Fw: [外電] 德州的三角戀愛習題(一)

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運動視界影音圖片好讀版:http://www.sportsv.net/articles/4611/ Texas Love Triangle 德州的三角戀愛習題 How the Chandler Parsons deal escalated the intensity of the Mavs-Rockets rivalry Chandler Parsons的合約簽訂為何讓火箭和小牛間的競爭白熱化 By Marc Stein | ESPN.com Originally Published:October 7, 2014 Mark Cuban, Daryl Morey and Chandler Parsons have given new meaning to the term Texas Triangle. Cuban、Morey和Parsons賦予了德州鐵三角新的意義 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any mention of the Texas Triangle, in NBA circles, has always had a very specific meaning. 在NBA,提到德州鐵三角,通常都有非常明確的意義─小牛、馬刺、火箭三隊德州勁旅 Until this past summer. 直到今年夏天─ No longer does the term exclusively reference the most dreaded three-stop road trip that the schedule can serve up, thanks to the Lone Star State love triad that dribbled its way into the basketball lexicon in July. 「德州鐵三角」不再專門意指賽程表上那令人生畏的客場德州三連戰。由於德州三人組在 七月的「愛恨糾葛」,轉變了「德州鐵三角」在籃球詞彙上的意涵 Cuban. Parsons. Morey. 那三人就是Cuban、Parsons和 Morey Yet the season's first face-to-face encounter for Mark Cuban and Daryl Morey, after their tug-of-war over Chandler Parsons and the verbal sparring that inevitably followed, will have to wait. Morey is away this week on team business, meaning he won't be with the Houston Rockets on Tuesday night when they open their 2014-15 exhibition season against Cuban's Dallas Mavericks and their new small forward. 在經歷了Chandler Parsons的RFA爭奪戰和言語上的爭鋒相對,Cuban和Morey本季的第一 次交手還需要在等等。Morey因為球隊上的公事不會隨隊到達拉斯─意即Morey不會和火箭 一起於10/7號星期二的季前賽面對小牛和小牛隊的新先發SF Cuban, mind you, insists that those expecting fisticuffs, or anything close, would have been disappointed anyway. Cuban對此提醒那些預期雙方會有更多唇槍舌戰或相類似口角的人─他們可能會對此失望了 Says Cuban: "Is it competitive? Yes. Do I hate Daryl? No. I have a lot of respect for Daryl. Daryl's not one to hate at all. That's not his mode. He's very, very logical. Cuban這麼說到:「這是場競爭嘛?答案是肯定的;但我討厭Morey嘛?答案是否定的。我非 常尊敬Morey,他不是那種會讓人完全厭惡的類型,因為他非常具有邏輯性。」 "Daryl Morey is the Spock of the NBA. I didn't originate that; someone else told me that. He's the Spock of the NBA because he's talking about logic all the time." 「Morey就像NBA裡的Spock,這個形容方式並非我獨創的,而是其他人告訴我的。Morey之所 以像NBA裡的Spock是因為他凡事都追求著邏輯性。」 PS:Spock的wiki介紹 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B2%E6%B3%A2%E5%85%8B Fans of trash talk needn't worry, though. If recent history is any guide, as re-traced in depth below, things won't stay conciliatory between the Mavs and Rockets for long. 雖然如此,熱愛垃圾話的球迷也不用太過擔心,根據過往歷史的紀錄,探究兩隊的淵源 ,小牛和火箭之間的平靜並不會持續太久...... THE PARSONS PERSPECTIVE Parsons的觀點 You've seen the photos and video clips by now. You've surely heard the story of Cuban landing in Orlando, Florida, on one of his private planes on the night of July 9, heading straight to a club called The Attic and then huddling with Parsons to secure the 25-year-old's signature on a three-year, $46.1 million offer sheet in front of hundreds of gawking club-goers. 你或許已經看過照片或者相關剪輯的影片,或者你已經聽聞這個故事─Cuban乘坐私人飛機 在七月九號的晚上抵達奧蘭多市(美國佛羅里達州),頭也不回的直奔當地一家名為"THE Attic"的酒吧,然後在擁擠的環境和數百名目瞪口呆的酒吧客人面前和25歲的Parsons簽訂 了三年46.1m的合約。 