[情報] LeBron James去各隊的機率

看板NBA作者 (大頭)時間9年前 (2015/06/29 06:09), 編輯推噓23(28535)
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消息來源:CBS 內容: What percentage chance does your team have of signing LeBron James By Matt Moore | NBA writer LeBron James is a free agent! He opted out of his contract! Everyone run around with their heads falling off! Mass panic! OK, now that we've played pretend, we can talk about how LeBron James isn't going anywhere. Ken Berger of CBSSports.com has been reporting for weeks that James would likely opt out but would also in every possible likelihood re-sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers after they get done with all their free agent signings, re-signings, and whatever machinations GM David Griffin has to offer. But nothing in this world is ever really certain, is it? So with that, we present your complete guide to your team's chances of signing LeBron James. All percentages based on a very advanced formula of my making them completely up off the top of my head and should be taken seriously by no one. Cleveland Cavaliers: 95 percent. On first glance, this seems low. It feels much more like 99.9999 percent. After all, first and foremost, James just went to Cleveland. If the hit from him leaving the first time was rough on his PR -- and it was -- it would be downright catastrophic this time around. You just can't do that to Cleveland twice. You just can't. He likes to vacation there, he calls Northeast Ohio home. There's just no going back. Second, the team's pretty good, to use an understatement. They just pushed the Warriors to six games in the Finals and did so without Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. They play in the soft Eastern Conference and will likely only get better this summer. Meanwhile if he were to go West he takes less money (if he signs a long-term deal) and has to play the gauntlet year in and year out. He also enjoys unprecedented power and control in Cleveland. James runs the joint. Whatever he wants, he's going to get, and nowhere else will offer him that kind of over-arching influence in everything from marketing to how the locker room is to the roster to personnel decisions. So why the five percent? Well, for one, if the situation played out 95 out of 100 times, there's the slightest chance that he might just not care about the PR hit. He might feel like for his business, he needs to go to LA, that he needs to challenge himself in the West, that he needs a fresh start. He might decide that the Cavaliers' collective immaturity is simply too much to deal with this late in his career. (James was frustrated with that aspect for months this year.) Those things are really unlikely to happen. Really, very, seriously unlikely. But the possibility does exist, so we'll leave a five percent chance open. That said, this list should be considered as an overall mockery of the idea he's going anywhere else. Miami Heat: 0.000000001 percent. You mean other than the way that Pat Riley publicly gave him a passive-aggressive talking to last year without naming him, or the fact that the roster has major holes and injury concerns or that the team is screwing around with his good friend Dwyane Wade, the franchise icon after James had gotten mad about them letting Mike Miller go? No, other than that, I don't see any reason James returns to South Beach. Some bridges have just been burned to ash. Los Angeles Clippers: 1 percent. Yeah, they'd have to figure out a sign-and-trade with DeAndre Jordan either to the Clippers or somewhere else, and even then the math might not work. And yeah, it would be a step-down, honestly, in terms of the long-term future potential of the franchise. But James' best friend has always been said to be Chris Paul. Not Carmelo Anthony, not Dwyane Wade. At least among players, his closest associate has been said to be Paul. James could help get Paul the ring he's been after, and Blake Griffin would serve as the Bosh of the situation. It gives him proximity to Hollywood, after the man has had his own cartoon show, done a dozen acting spots and appears in a major motion picture "Trainwreck" with Amy Schumer and Bill Hader this summer. Sacramento Kings: .000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent. This would be the greatest story in the history of sports. "I decided that I felt so bad for how they were being run, that I just had to come help. When your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't stop to ask if they deserve to have the fire put out" is how I would imagine the introductory press conference goes. Vivek Ranadive makes Dan Gilbert look like