[外絮] 聯盟承認快艇-勇士一戰最後誤判已回收

看板NBA作者 (=\)時間10年前 (2014/04/21 07:49), 編輯推噓20(28810)
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原文 http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/10812476/nba-says-officials-missed-foul-chris-paul-los-angeles-clippers 附全文, 只翻大意 PLAYA VISTA, Calif. -- There were 51 fouls called during the Golden State Warriors' 109-105 win against the Los Angeles Clippers in the opening game of the first-round series on Saturday. But on Sunday, the NBA issued a statement admitting there should have been one more foul called. NBA聯盟今日承認在哨聲滿天飛的快艇-勇士戰最後一分鐘錯失了 關鍵一哨 With 18.9 seconds left in the game and the Clippers down 107-105, Clippers point guard Chris Paul was dribbling the ball above the arc when he was double-teamed by Steve Blake and Draymond Green. Paul then lost the ball after Green reached in and looked as if he had committed a foul. 這個play發生於勇士107-105領先,剩18.9秒時,CP3運球被Blake和Green包夾 掉球,而Green在CP3掉球前犯規. The play was reviewed but since no foul was called on the floor, the only reviewable action was who touched the ball last, which was Paul. The Warriors would get the ball, hit two more free throws and go on to win the game. 當下裁判們有看重播來決定球權, 然而不是看犯規,而是看誰碰出界 "Under the existing rule, referees may only use instant replay to determine which player caused the ball to go out and a limited set of other reviewable matters," NBA president of basketball operations Rod Thorn said in a statement. "Just prior to the ball going out of bounds, Paul was fouled by Green and Paul should have been granted two free throws. Contact preceding out of bounds calls is not a reviewable matter." NBA的Rod Thorn聲明說 "現行規定我們無法用重播來決定犯規, 而這球再碰出界之前Green犯規了. 當下CP3應該可以去罰兩球,但是犯規與否當下不能靠重播" Paul, who missed two free throws after the play and only hit three of his six free throws, didn't take any solace in the league'' statement before practice on Sunday. CP3並沒有對聯盟的聲明感到太多安慰. "I missed some free throws," Paul said. "We still had opportunities to win. When the ball went out of bounds I knew it was off me but it felt like it was a foul." "我自己也罰失了很多球,我們仍然有贏球的機會. 我知道那球是我自己碰出界 但是我當時的確也感覺到犯規." Clippers coach Doc Rivers thought the pregame hype about the physicality of the series affected the officiating as Blake Griffin only played 19 minutes and fouled out in the fourth quarter. Paul also was playing with five fouls at the end of the game. 教練Doc認為賽前大家談論這個系列會很多肢體碰撞讓哨音趨緊. CP3和葛莉芬都因此有犯規麻煩. "I thought the game was called very close and unfortunately for us, our two best players were the ones that bared the brunt of that," Rivers said. "Chris was in foul trouble and Blake was in foul trouble. When Blake plays 19 minutes, that was not my game plan. I didn't have that in my notes. It did affect us. I thought I drew up a bad play but Chris was fouled." "哨音偏緊造成了影響,很不幸我們的最好的兩個球員都身陷 犯規麻煩. 我賽前的計畫裡並不包括只讓葛莉芬上19分鐘. 所以這當然有影響我們. 關於CP3的那球我沒有畫出一次漂亮的進攻, 但是CP3也的確被犯規了." Rivers, however, wasn't putting the blame on the Clippers' loss on one missed call. Doc並沒有把輸球怪在這次誤判身上 "The league has taken ownership of their mistake but at the end of the day we have to take ownership of ours as group," Rivers said. "We have to play better and do what we do ... It doesn't change it. It doesn't make me feel better but I do think it's a good thing to do. I think they take ownership of it. That was a big call. Chris Paul goes to the line now with two free throws to tie the game. That being said, there's nothing we can do about it. A mistake happened on their end but we made our own mistakes and we have to take ownership of that." "聯盟認錯是聯盟對於自己的要求, 而我們輸球跟這並沒有直接關係. 認錯並不會讓我感到好過一點,不過我認為聯盟承認自己的錯誤是正確 的舉動. 我們並沒有辦法改變這個判決了, 他們認了錯,接下來我們 自己也要知道那些地方做錯了而去改正." ========================================================= 心得: 還滿罕見的,第二戰會還嗎? ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1398037765.A.5C7.html