It was the unforgettable high point of Parsons' lucrative, life-changing summer, yet it must be said that restricted free agency, for the most part, isn't nearly that glamorous. Not even for a player, such as Parsons, who can legitimately claim to have a modeling career on the side. 這個令Parsons身價大漲、生活充滿變化的夏天肯定令他難忘。但我們必須承認,對於大多 數的受限制自由球員來說,這等待的期間是非常難熬的。就算連Parsons這種可以隨時發佈 退休宣言轉戰模特兒圈的球員也是一樣的情況。 The first week-plus of July found Parsons and agent Dan Fegan wondering when the phone would ring with a team on the other end of the line that believed it could really get Parsons away from the Rockets. But the phone wouldn't ring with that call. Potential bidders either appeared spooked by Houston's well-chronicled vows to match any offer Parsons got, or they were operating like the Mavericks and, frankly, the Rockets themselves -- which is to say they made it clear they planned to take their time and see if they had any real hope of landing Carmelo Anthony or (gasp) LeBron James before seriously courting anyone else. 在七月自由市場開市的第一個禮拜,Parsons和其經紀人Dan Fegan僅能守在電話旁,期待著 是否有球隊會從電話的另一端打過來,並相信能從火箭手中搶走Parsons,但電話從未響起 過。潛在的投資者要不是被火箭宣稱「無論何種價碼的合約我們都會match」的言論給勸退 ,就是像小牛或者火箭一樣盤算著球隊操作-耐心等待確認是否有機會從自由市場上找來 Carmelo Anthony或者LeBron James,然後再評估市場上其他球員。 "So it was a waiting game in the beginning," Parsons said, "which I was OK with. But it was frustrating, too." 「因此從一開始就是漫長的等待,我能明白這個情況,但這也讓我感到沮喪」Parsons這麼 說到 That the call eventually came from Dallas wasn't a huge surprise. Parsons had gotten to know Cuban during All-Star Weekend in Houston in 2013 and then, a few months later, met Dirk Nowitzki in Las Vegas when both he and the Mavericks' face of the franchise bumped into each other on postseason excursions in Sin City. Cuban and a player from another team making a connection was nothing new; bantering with rivals from his familiar seat on the baseline in Dallas has been a staple of an ownership reign that, come January, will have spanned 15 years. But Parsons and the famously low-key Nowitzki hit it off, too, which resulted in Parsons accepting an invitation shortly thereafter to play in Nowitzki's annual charity baseball game that June in Dallas. 因此當小牛最終打給了Parsons的時候並不讓人感到意外。在2013年於 Houston 舉辦明星 賽的那個周末Parsons和Cuban認識了彼此,而幾個月過後,Parsons和Dirk在拉斯維加斯偶 遇-此時兩人所屬的球隊都剛從季後賽被淘汰。Cuban和其他隊的球員有著良好交情並不是 件新聞了,從Cuban擁有小牛開始,轉播時看到Cuban坐在專屬他的"球場底線前排老位子" 和對手鬥嘴是稀鬆平常的一件事。而Parsons和向來低調的Dirk也是一拍即合,因此沒過多 久Parsons就收到Dirk的邀請-詢問是否要參加六月在Dallas的「Dirk盃慈善棒球賽」 "He said he loved baseball and played it in high school," Nowitzki recalled. "I called him a couple weeks later to make sure he still wanted to do it, and he said, 'I'm in.'" 「他說他喜歡打棒球而且高中的時候常常打」Dirk回憶當時的情況 「我幾個星期後打給他,並詢問他是否想要加入慈善棒球賽,然後他說:算我一份」 Yet the most serious early interest in Parsons in 2014 free agency actually came from Cleveland. It was widely assumed in Mavericks circles that Dallas would turn its attentions to Parsons once formally eliminated as an option by Melo and LeBron, but sources told ESPN.com that Parsons -- before things really heated up with his eventual new employers -- found himself being recruited by another All-Star peer he regards as a friend: Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving. 