有人在推吧
12/06 21:58, 17F

12/06 21:58, , 18F
12/06 21:58, 18F

12/06 21:58, , 19F
青賽&76人&暴龍:你祖母卡好的 紐約雙雄! 掯!
12/06 21:58, 19F

12/06 21:59, , 20F
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12/06 21:59, , 21F
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12/06 22:03, , 22F
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12/06 22:03, , 23F
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12/06 22:03, , 24F
12/06 22:03, 24F

12/06 22:03, , 25F
東區已經吃十年土了 也不見有什麼長進啊
12/06 22:03, 25F

12/06 22:03, , 26F
真要打的話 它以為西區穩贏?
12/06 22:03, 26F

12/06 22:07, , 27F
12/06 22:07, 27F

12/06 22:09, , 28F
西區五成都不一定進季後 反觀東區
12/06 22:09, 28F

12/06 22:10, , 29F
邏輯真好 雖然西強東弱好久 但西區ROY還是多不少
12/06 22:10, 29F

12/06 22:10, , 30F
12/06 22:10, 30F

12/06 22:15, , 31F
球探和養成對東區來說太重要了 現階段砸錢看起來效用
12/06 22:15, 31F

12/06 22:15, , 32F
12/06 22:15, 32F

12/06 22:19, , 33F
12/06 22:19, 33F

12/06 22:19, , 34F
MJ後東區拿了幾個冠軍? 現在東區全靠熱火在撐吧
12/06 22:19, 34F

12/06 22:24, , 35F
12/06 22:24, 35F

12/06 22:25, , 36F
活塞 超賽 熱火 熱火
12/06 22:25, 36F

12/06 22:26, , 37F
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12/06 22:26, , 38F
熱火少一次 改一下 活塞 超賽 熱火 熱火 熱火
12/06 22:26, 38F

12/06 22:28, , 39F
庫班真的蠻聰明的 都還沒有人想到這點
12/06 22:28, 39F

12/06 22:29, , 40F
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12/06 22:30, , 41F
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12/06 22:36, , 42F
12/06 22:36, 42F

12/06 22:39, , 43F
西強東弱是真的 西區刺湖牛在撐 後MJ時代15年拿了10
12/06 22:39, 43F

12/06 22:39, , 44F
次冠軍 東區也是三隊撐 活塞超賽熱火 拿了5次總冠軍
12/06 22:39, 44F

12/06 22:45, , 45F
到時候東區四成勝率打入季後賽沒樂透 西區五成勝率
12/06 22:45, 45F

12/06 22:45, , 46F
排西區第13 拿到前五順位籤這樣一定超好玩
12/06 22:45, 46F

12/06 22:53, , 47F
12/06 22:53, 47F

12/06 22:53, , 48F
集體爛掉 拿到的頂籤也很難變強權
12/06 22:53, 48F

12/06 22:54, , 49F
反之西區全強 拿到頂籤還有機會再來一支
12/06 22:54, 49F

12/06 22:56, , 50F
雷霆連拿好幾籤一選變強權 擺爛拿籤有效率只在西區
12/06 22:56, 50F

12/06 22:58, , 51F
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12/06 23:07, , 52F
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12/06 23:12, , 53F
嘛 西區總管很會選人也是一點啦
12/06 23:12, 53F

12/06 23:13, , 54F
火箭低順位超會選 Steve Novak 小AB Carl Landry
12/06 23:13, 54F

12/06 23:14, , 55F
青賽很爛? 我想我們看的不是同一個NBA
12/06 23:14, 55F

12/06 23:15, , 56F
黑派 CP25
12/06 23:15, 56F

12/06 23:16, , 57F
Marcus Morris 最近很紅的Terrence Jones
12/06 23:16, 57F

12/06 23:24, , 58F
當然火箭養人用人選核心 就不像選人那麼有眼光(笑
12/06 23:24, 58F

12/06 23:31, , 59F
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12/06 23:32, , 60F
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12/06 23:33, , 61F
12/06 23:33, 61F

12/06 23:58, , 62F
怎會沒人想到? 東區某幾隊應該很怕不小心進季後賽吧
12/06 23:58, 62F

12/06 23:58, , 63F
12/06 23:58, 63F

12/07 00:11, , 64F
集體擺爛 反而是比較嚴重的問題
12/07 00:11, 64F

12/07 00:11, , 65F
12/07 00:11, 65F

12/07 00:11, , 66F
以後東區贏球的隊伍都垂頭喪氣 不找對方握手就回更
12/07 00:11, 66F

12/07 00:12, , 67F
衣室開檢討會 找命中率太高或防守太認真的來罵
12/07 00:12, 67F

12/07 00:31, , 68F
12/07 00:31, 68F

12/07 00:45, , 69F
Cuban這樣說 會讓東區互相擺爛擺更兇吧 要爛就爛到底
12/07 00:45, 69F

12/07 01:28, , 70F
12/07 01:28, 70F

12/07 01:28, , 71F
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12/07 01:29, , 72F
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12/07 01:29, , 73F
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12/07 03:01, , 74F
12/07 03:01, 74F
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