[外絮] Magic稱讚LBJ的社會評論

看板NBA作者 (佚肥不了)時間9年前 (2014/12/07 20:56), 編輯推噓13(1412)
留言17則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
TORONTO -- Decades after he started to become known just as much as an advocate for AIDS and HIV awareness as he was for being a basketball player, Magic Johnson challenged today's athletes to use their platform to take up a cause. 在從籃球選手變成推動愛滋防範運動的代言人之後 MAGIC呼籲今天的運動員們用他們的影響力來影響社會 And he commended LeBron James for doing just that. "They have to get involved socially," Johnson said Friday at The Giant of Africa, a benefit organized by Toronto Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri to honor the late former South African president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela on the first anniversary of his death. "They have to because it affects them, too. And it affects their families. They grew up in these situations; they must not forget that. They [were] once poor, they went to inner-city schools that didn't have technology or computers, they didn't have good books. See, I went through that whole situation. They went through that as well. A lot of their cousins are still going through that, so they must not forget that. I hope that they would do more. 他們必須參加這個社會 JOHNSON在星期五的一個由暴龍隊主辦的慈善晚宴上說 (這個晚宴是為了紀念前南非總統曼德拉逝世一周年) 他們必須要這麼做因為這個也會影響他們和他們的家人 他們在這種環境下長大 他們絕對不能忘記之前的情況 他們曾經貧窮 他們去市中心的學校上課 而這些學校通常沒有科技產品或電腦 他們也沒有好的教科書 看看 我經歷了這一切 他們也是 他們的一些姪兒們也正在 所以他們絕對不能忘記那一切 我希望他們能做更多(慈善的事) "But you see LeBron. LeBron is a great example of doing a wonderful job. When this first came out, when you think about everything that he stood up for -- the Donald Sterling thing, when that mess happened, just now with these young people being shot down unarmed, he's been right out front, so I've got to give him a lot of credit. If he's out front being the best player, then the other guys usually follow the best guy." 但是你看看LBJ 他是一個絕佳的例子 當這一開始發生 當你想起他曾經站起來指責Donald Sterling(前快艇隊老闆 曾發表對黑人不當言論) 然後現在這些手無寸鐵的黑人少年被擊殺 他早就站出來了 所以 我必須要稱讚她 如果站在前頭的是像他這種頂尖球員 其他球員也會跟著效法的 On several occasions over the past two weeks, James has not shied away from questions about the social unrest stemming from the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner in New York and 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, which all came at the hands of police officers. 在過去兩周不同的情況裡 姆斯從來沒有逃避回答關於最近的社會騷動的問題 (從Ferguson事件到Eric Garner還有Tamir Rice) 全部都是與警察大人有關的 "It's a sensitive subject right now," James said Thursday. "Violence is not the answer, and retaliation isn't the solution. As a society, we just have to do better. I pray for the families of the lost ones." 這現在是個敏感的話題 姆斯在星期四說 暴力不是答案 報復也不是解決方法 作為一個社會 我們必須要做得更好 我為那些失去親人的家庭祈禱 Johnson also preached peace as the U.S. finds itself in a precarious situation, pointing to Mandela's work with race relations in South Africa as an example to follow. JOHNSON也提倡和平 特別當美國正在這個不安定的時刻要尋找方向 他也特別指出了曼德拉在族群關係所設下的典範值得美國去追隨 "For us to change things, we have to get people to the table that can bring about change," Johnson said. "We've got to do it in a peaceful way. What Nelson was able to do was bring people, motivate people, educate people, and then go have them go out and be his ambassadors to bring about change. You see? That's what he was a master of. And so what we have to do in the States is do the same thing: bring about like-minded people who can bring about change. But not just lip service because we've had enough lip service. 如果我們要改變事情 我們必須要找到能改變事情的人 JOHNSON說 我們一直和平的在做這件事 曼德拉教育他們的人民 鼓動他們 然後讓他們出去當傳遞他想法的使者 如此才能造成改變 你看到了嗎 這就是他厲害的地方 所以我們必須要做同樣的事 帶著有一樣想法的人們去改變事情 而不是一直鍵盤支持 因為我們已經有太多鍵盤支持了 "If it's just talk and [African-Americans] still stay suppressed and think that people don't care about them, then the same thing is going to happen. And so it's going to be important that these meetings take place and we can really bring about serious change because the distrust and the disconnect is huge. Make no mistake about it. It's bigger than we've seen on TV. Blacks don't think that they're ever going to get a fair shake; they think every time the police is coming, it's going to be trouble. And so we've got to really make sure we can bring about serious change on everybody's side. On minorities' side as well as the law enforcement side, as well as the government side. 'Cause everybody gotta come together on this thing." 