然而最早對Parsons展現興趣的卻是克里夫蘭騎士。關注小牛於自由市場舉動的人們大抵認 為一但甜瓜(Melo)和小皇帝(LeBron)將小牛從候選名單上剃除,小牛將會轉而追求Parsons 但消息源告訴Espn-在Parsons和小牛開始"感情升溫"之前,Parsons的好友-克里夫蘭的KI 正在努力招募他加入 Sources say the Cavs, furthermore, would soon inform Parsons he was "Cleveland's guy" if their ambitious bid to bring LeBron home unraveled. 來自騎士隊的消息是這麼說的-如果LBJ的浪子回頭王者歸來戲碼並沒有如期上演,那騎士將 會把目標放在Parsons身上,並希望他成為克里夫蘭的一份子 The Mavs, though, finally buckled on the ninth day of free agency. Anthony hadn't yet officially let his various suitors know he was staying with the New York Knicks. And Dallas was technically still on the fringes of the LeBron pursuit after Cuban had been granted a face-to-face meeting in Cleveland with LeBron's agent, Rich Paul, just a few days earlier. But Cuban decided he could no longer stomach waiting. 不過小牛在歷經九天的等待後終於按耐不住準備出手了。儘管Anthony還沒有正式宣佈他將 續留"大蘋果";而技術上來說,在LeBron正式放榜之前,小牛依舊是候選名單的一份子,且 幾天前Cuban剛和LBJ的經紀人Rich Paul在克里夫蘭有面對面洽談的機會。但Cuban決定不繼 續等待下去了 So ... 因此... Two days before James announced to the world, in an essay co-written with Sports Illustrated's Lee Jenkins, he was indeed returning to the Cavs after four seasons on South Beach, Parsons and Dallas verbally agreed to a three-year deal that was a virtual three-year max. The Mavericks, sources said, would later learn the Rockets actually offered Parsons a two-year max deal, valued at more than $30 million, on that same day to stay in Houston. But Parsons elected to sign the Dallas offer sheet. 在LBJ向全世界發表他於四年後終將"王者歸來"的兩天前,Parsons和小牛達成了一份三年頂 薪46m的口頭協議。小牛之後也聽聞了在同一天火箭也向Parsons報價兩年頂薪合約,金額約 略超過30m,並希望Parsons可以續留火箭,但是Psrsons最終選擇簽約小牛 "I was just very comfortable with those guys," Parsons said. "I know Mark will never let the Mavericks be bad. He's one of those owners that, if you get the chance to play for him, you gotta take it." 「小牛隊的每個成員都讓人感到自在」Parsons這麼說到 「我知道只要Cuban是小牛老闆,那小牛就不會選擇擺爛,他就是這樣的人。如果有機會替 小牛效勞,這很難讓人放棄」 "I told Chandler from the start [of free agency]: 'Do you want me to be brutally honest with you?'" Cuban says now. "And he said yes. So I told him with as much granularity as I could that I think it's a 10 percent chance at best that we could get Melo, but we had to try. Then, we started hearing our percentage was getting higher, and I told Chandler that, too. 在自由市場剛開市時,我跟Chandler(Parsons)說:「你希望我老實跟你說現在的情況嘛?」 :Cuban於近日這樣表示 「然後Parsons他說好的,因此我告訴他雖然我們大約只有10%的機會可以得到Melo,但小 牛必須去嘗試這個機會;而之後我聽聞了小牛在Melo心中的排名逐漸上升,而我也告訴了 Parsons這件事情」 "But then, when we weren't hearing a whole lot from the Melo camp, we knew we were pretty much out. So I told Chandler [on July 9]: 'I could end up being the dumbest idiot in NBA history, but even if LeBron comes back to us and says he's choosing us, I'm committing to you.'" 「但在那之後,我們就在也沒有從甜瓜陣營聽到任何消息了,因此我們也大概明白我們已經 默默的出局了。因此我在7/9號告訴Parsons:『我可能會成為NBA歷史中的大傻瓜,但就算 現在LBJ回心轉意說要加入小牛,我依然會選擇你 And that's how they wound up in The Attic not long after July 9 had bled into July 10. 