[討論] 各隊季後賽第一場總整理已回收

看板NBA作者 (以身為科迷為傲)時間10年前 (2014/04/21 18:37), 10年前編輯推噓33(3307)
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這篇用英文讀起來蠻好笑der Let's start with the Eastern Division IND VS ATL The Hawks were Spla~ Spla~ Spla~ Splashing 3 pointners. The Pacers ain't ready for prime time. Kyle Korver was swating Roy Hibbert like a beast. Seriously, a 6'7" player blocking a 7'0" center, this is some REAL Cheese. In the end, Larry Bird's face was like C'mon Cuh. 翻譯: 老鷹一直猛進三分球,溜馬根本還沒準備好要打季後賽,帥哥射手把七呎的我希蓋得 跟狗一樣。你沒看錯,一個6呎7的射手蓋掉一個7呎禁區球員的籃下投籃,這真的發生了! 比賽打完,溜馬總裁大鳥的臉臭的跟屎一樣 (搭配圖片服用 http://ppt.cc/euB4 ) MIA VS CHA No sportsmanship for MJ's Team. The Heat was beasting and feasting in the first game. The Bobcats got hit with the injury cheese.C'mon Al Jefferson, let's try to win the repect and the next game. 翻譯: 嘖嘖嘖! 山貓好歹也是Michael Jordan的球隊,你熱火好歹讓一下,以示尊重籃球之 神嘛!! 山貓有受到傷勢的影響,但是Big AL 你要加油啊!!! 嘗試看看贏得下一場比賽與大 家的尊重吧! CHI VS WAS The Coaching cheese led the Wizards through Game 1. Randy Wittman, u ain't Greg Popovich, baby. However, great job on coaching the team in Game 1. C'mon Noah!! Stop Splashing 3s, that's a noob move, u ain't Stphen Curry baby! Gotta do something on Nene. 翻譯: 強大的教練調度讓巫師贏得第一場比賽, Randy Wittman你雖然沒有馬刺波總的執教 功力,但這場真的帶的不差!法國舒淇加油啊!!不要耍腦惹,你又不是咖哩,投甚麼三分?下場 要守好Nene啊!! BKN VS TOR The Raptors got hit with the forth quarter cheese. Paul Pierce is beasting in the final quarter, spashing 3s, making mid range. This series can go down to the wire. 翻譯: 暴龍在第四節有點崩潰,被老皮打爆,又是三分,又是中距離,被射得滿頭包。這個系 列賽有機會纏鬥很久。 Now, The Western Division SAS VS DAL Tim Duncan was just beasting and feasting in the paint. The "Old People Cheese" Dirk Nowitzki got that 99 shooting, but he ain't making any of them last night. 翻譯:叮噹肯真的太猛,在禁區殺進殺出。果然還是老人厲害啊! Dirk有強大的投射能力,但 昨天像中邪一樣,怎麼樣都投不進 OAK VS MEM The Grizzlies got hit with the begging cheese. Kevin Durant was just ripping & begging like a beast. Rhyming accidentally. Marc Gasol was like C'mon Cuh, this ain't a foul, some real BS. 翻譯: 灰熊被買飯買得很慘, 美國圓仔靠著圓,大殺四方。(試試看英文,真的有押韻喔XD) 大家應該還記得最後一分鐘內有一個play,小嘎獸被HEBE臉抓住,結果還被吹犯規。 那時候的嘎獸擺出一副:拜託一下,HEBE臉抓住我耶,這根本不是犯規,根本是狗屎!! GSW VS LAC Both team got hit with the foul cheese. C'mon Cuh, this ain't WWE baby. Griffin wanted to join the Splash Brohers, but he splashed on a fan. C'mon Cuh, this ain't Songkran Festival baby. 翻譯:兩隊都有犯規麻煩,場面有點火爆,拜託!! 這是NBA,又不是WWE!! 幹籃哥想要加入浪 花兄弟,但是他卻是把飲料灑到球迷身上,拜託!! 這又不是泰國潑水節!! HOU VS POR James Harden was making noob moves all day, u ain't KD baby. Dwight Howard wasn't choking on the Free Throw Line, but the Rockets got hit with the forth quarter come back cheese. Aldrige was beasting in the post, while Lillard was crossing over with that 99 speed. 翻譯: 我鬍一直幹蠢事,想買飯,但是拜託!!你又不是圓仔。草莓罰球忽然爆準,但還是在第 4節被阿拓追平。阿基基在低位殺翻對手,里拉德用著他的急速,不斷過爛對手。 -- Look at this CHEESE!!! Come ON CUH!!! It's time to make it #SPLASH http://ppt.cc/1-58 By Chris Smoove -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1398076667.A.84A.html