如果我們只是講講而那些黑人依然受到壓迫 然後他們會想根本沒人在乎他 同樣的事之後又會發生 所以這些活動很重要 因此我們可以做出重大改變 因為這個不信任和代溝非常深 千真萬確 這比我們在電視上看到的更嚴重 黑人們總覺得他們總是受到不公平的對待 他們想著警察一來 肯定又要有麻煩了 所以我們必須確保能在每個人的身上都做出改變 不管是在少數族群或著法律上面 或政府上 因為每個人都在乎這件事 Johnson was one of several NBA dignitaries to attend, along with Charles Barkley, Dikembe Mutombo, Tracy McGrady and the league's deputy commissioner, Mark Tatum. The event included a $2,500-per-person entry fee to attend a private panel discussion with the special guests before the game, with proceeds supporting the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Ujiri's nonprofit organization, Giants of Africa, which uses basketball to educate and enrich the lives of youth in Africa. JOHNSON是少數幾個參加這個活動的NBA知名人士 還有惡漢 木桶伯 T-MAC 還有NBA副總裁MARK TATUM 這個活動要交2500鎂才能參加私人的小組討論 這些錢全部都要捐給曼德拉基金會還有UJIEI的非營利機構 非洲的巨人 用籃球來教育和改善非洲的青年 "The world is not in a good place, in my opinion, and [Mandela] makes it better," Ujiri said, sharing that when he met Mandela face to face in 2006, it "changed everything" for the Nigeria native. "I think he's going to be bigger, even though he's passed. He was bigger than life." 我覺得這世界並不美好 但是曼德拉改善他了 他也分享他在2006年當面見到曼德拉 在一個幫助奈及利亞人民的活動 我想他正茁壯著 即使他已經過世了 他還是比生命更強壯 Johnson, Barkley, Mutombo and McGrady were greeted with standing ovations by the Air Canada Centre crowd during various timeouts throughout the Raptors' loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers. JOHNSON 惡漢 木桶伯和T-MAC在暴龍主場被全場鼓掌迎接 在星期三輸給騎士的比賽 "It's incredible," Ujiri said. "To see Magic, Dikembe, Charles, all these guys here, you can't ask for anything better, and they came just like that. ... Everybody has embraced it. It's touching for me." 能看到這些傢伙同聚一堂真是不可思議 你不能再要求更多了 他們還是一樣... 每個人都包容 這真的感動我 James called the Mandela event "bigger than basketball." "That's a man that not only represented his own homeland, [but] not only in America and here in Canada, he spoke volumes in all parts of the world," James said. "It just goes to show what one man can do by his voice's power, and for us to be able to celebrate him and the greatest game in the world, basketball, it was pretty cool." 姆斯也說這個活動更勝過籃球 這是一個不只代表他家鄉的人(曼德拉) 而也在美國和加拿大 他在全世界說話都很有份量 姆斯說 這展現了一個人用他的聲音能做的事 而對我們來說 能讚揚他還有這場偉大的比賽 這真是太酷了 Toronto coach Dwane Casey was impressed by his GM's vision for the event. "It's great," Casey said. "I think that is great for the community, for the cause, for what [Ujiri] stands for, for what's going on in the States right now, I think it says a lot that he can pull it off and have everyone come here and honor Nelson Mandela and what he stood for. I think it speaks a lot about the good in people and the good in mankind." 暴龍隊教練Dwane Casey也對GM辦這個活動的眼光非常激賞 這非常棒 CASEY說 我想這對社區很棒 對這個目標 對UJIRI想要代表的 對這個國家所正在發生的(黑人事件) 我想他在這個活動上所做的努力 然後讓大家齊聚在這去紀念曼德拉 有著許多的意義 我想這代表了很多人心中的善念 Cavaliers coach David Blatt, no stranger to the cross section between sports and society having coached in the Middle East for years, said athletes can always have a greater impact than just in the games they play. 騎士總教練BLATT也不是對著個議題陌生的人(他曾在中東帶隊帶了好幾年) 也說運動員能有更大的影響力 而不只是在球賽上 "I've always felt that sports and sportsmen are amongst the great ambassadors for spreading goodwill and the right message," Blatt said. "Certainly, Nelson Mandela was a champion, if not the champion, for peace and for bringing people together and fostering understanding. [He was] an example for overcoming adversity and adhering to principles that are valuable to all of us, and he [was] an example to all of us." 我常常覺得運動和運動員 是最好傳播善意和正確訊息的代表 BLATT說 確實 曼德拉是一個冠軍 對於和平和團結人們及促進了解 他是一個打破對立和遵守原則的最佳典範 他的訓示 是我們所有人都該學習的對象 Like Johnson, Blatt sees the significance of James speaking up. "First of all, LeBron, in addition to being one of the great basketball players of all time, is a man and a human being who has and should voice his opinion on issues that are of importance to him and importance to all of us," Blatt said. "And I admire him for it." 就像JOHNSON BLATT也看到了姆斯開口的重要性 第一 姆斯 除了是一個偉大的籃球員 也是一個有 而且必須開口說出對他切身相關 而且重要事情意見的人 BLATT說 而我讚賞他的行為 SOURCE:http://ppt.cc/AQby 姆斯有考慮跨足政治嗎>< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1417957002.A.89C.html

12/07 20:57, , 1F
難怪離開WADE 不意外~
12/07 20:57, 1F

12/07 21:00, , 2F
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12/07 21:05, , 3F
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12/07 21:09, , 4F
1F 壓力太大記得出門走走啊 這樣下去會有病喔
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12/08 00:05, , 14F
改名Dr. King James好了
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酸酸: 那又怎樣 還不是愛抱大腿 我才不稀罕呢 亨
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Paraguay:轉錄至看板 LeBronJames 12/08 23:15
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