而之後在7/10號那天究竟在The Attic酒吧發生了怎樣的事情 Cuban hopped on a plane soon after Parsons gave his "yes" to the Mavs. Parsons proceeded to a big dinner with family and friends to celebrate while Cuban was in the air, then led his group on foot to the nearby lounge shortly after midnight. 在Parsons向小牛的合約說出「yes」之後,Cuban急忙趕上飛機。而當Parsons與他的家人和 朋友以豐盛的晚餐慶祝合約底定時,Cuban正在航行途中。當小牛團隊和Cuban抵達時,此時 已經接近午夜。 "It wasn't planned to go and sign this contract at some bar," Parsons said. "Cuban's flight was delayed, so he hit me when he landed and asked where I was. Twenty minutes later, he just showed up with the contract. 「雙方當初並沒有計畫在酒吧中簽訂這份合約」:Parsons這麼說到 「Cuban所乘坐的飛機誤點了,所以當他抵達時,他打給我並詢問我現在在哪」 20分鐘後,他出現在我的面前並向我展示了那份合約 "Next thing you know the DJ kind of turned off the music [and] I was signing. It turned into a lot bigger deal than it was supposed to be." 「下一刻-酒吧裡的DJ關掉了店裡的音樂然後我就在合約上簽了名,結果這份合約引起了比 我想像中還要大的效應」 You could say the same about the whole experience for Parsons, who had been told repeatedly by the Rockets -- as far back as his exit interview in May -- that he wasn't going anywhere. The Rockets, Parsons recounts, informed him they planned to match any offer he got, even if they did go ahead and allow him to become a restricted free agent. 你可以體會Parsons這幾個月的感受-從五月賽季結束時的那一次會面開始,火箭一直重複的 跟Parsons重申他哪都不會去,而儘管這個暑假火箭讓Parsons成為了受限制自由球員,火箭 也告訴Parsons他們計畫Match任何開給他的合約 Sources say Parsons' camp was hoping to secure a four-year, $48 million deal before it even got that far. But Houston, hoping to give itself every chance of making a splashy July signing and then matching on Parsons to form its very own Fab Four of sorts, stunned many league observers by consenting in June to decline Parsons' $964,750 option for the 2014-15 season and make him a restricted free agent. 消息人士說在與小牛簽約之前,Parsons陣營曾經希望和火箭達成4年48m的合約。但休士頓 卻希望保有空間以便在自由市場上大有斬獲後在Match Parsons的合約,這樣就可以組成 夢寐以求的"F4"陣容,正因為這個目標,所以六月火箭才放棄Parsons合約中的Team option 使其成為了受限制自由球員。 "Daryl told me this process is going to be frustrating and you're going to read a lot of stuff you're not going to like, but at the end of the day, you've worked hard for this and you've earned this," Parsons said. "He warned me it could get ugly at times once the media gets involved and that you're gonna see people say you're not worth this or you're not worth that. [Morey] just sat me down and said, 'Go out and sign the best contract you can. Just know in the back of your head that we're gonna match the contract.' 「Morey跟我說這整個過程都會讓人感到沮喪,而且我會從媒體那讀到很多打從心底不喜歡 的報導,但最終因為你的努力,你將得到你應得的」Parsons這麼說 「Morey警告我說當媒體介入其中,這一切將會變得非常令人不堪,他們會說我不值得這個 合約不值得那個價值。Morey和我坐在一起並跟我說:去爭取你能簽到的最好合約吧,記住 一件事情就好,我們會Match你的合約的」 "Dan was trying to negotiate something with them early, and, to be perfectly honest, I would have accepted a lot less money early in the process to stay in Houston. But they told me they wanted to wait for the whole LeBron and Melo situation [to play out], which I understood. I just listened to them. I signed the best deal I could for my own career. 我的經紀人Dan早些時候努力的希望能和火箭的管理階層達成協議而老實說,在那個時點 我願意接受較低價碼的合約以便留在休士頓,但火箭的管理階層人員告訴我,他們要等待 LBJ和Melo做出決定。