Peter Holt when it comes to exemplary NBA ownership, and if James wants to prove he can make any owner look good, there it is. It also means moving to Sacramento, which I would have to imagine is like the Cleveland of California. Los Angeles Lakers: 2 percent. Yup. They have a better shot than the Clippers, only because of how easy it would be for them to sign him. He gets to be in LA. He gets to play with a young dynamic point guard. They have cap space to get crazy and go sign another star if they can cram them in at a discount like the Heat did in 2010. It's a marquee franchise. It's considered to be well-run by players. And beyond all that, he gets to lord it over Kobe Bryant that he brought him back to relevance. James doesn't think like that. But it would be a nice bonus, one would think. The weather's nice, the jerseys pop, and the nightlife is incredible. It's not really where James is at in his life, but hey, stranger things have happened. New York Knicks: 0.5 percent. He gets to go save his buddy, Melo, and play for the Zen Master. The Triangle wouldn't be the worst fit for him, and his business exploits in New York would skyrocket. I don't know if it's possible for him to be an even bigger star than he is now, but if he were in New York, he would be. You resurrect the Knicks, you're a sports legend forever. You fail, and you... well... er... oh, hey, Melo. San Antonio Spurs: 0.5 percent. I mean, he'd have to take a paycut and he'd have to play in the snake-infested, bat-infested, air-conditioning-less pit of AT&T Center and deal with flashbacks to the air conditioning going out, but hey. He gets to play in a small market, which he's fine with, with nice hot weather, help Tim Duncan win No.6, play for Gregg Popovich, and be part of an organization that really runs itself the right way. He and Kawhi Leonard would form a duo of destruction for the remainder of his career, extending the Spurs' streak of 50-win seasons into 2020 and beyond. Phoenix Suns: 0.3 percent. He would never do this, even if he was leaving, but man should he think about it. The Suns' training staff would get him to play until he was 45 and he'd break every statistical record in history. Plus he could play with his fellow-Rich-Paul-representative friend Eric Bledsoe, and a talented roster with lots of flexibility. He could do what Barkley never could there. Philadelphia 76ers: 0.05 percent. I mean, he could just sit the entire season out while they tank, collect a paycheck and live comfortably. Brooklyn Nets: 0.05 percent. It's not every day you get to abandon your home-state team for a second time, breaking the hearts of millions while forcing a sign-and-trade that forces your old team to take the broken down contract of Joe Johnson or Deron Williams as you join a team that has no upside, limited talent and a coach that will wear you down in the post. Sounds like a great opportunity to me. Denver Nuggets: 0.05 percent. The Nuggets would be uninterested in signing James as he does not have Euroleague experience. Milwaukee Bucks: 0.05 percent. Come on, it's at least fun to think about James, Jabari Parker, and Giannis Antetokounmpo running the floor. Utah Jazz: 0.05 percent. Think of it this way, he'd get a bunch of Sunday off to spend with his kids. Portland Trail Blazers: 0.05 percent. Maybe he's just really into the independent art scene and designer doughnuts. Or he's a big Decemberists fan. He does like to ride his bicycle, apparently. Dallas Mavericks: 0.01 percent. Would be worth it just to see the press conference where James tries to play it straight and Donnie Nelson tries to play it straight and Mark Cuban runs around the room spraying everyone with champagne and screaming "Say my name!" Atlanta Hawks: 0.15 percent. A smart coach, a talented roster, and he gets to help new owner Grant Hill win a title. Also: would aggravate Pat Riley to no end. Heck, throw the Orlando Magic on the same odds. Chicago Bulls: 0.15 percent. Worth it just for the chance to continue in Jordan's legacy and to see Bulls fans do a complete 180 on their opinion of him. "Retirement:" 0.02 percent. James loves the game. But he could take a year, maybe two, and just rest his body. He could take up another sport, say, oh, I don't know, baseball, and then make a dramatic return in two years... Nah, who'd believe that could happen? Return to home planet: "Whatever the number is when you subtract all the numbers above from 100 percent" chance. Come on, you don't really think the guy's human, do you? 短評或心得: 續留騎士95% 湖人2% 快艇1% 尼克&馬刺0.5% -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1435529384.A.182.html