04/21 07:50, , 1F
未看先猜 快艇還是一輪遊 CP3開始不爽喊吹密
04/21 07:50, 1F

04/21 07:51, , 2F
小牛遇過呀XD 對金塊時..不過也不會因此改判呀
04/21 07:51, 2F

04/21 07:52, , 3F
守甜瓜那次就差沒直接撲倒 結果打死不吹就進3分了
04/21 07:52, 3F

04/21 08:03, , 4F
有差嗎? 反正 CP3 罰球也罰不進
04/21 08:03, 4F

04/21 08:07, , 5F
04/21 08:07, 5F

04/21 08:10, , 6F
Doc 回答的真好
04/21 08:10, 6F

04/21 08:14, , 7F
GOOD 誤判的好
04/21 08:14, 7F

04/21 08:16, , 8F
04/21 08:16, 8F

04/21 08:17, , 9F
04/21 08:17, 9F

04/21 08:20, , 10F
04/21 08:20, 10F

04/21 08:20, , 11F
04/21 08:20, 11F

04/21 08:24, , 12F
準備看第二場 CP3一定天魔金身給你看
04/21 08:24, 12F

04/21 08:25, , 13F
04/21 08:25, 13F

04/21 08:25, , 14F
其實 誤判也是比賽的一部分
04/21 08:25, 14F

04/21 08:26, , 15F
04/21 08:26, 15F

04/21 08:26, , 16F
04/21 08:26, 16F

04/21 08:28, , 17F
黑雷 呢?
04/21 08:28, 17F

04/21 08:31, , 18F
04/21 08:31, 18F

04/21 08:33, , 19F
04/21 08:33, 19F

04/21 08:35, , 20F
04/21 08:35, 20F

04/21 08:39, , 21F
04/21 08:39, 21F

04/21 08:47, , 22F
04/21 08:47, 22F

04/21 08:51, , 23F
這不是間接承認 聯盟可以操作比賽囉...
04/21 08:51, 23F

04/21 08:52, , 24F
04/21 08:52, 24F

04/21 08:57, , 25F
怒嘘裁判 快艇主場還不懂該怎麼吹哨
04/21 08:57, 25F

04/21 09:17, , 26F
04/21 09:17, 26F

04/21 09:20, , 27F
丞相 起風了
04/21 09:20, 27F

04/21 09:23, , 28F
04/21 09:23, 28F

04/21 09:45, , 29F
金鐘罩已經先安裝好了 ,勇士等著跳逼逼逼
04/21 09:45, 29F

04/21 10:01, , 30F
04/21 10:01, 30F

04/21 10:21, , 31F
04/21 10:21, 31F

04/21 10:41, , 32F
04/21 10:41, 32F

04/21 10:55, , 33F
04/21 10:55, 33F

04/21 11:20, , 34F
04/21 11:20, 34F

04/21 11:25, , 35F
那球裁判離很近 沒判犯規 一開始又判快艇球
04/21 11:25, 35F

04/21 11:25, , 36F
04/21 11:25, 36F

04/21 11:28, , 37F
if1F 被打臉 我保證會做簽名檔 看你一次放一次給你看
04/21 11:28, 37F

04/21 11:30, , 38F
04/21 11:30, 38F

04/21 11:33, , 39F
04/21 11:33, 39F

04/21 11:59, , 40F
04/21 11:59, 40F

04/21 12:17, , 41F
完蛋了 勇士要被黑哨掉了
04/21 12:17, 41F

04/21 12:25, , 42F
我覺得今年再一輪遊 CP3會離開快艇
04/21 12:25, 42F

04/21 12:42, , 43F
04/21 12:42, 43F

04/21 12:57, , 44F
04/21 12:57, 44F

04/21 13:06, , 45F
04/21 13:06, 45F

04/22 18:02, , 46F
04/22 18:02, 46F
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