因此我決定聽從他們給我的建議,我去簽下那份市場上價碼最好的合 約。 "I have nothing but respect for those guys and nothing but great memories there. That was home for three years, and I'm gonna miss Houston. I did think they were gonna match, but they had to do what they thought was best for their organization, and I had to do what I thought was best for my career." 我對於火箭的每個人都保持著敬意,而火箭留給我的,是滿滿的回憶。這三年來,休士頓就 是我的家,我將會懷念這個地方,我曾經以為他們會Match我的合約,但火箭的管理階層必 須做出他們認為最正確的判斷,而對我來說,我只是做出我職業生涯中最好的選擇而已。 THE DALLAS DROUGHT Dallas 的難題 The Mavs have been searching for a starry young sidekick to Dirk. Will Chandler Parsons fill the bill? 小牛一直在尋找Dirk身旁那年輕且有能力的副手,Chandler Parsons會滿足這個需求嘛? Summertime skeptics were prone to say the Mavericks targeted Parsons so aggressively in free agency as much because they wanted to hurt their I-45 rivals as they hoped to help themselves. 整個暑假懷疑論者對於小牛於自由市場熱烈追求Parsons的行為傾向解釋為除了補強球隊陣 容之外,還可以同時讓火箭的戰力因此降低 "We were not trying to stick it to the Rockets," Cuban counters. "We wanted Chandler." 我們絕對不是針對火箭才去追求Parsons,我們就是想要Parsons加入我們」:Cuban這麼 解釋著 The Mavs had quietly made the decision at season's end that they would likely not be re-signing the versatile and dependable Shawn Marion, so they knew they needed a new small forward. 小牛於季末悄悄的評估或許他們不會和全面且防守端十分可靠的Marion達成續約,因此他們 知道球隊需要補強一名先發小前鋒 They also badly wanted to get younger. 小牛也同時希望球隊陣容能夠年輕化 They wanted to add an indisputably on-the-rise player in his 20s. 他們想要在球員名單裡加入一個20來歲且前途正冉冉上升的球員 And, most of all, they wanted to finally make a free-agent splash after their high-profile strikeouts in the summers of 2012 and 2013, when they pursued the likes of Deron Williams and Howard but came up empty. 而且最重要的事情是,在2012和2013年大張旗鼓的希望Deron Williams 和 Howard加入小牛 的計畫落空後,小牛希望今年暑假能夠掀起自由市場一番波瀾 So how did they laser in on Parsons? 所以為什麼小牛把目標放在Parsons身上呢 "Because I had a relationship with him, but more importantly because he's a multifaceted player, and we thought that's what we needed," Cuban said. 「因為我們的關係一直都很不錯,不過更重要的是-Parsons是一名多才多藝的球員,而我們 認為這就是小牛所需要的球員」Cuban這麼說 "Chandler is somebody who can be a glue guy. He's somebody who can score. He's somebody who can pass. He's somebody who can pass or create. He also throws the lob, and he's got a great floater. And he's somebody who can learn from Dirk. He just brought a lot of things to the table. 「Parsons是那種可以活絡串聯整個球隊的那種人;他可以得分;他也可以傳球;他甚至可 以創造得分機會。他會高拋製造Alley-oop也可以使用拋投取分。此外,待在Dirk身旁,他 可以從中學習到很多事情。他的多才多藝可以幫助整個球隊。」 "No matter how you look at it -- eye test, Synergy [Sports Technology], analytics -- I think he's the type of player who's going to add value to our team and make other players better." 「無論你怎麼看待此事,目測憑感覺、利用運動科技輔助、分析數據-我認為他是那種可以 替球隊創造機會並讓整個球隊變得更好」Cuban這麼解釋 The trouble for the Mavericks is that Parsons, like two of the other top-five targets on Dallas' list, was a dreaded restricted free agent, which put them at great risk to strike out again. But they went into July anyway with the plan to chase Melo and LeBron for as long as it made sense ... and then to zero in on the most gettable of the three restricteds they coveted. 