04/21 18:39, , 1F
04/21 18:39, 1F

04/21 18:40, , 2F
04/21 18:40, 2F

04/21 18:40, , 3F
04/21 18:40, 3F

04/21 18:40, , 4F
04/21 18:40, 4F

04/21 18:43, , 5F
快笑 不然人家以為我們看不懂 用英文看很好笑XDDD
04/21 18:43, 5F
翻譯的應該也不錯笑XD 原汁原味比較讚啦

04/21 18:44, , 6F
Hebe XD
04/21 18:44, 6F

04/21 18:45, , 7F
u ain't KD baby.
04/21 18:45, 7F

04/21 18:50, , 8F
04/21 18:50, 8F
Kedrick Perkins, 因為臭臉, 都不笑

04/21 18:51, , 9F
我覺得Griffin那段超好笑 XD
04/21 18:51, 9F
u ain't splash brithers baby!!

04/21 18:53, , 10F
04/21 18:53, 10F

04/21 18:54, , 11F
04/21 18:54, 11F

04/21 18:55, , 12F
04/21 18:55, 12F

04/21 18:55, , 13F
04/21 18:55, 13F

04/21 18:59, , 14F
現在是怎樣 英文發的文就一直翻 也沒來源
04/21 18:59, 14F

04/21 19:01, , 15F
靠杯 腦中一直想起Chris Smoove的聲音
04/21 19:01, 15F
Spla~ Spla~ Spla~ Spaaaaaash

04/21 19:03, , 16F
u ain't KD baby. 配聲音有夠欠打
04/21 19:03, 16F
他最喜歡說的是 U ain't Tony Parker Baby!!

04/21 19:10, , 17F
KK以前有這張恥辱照 http://ppt.cc/ZNXn 虎撲有專題
04/21 19:10, 17F

04/21 19:11, , 18F
04/21 19:11, 18F

04/21 19:12, , 19F
99 Speed 超北爛XD
04/21 19:12, 19F
Smoove現在已經變成 95 Post Move XDDDDDDDD

04/21 19:26, , 20F
Is this a fake article? XD
04/21 19:26, 20F
對厚!!! 下次要加進來!

04/21 19:41, , 21F
推 這篇好笑
04/21 19:41, 21F

04/21 19:43, , 22F
Chris Smoove!!! 他很愛Tony Parker!!! Splah~~~~~
04/21 19:43, 22F

04/21 19:44, , 23F
04/21 19:44, 23F

04/21 19:46, , 24F
請問一直出現的cheese跟C'mon Cuh是甚麼意思
04/21 19:46, 24F
Cheese的意思跟Bull Shit很像 C'mon Cuh就樓下說的 拜託~~~~

04/21 19:47, , 25F
C'mon Cuh 應該是說: 拜託~~~~
04/21 19:47, 25F

04/21 19:52, , 26F
幫補 會被哨迷噓
04/21 19:52, 26F

04/21 19:56, , 27F
到底有多愛cheee~~!! 看到都餓了!
04/21 19:56, 27F
Shot Clock Cheese, The Forth Quarter Come Back Cheese, I'll be Cheesing those noobs. 暫時想不到惹

04/21 19:57, , 28F
整體還挺好笑的 梗用的不錯
04/21 19:57, 28F
謝謝支持 ※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/21/2014 20:16:52

04/21 20:37, , 29F
04/21 20:37, 29F

04/21 21:19, , 30F
原作者好酸 XD 猜不到他是哪隊球迷
04/21 21:19, 30F

04/21 21:20, , 31F
04/21 21:20, 31F

04/21 21:26, , 32F
一定是沒進的阿 才能放地圖砲
04/21 21:26, 32F
原作就我啊XD 兩位大大知道的嘛! 我湖迷.....

04/21 21:32, , 33F
04/21 21:32, 33F
猛翻譯 XDDDD ※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/21/2014 21:38:59

04/21 21:44, , 34F
04/21 21:44, 34F

04/21 21:45, , 35F
04/21 21:45, 35F

04/21 23:05, , 36F
04/21 23:05, 36F

04/21 23:11, , 37F
REAL Cheese是啥意思?
04/21 23:11, 37F
一件不可能的事真的發生了 ※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/21/2014 23:19:10

04/22 00:18, , 38F
04/22 00:18, 38F
沒偽裝! 我不是外電XD

04/22 00:20, , 39F
By the way~你不是四九人隊的球迷嗎
04/22 00:20, 39F
對阿! 怎? ※ 編輯: JessKB24 (, 04/22/2014 00:21:02

04/22 00:46, , 40F
04/22 00:46, 40F
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