06/29 06:14, , 1F
06/29 06:14, 1F

06/29 06:17, , 2F
06/29 06:17, 2F

06/29 06:17, , 3F
95+2+1+0.5+0.5=99 剩下那1趴在哪
06/29 06:17, 3F

06/29 06:20, , 4F
06/29 06:20, 4F

06/29 06:21, , 5F
全篇真的好笑 特別是國枉跟七六人
06/29 06:21, 5F

06/29 06:22, , 6F
06/29 06:22, 6F

06/29 06:28, , 7F
06/29 06:28, 7F

06/29 06:30, , 8F
06/29 06:30, 8F

06/29 06:36, , 9F
06/29 06:36, 9F

06/29 06:37, , 10F
06/29 06:37, 10F

06/29 06:37, , 11F
我直接說100% 預測比這篇準5%
06/29 06:37, 11F

06/29 06:38, , 12F
06/29 06:38, 12F

06/29 06:41, , 13F
今年也沒啥隊伍特別在拉他阿 很怪 ㄎㄎ
06/29 06:41, 13F

06/29 06:48, , 14F
06/29 06:48, 14F

06/29 06:48, , 15F
06/29 06:48, 15F

06/29 06:49, , 16F
06/29 06:49, 16F

06/29 06:52, , 17F
06/29 06:52, 17F

06/29 06:57, , 18F
06/29 06:57, 18F

06/29 06:57, , 19F
2K的LBJ 幾乎都是去太陽 魔術
06/29 06:57, 19F

06/29 06:59, , 20F
06/29 06:59, 20F

06/29 07:32, , 21F
06/29 07:32, 21F

06/29 07:35, , 22F
今年去哪已經不重要了 只要知道LBJ以後都簽1+1
06/29 07:35, 22F

06/29 07:36, , 23F
每年都在耍大家 快補強喔 不然我ooxx 結果是後球迷
06/29 07:36, 23F

06/29 07:36, , 24F
又會說LBJ哪有錯 他本來就FA 又沒承諾任何誰!!
06/29 07:36, 24F

06/29 07:36, , 25F
只能說LBJ除了刷數據 刷歷史以外 連這種無聊的做法
06/29 07:36, 25F

06/29 07:36, , 26F
都能每次使出來 真的讓人大開眼界了
06/29 07:36, 26F

06/29 07:36, , 27F
06/29 07:36, 27F

06/29 07:37, , 28F
06/29 07:37, 28F

06/29 07:37, , 29F
別人簽這種約又預期回母隊的話 原本是有利球隊彈性
06/29 07:37, 29F

06/29 07:38, , 30F
結果被LBJ搞成每年來威脅球隊 然後自己又想年年拿頂
06/29 07:38, 30F

06/29 07:38, , 31F
06/29 07:38, 31F

06/29 07:38, , 32F
看bosh跟wade明明做法一樣 怎麼簽大約的反而會靠北
06/29 07:38, 32F

06/29 07:38, , 33F
要是不小心受傷就真的是聰明過頭了 就像今年挑對手
06/29 07:38, 33F

06/29 07:39, , 34F
原因就是LBJ很愛暗示人配合他 事後再來喊:我沒承諾
06/29 07:39, 34F

06/29 07:39, , 35F
06/29 07:39, 35F

06/29 07:41, , 36F
06/29 07:41, 36F

06/29 07:43, , 37F
06/29 07:43, 37F

06/29 07:45, , 38F
06/29 07:45, 38F

06/29 07:45, , 39F
06/29 07:45, 39F

06/29 07:53, , 40F
咦 酸酸不是都要岔賭雞排賭LBJ轉隊嗎?
06/29 07:53, 40F

06/29 08:02, , 41F
LBJ:not 1(team), not 2(teams), not3 (teams)
06/29 08:02, 41F

06/29 08:02, , 42F
06/29 08:02, 42F

06/29 08:06, , 43F
06/29 08:06, 43F

06/29 08:06, , 44F
06/29 08:06, 44F

06/29 08:07, , 45F
06/29 08:07, 45F

06/29 08:10, , 46F
06/29 08:10, 46F

06/29 08:12, , 47F
06/29 08:12, 47F

06/29 08:16, , 48F
06/29 08:16, 48F

06/29 08:16, , 49F
06/29 08:16, 49F

06/29 08:17, , 50F
06/29 08:17, 50F

06/29 08:48, , 51F
06/29 08:48, 51F

06/29 08:58, , 52F
06/29 08:58, 52F

06/29 09:00, , 53F
06/29 09:00, 53F

06/29 09:20, , 54F
06/29 09:20, 54F

06/29 09:26, , 55F
06/29 09:26, 55F

06/29 09:34, , 56F
放屁 這三小自慰數據
06/29 09:34, 56F

06/29 09:34, , 57F
別傻了 西區0%
06/29 09:34, 57F

06/29 09:39, , 58F
Sacramento Kings: .00000000000000000000000000000
06/29 09:39, 58F

06/29 10:25, , 59F
反正轉隊抱腿不只一次了 去哪有差嗎?
06/29 10:25, 59F

06/29 10:38, , 60F
06/29 10:38, 60F

06/29 11:15, , 61F
06/29 11:15, 61F

06/29 11:19, , 62F
06/29 11:19, 62F

06/29 11:45, , 63F
06/29 11:45, 63F

06/29 11:52, , 64F
06/29 11:52, 64F

06/29 11:57, , 65F
0.02% 退休1~2年去打棒球,然後再戲劇性的宣布復出
06/29 11:57, 65F

06/29 12:45, , 66F
06/29 12:45, 66F

06/29 13:42, , 67F
06/29 13:42, 67F

06/29 14:08, , 68F
06/29 14:08, 68F
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