對小牛來說麻煩的地方在於,Parsons和其他兩個處在小牛「自由市場頭號補強五人名單」 中的球員,是最不受歡迎的"受限制自由球員",會讓小牛處於巨大風險且可能再次於今年夏 天一事無成。但無論如何,自由市場開市後,只有有機會,小牛依舊執行追求LBJ和Melo的 計畫。然後於失敗後,將目標轉向那有可能得到的三位"受限制自由球員" Those three: Gordon Hayward, Eric Bledsoe and the kid from Casselberry, Florida, who says he used to "wear Dirk jerseys to Orlando games" as a kid whenever the Mavs were in town. 那三個受限制自由球員分別是:「Gordon Hayward、Eric Bledsoe以及一個來自佛羅里達的 Casselberry,並說當他小時候,每次只要小牛來到Orlando比賽,他總是穿著印有Dirk字樣 的衣服去看比賽的小孩-Chandler Parsons」 "LeBron and Melo, those are long shots," Cuban concedes. "But you do 'em because you have to run things out. People give you a hard time when you don't get this person or that person, but you never win any games you don't play. And in the worst case you develop a relationship for the next time something comes up. It's as much about trying to develop relationships as it is about trying to hit the home run. 「小牛對LBJ和Melo來說都並非所屬意的球隊」:Cuban這樣承認 「但你必須去追求他們,因為你必須盡力去嘗試直到結果出爐。人們會因此批評你為什麼 無法招募到這個球員或者那個球員,但假如你沒有開始去做,你永遠不可能是最終的贏家 招募自由球員會帶來最差的結果並非一事無成,而是你們之間會建立起一段關係,並替將 來做足準備,而下次你可能就會憑藉著這段交情轟出逆轉全壘打 "When it comes to restricted free agency, you look at what it takes to get the player away and you can't pay less than that. We went through and looked at all the numbers and all the permutations, and we realized that the pricing for free agents in this market was going to be far more than anybody expected, just because of how cap room was playing out and who the free agents were." 當你的目標是"受限制自由球員時",你必須評估怎樣的價碼才能把他從別隊帶走,而且你絕 對不能開出低於評估的價碼的合約。我們檢視了所有數據和合約的可能排列組合,然後我們 明白我們必須提出的價碼將超出許多人的預期。這是思考了薪資空間的使用以及選擇追求哪 個自由球員後所得到的數字。 And that, Cuban revealed, led to a series of internal meetings to let various key members of the Mavericks know that Parsons -- if Dallas could get him -- would likely make more money in the coming season than anyone except Tyson Chandler, who is playing out the final season of a four-year, $55.4 million contract he got from the Knicks when the Mavs initially decided they wouldn't be keeping their title team together after the 2011 lockout and the new labor agreement it spawned. 在那之後,Cuban表示,小牛內部開了一連串的會議,好讓球隊內的重要組成份子知道如果 小牛真的有幸拿下Parsons,薪水將是隊內第二高薪,僅輸給Tyson Chandler【Tyson的合約 是四年前所簽下55.4m/4Y的合約,今年是最後一年,薪資是$ 14,596,888】 "First I had to tell our coaches that all the value propositions we calculated and planned for [going into the summer] were wrong," Cuban said. "Then I had the same conversation with Dirk. Then I had the same conversation with Monta [Ellis]. Then I had somewhat of the same conversation with Vince [Carter] ... and, obviously, that didn't help [because Carter would later sign with the Memphis Grizzlies]. 「首先我必須告訴教練團一件事-『小牛制服組這個夏天為Parsons所開出的價碼並不是他 "現在的價值"』我也把這段話告訴了Dirk,同時也跟Monta和Carter說了,但顯然並不是 所有對談都有效果!」【Carter最終以12m/3y簽約灰熊】:Cuban這麼說到 "I didn't want any of them to think that valuations and prices reflected how we felt about new players versus how we felt about them. It was important for me to be inclusive with all of our guys so they knew what was going on. I explained to Monta that this is not how we value you relative to [Parsons]; it was just the price of poker. And he said: 'I got you, Mark. I trust you. I understand what you're saying.'" 「我不希望球隊中的成員有這樣的想法-『球員所能貢獻的價值和薪水高低是小牛對待隊內 成員的區別所在』。對我來說,能讓他們明白這點以及知道制服組想要做什麼是非常重要的 一件事。我向Monta解釋-為了在"受限制自由球員爭奪戰"中勝出,制服組必須向Parsons 開出46m/3y的價碼,但不代表Monta你的價值在我們眼中只有8m。而Ellis則是這樣回應我: 『我懂你,Mark,我也信任你,我理解你想要向我表達的意思」 Ellis' arrival, after Houston beat Dallas and the Los Angeles Lakers in the Howard sweepstakes, had saved Dallas' summer in 2013 when he clicked instantly with Nowitzki as Dirk's new pick-and-roll partner. The huge pay cut Nowitzki then authorized this past summer, dropping his salary from nearly $23 million last season to $8 million this season, means he and Ellis are sporting twin three-year, $25 million deals that left enough salary-cap space for the Mavericks to construct the offer sheet to Parsons that Houston found unpalatable. 在休士頓打敗達拉斯和洛杉磯贏得了"魔獸爭奪戰"後,Ellis作為新援來到了小牛。而他和 Dirk組成的"新擋拆組合"證明了小牛制服組於2013年夏天所做的決定是對的。此外,Dirk 大幅的降薪,所簽訂的新約乃25m/3y,就如去年Ellis答應的25m/3y一般,給予小牛足夠的 薪資空間以便開出一張休士頓無法承受的合約給Parsons。 No surprise, then, that Mavs coach Rick Carlisle has been pushing Parsons for weeks, not waiting for training camp to challenge the new guy. According to Parsons, Carlisle made a habit in recent weeks of texting pictures of the Mavericks' empty locker room at nights, jokingly challenging Parsons -- before he had even moved to Dallas -- to explain himself as to why he wasn't there. The message: We expect you to put in overtime to live up to what we have planned for you. 毫無意外的, Rick Carlisle等不及訓練營開始已經不斷的鞭策著Parsons前進。根據 Parsons的說法,Carlisle最近養成在深夜傳送"小牛空無一人的休息室"照片給他,開玩笑 似的詢問Parsons為何不在球場訓練,這個舉動在Parsons搬去Dallas之前就開始了。而隨著 照片附帶的訊息則是:「我們希望你能夠加緊苦練,以符合我們對你的期待」 "He's a sponge, and he wants to be coached hard," Carlisle said. "We love him, and he's going to be a terrific player for us." 「他就像個海綿一樣拼命的吸收和學習,而且他希望被盡情鞭策指導」:Carlisle這麼說 「我們喜歡他,而且他將在此成為一名十分出色的球員」 Said Nowitzki: "I like him a lot. For a big guy, he's really, really versatile. He doesn't just shoot it. He's a 6-9 guy who can run a pick-and-roll and is a great passer for his size. He's better at ballhandling and passing than I've ever been. Offensive rebounding -- he sneaks in there and gets a few. He makes plays on the ball, off the ball. He's a really, really smart player. He can do a little bit of everything." 「我非常喜歡他,對一個大個子來說,他真是多才多藝,他不僅投射技巧出眾,還是一名 身高6-9卻可以執行pick-and-roll的球員,且以他的身形來說,他也擁有良好的傳球技術。 他比我更善於護球和傳球。而對於進攻籃板,他有著不錯的嗅覺並能在一場比賽中摘下幾顆 。無論有球或無球他都可以執行戰術。他真是名非常聰明的球員。在球場上需要的技巧他都 擁有一點。」Dirk這樣評價Parsons 未完待續... 下集預告:火箭的如意算盤、如何訂定一個"毒藥"合約、我兩惺惺相惜情不自禁 (希望小牛對火箭賽前能翻完...) 我的文章更新都在KaL-EL Sports:https://www.facebook.com/KaLELsports -- 如何嘴砲 反駁對方的重點──◢◣確實指出人家論點的錯誤性 ψQSWEET 駁斥────── 用引言指出對方錯誤或矛盾的地方( 優質論文) 在嘴砲王 相反的觀點──◢████◣列出相反的論點並以事實當證據( 辯論社) 應該出現 矛盾────◢██████◣列出相反的論點但不加以證實( 論壇) 的元素 攻擊態度◢████████◣質疑對方的態度和口氣 ( 匿名版) 人身攻擊偏見▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄攻擊身份和能耐幹你娘(小朋友) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1416586531.A.6B4.html ※ 編輯: feafow5221 (, 11/22/2014 00:15:44

11/22 00:25, , 1F
11/22 00:25, 1F

11/22 00:41, , 2F
11/22 00:41, 2F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: feafow5221 (, 11/22/2014 00:43:38 ※ 編輯: feafow5221 (, 11/22/2014 00:49:22

11/22 00:57, , 3F
11/22 00:57, 3F

11/22 00:57, , 4F
11/22 00:57, 4F

11/22 01:02, , 5F
11/22 01:02, 5F

11/22 01:03, , 6F
這老闆真的不簡單 帶兵先帶心啊
11/22 01:03, 6F

11/22 01:09, , 7F
原來火箭開出的約跟小牛約只差一年而已 金額差不多
11/22 01:09, 7F
雖然(二)才會提到合約的問題,先大略說明一下好了 如果火箭Match合約,根據規定 1.被Match的球員第一年有球員交易否決權 2.當明後年薪資上漲後 15%的交易保證金也會同步上漲,那交易便的困難 3.第三年有球員選項,火箭Match會使的魔獸和cp同一年變成自由球員,他們的經紀人又是 同一人對火箭來說操作起來很麻煩 4.第三年的球員選擇會讓其他球隊考慮交易他的後果,當第二年可以自由交易,卻可能只 能擁有cp25一年,就如同今年灰狼隊love的情形一般 這幾點是火箭之所以不Match的因素之一

11/22 01:17, , 8F
11/22 01:17, 8F

11/22 01:43, , 9F
11/22 01:43, 9F
※ 編輯: feafow5221 (, 11/22/2014 01:46:30

11/22 01:47, , 10F
11/22 01:47, 10F

11/22 01:54, , 11F
我覺得金額問題到還好 但這合約設計就是專門在針對
11/22 01:54, 11F

11/22 01:54, , 12F
喜愛交易莫雷訂的 幾乎把交易的路封死了
11/22 01:54, 12F

11/22 02:03, , 13F
推推 傳照片超好笑 顆顆
11/22 02:03, 13F

11/22 02:17, , 14F
11/22 02:17, 14F

11/22 02:18, , 15F
11/22 02:18, 15F

11/22 02:42, , 16F
好長的翻譯 推
11/22 02:42, 16F

11/22 02:48, , 17F
11/22 02:48, 17F

11/22 02:50, , 18F
11/22 02:50, 18F

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11/22 03:23, 20F

11/22 03:35, , 21F
11/22 03:35, 21F

11/22 03:49, , 22F
11/22 03:49, 22F

11/22 04:31, , 23F
11/22 04:31, 23F

11/22 04:39, , 24F
11/22 04:39, 24F

11/22 04:48, , 25F
11/22 04:48, 25F

11/22 06:13, , 26F
11/22 06:13, 26F

11/22 06:18, , 27F
推 公主
11/22 06:18, 27F

11/22 07:34, , 28F
11/22 07:34, 28F

11/22 08:48, , 29F
11/22 08:48, 29F

11/22 11:12, , 30F
11/22 11:12, 30F

11/22 14:53, , 31F
辛苦 推
11/22 14:53, 31F
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